Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4027: The vicious female partner's mother 25

  Chapter 4027 The mother of a vicious female partner 25

  Han Xiaoxiao did not want to say more, so Pei Heng changed the subject.

  The two were eating and chatting. From the current international situation, when it comes to poetry and poetry, Han Xiaoxiao is very knowledgeable and Pei Heng is knowledgeable. When the two are inattentive, they talked about restaurant closing.

  Looking at the waiter's helpless look, the two smiled at each other.

  Walking out of the hotel, Han Xiaoxiao smiled and said to Pei Heng while calling the driver, “It’s a waste of Teacher Pei’s time.”

   Pei Heng waved his hand, "I am also very happy to chat with you. By the way, a new movie has been released recently, which is very good. Do you have time tomorrow? How about watching a movie together?"

  If Han Xiaoxiao’s appointment today is to thank Pei Heng, then Pei Heng took the initiative to invite to watch a movie because he clearly wanted to date.

  Han Xiaoxiao did not expect that Pei Heng would take the initiative to make an appointment with herself, and the little deer in her heart would hit her harder, and she kept asking her if you like the man in front of her.


  Gu Cheng's incident made Han Xiaoxiao have little expectation for love, so she turned it down, "I have something to do at home this weekend, let's get another day."

   Seeing that Han Xiaoxiao disagreed, Gu Cheng did not force it, so he said, "I will send you back!"

  Can't watch a movie together, it's okay to send it home.

  Dark night, enclosed space, it is easy to have ambiguous emotions for men and women who are interesting to each other.

  But what Pei Heng did not expect was that Han Xiaoxiao rejected him again, "The driver will be here soon, thank you Teacher Pei, goodbye."

   was rejected by Han Xiaoxiao again. Pei Heng's complexion was slightly ugly, but he knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he nodded and walked to the parking lot.

  After Pei Heng left, it took ten minutes for the driver to arrive.

   Seeing Han Xiaoxiao standing alone at the intersection, the driver hurriedly apologized, "Sorry, miss, I'm late."

  Han Xiaoxiao sat in the back seat, took out her mobile phone to send a message to her mother that he was going home tonight, and said, “It’s okay.”

  It's the rush hour now, there are traffic jams everywhere, and it's normal for drivers to come slowly.

  Seeing that Han Xiaoxiao was not angry, the driver breathed a sigh of relief and immediately started the car and drove towards the suburban villa.

  It’s just that, when I drove, I only heard a croak, the car swayed for a while, and the driver managed to stabilize the car with great effort. When I got out of the car, the tire burst.

  The driver cursed secretly and he was really unlucky, and said to Han Xiaoxiao, “Miss, the car has a puncture. You have a rest in the car. I will call the housekeeper immediately and send someone to pick you up again.”

  No one can predict such things as a puncture. Han Xiaoxiao hummed, picked up the phone and looked at the learning courseware.

  The driver was standing on the side of the road. After calling the housekeeper, he was about to call the tow truck. Suddenly, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

  Li Cui scolded his men; "You still want to take that little **** away for me?"

  The people who followed Li Cui immediately rushed over and directly pulled Han Xiaoxiao out.

  Han Xiaoxiao, who was watching the video, didn’t know what was going on. She was directly covered with a veil soaked in drugs and passed out.

  Looking at Han Xiaoxiao, who is exactly like Zeng Jiu, Li Cui's eyes were heavily disgusted, and she slapped her hand up.

   Seeing Han Xiaoxiao's cheeks swelled due to her actions, Zeng Jiu waved with satisfaction, and waved people to take Han Xiaoxiao away.

  When Han Xiaoxiao woke up, her mother's name kept coming to her ears. A woman stood in front of her repeatedly repeating the word Zeng Jiu. After speaking, she sneered and hung up the phone, and then walked to her.

  Seeing Han Xiaoxiao wake up, Li Cui raised his hand to slap twice, and then waved his hand to let his subordinates take Han Xiaoxiao to the dark room, while he stayed in the box and waited for Jiujiu's arrival.

Jiujiu's eyelids jumped after receiving a call from the housekeeper saying that Han Xiaoxiao’s car had a problem. When he received the housekeeper saying that he had found the car, but after Han Xiaoxiao disappeared, his bad premonition worsened. After Cui's phone call, Jiujiu knew that Li Cui couldn't deal with him, so he started with Han Xiaoxiao.

In the last life, Li Cui asked Han Chen to work hard for her. Han Xiaoxiao’s favorite fiance became Han Youyou’s pocket. Li Cui was so beautiful that he never let Han Xiaoxiao off. The design made Han Xiaoxiao dyed. Drug addiction, in this life, she has gained nothing, and even became a **** who everyone shouted and beaten. Li Cui hated Jiujiu even more. She acted on Han Xiaoxiao as expected.

"what do you want to do?"

The voice in the microphone was unexpectedly calm. Li Cui was stunned and laughed, “Zeng Jiu, your daughter is in my hands. If you don’t want her to die, come to X bar quickly, otherwise, just wait for her to be collected. Bar!"

  In the last life, Han Xiaoxiao was caught taking drugs in this bar by the police.

   Jiu Jiu's complexion darkened, and she said sternly, "If you let Xiaoxiao go, otherwise I won't let you die."

I thought that Zeng Jiu would panic when he heard Han Xiaoxiao in her hands, but she didn't expect that she would dare to threaten herself. Li Cui sneered, "I don't think you can see the coffin without crying, I'll say it again. I'll give you an hour, and if you don't have it in an hour, just wait to collect your baby girl's body."

  Li Cui wanted to hang up after speaking, but was blocked by Jiujiu's next sentence.

  Just listen, Jiujiu said, "If Xiao Xiao loses one hair, you can wait for Han Youyou's body to be collected."

  Threatening people, who wouldn’t?

  Jiu Jiu directly hung up after speaking, and asked the housekeeper to call the police while driving to the bar.

  Bar, of course, I want to go, not only because of Han Xiaoxiao, but also because Jiujiu wants to know what Li Cui is.

  In order to find out what Li Cui was, Jiujiu brought a bun.

  The bun turned into a ring and was carried by Jiujiu in his hand.

  Jiujiu's car drove very quickly, and it took only half an hour to reach the door of the bar.

  The bar did not stop business because Li Cui dealt with him. The bar was crowded with people. Two minutes after Jiujiu entered, he met several people who came to strike up a conversation.

  Jiujiu dismissed the person who hitched up, and walked towards the box in Li Cui’s mouth.

   Pushed the door open, there was only Li Cui inside.

  Seeing that Jiujiu was coming, Li Cui pulled the corners of her mouth open and showed a smug smile.

  Let Zeng Jiu's mouth be harder, not like a dog, come here obediently.

  Li Cui sneered, pointed to the seat opposite to him, raised his chin high up like a queen, and said, "Sit down."

  Jiu Jiu did not sit down, but stood in front of the door with her arms around her chest, looking at Li Cui warily, "Where is Xiaoxiao?"

   "Of course not here," Li Cui looked at Jiujiu's face the same as it was 20 years ago, with a faint jealousy in her heart.

  I have suffered so much to become what I am now, but Zeng Jiu paid nothing, but still maintained the appearance of a girl, which is really jealous.

   However, thinking about the plan for a while, Li Cui did not let his jealousy be allowed, "I am not stupid, she is naturally not here."

  (End of this chapter)

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