Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4028: The vicious female partner's mother 26

  Chapter 4028 The mother of a vicious female partner 26

Li Cui took out a bottle of liquid from her bag, placed it on the table, pointed to the liquid and said to Jiujiu, "Drink it and I will tell you where Han Xiaoxiao is? Otherwise, you won't even want to see you in your life. Daughter."

  The transparent glass bottle is filled with a shining green liquid, which emits a strange green light under the light, which makes people feel deeply cold.

  Jiu Jiu raised her finger to her face, and asked Li Cui, "Do I look like a fool?"

  The color of this thing is so weird, it has a problem at first sight, normal people can't drink it, Li Cui even let herself drink this thing.

Because Han Xiaoxiao was in his own hands, Li Cui didn't expect Jiujiu to refuse at all. Looking at Jiujiu's eyes were mixed with strong contempt and compassion, he sighed softly, and said quietly, "Why do you resist? ?"

  As long as Han Xiaoxiao is in her own hand for a second, Zeng Jiu will be controlled by her. Drink both morning and evening. Why do you want to resist?

  Li Cui’s words caused Jiujiu to laugh.

  Jiujiu looked at Li Cui and asked, "Why can't I resist?"

  Why, she is only allowed to harm others, and she is not allowed to resist. What is the reason?

Jiujiu’s rhetorical question caused Li Cui’s expression to stagnate for a moment. Li Cui looked at Jiujiu’s eyes full of deep hatred, and said in a cold tone, “This is what you deserve, you took Han Chen away. , You ruined my life."

  If it weren’t for this woman, how could Han Chen abandon himself and Youyou, if it weren’t for this woman, how could he suffer so much now, if it wasn’t for this woman...

  Anger was used from all directions like a tide to quickly drown Li Cui.

Jiujiu looked at Li Cui and said with a serious expression, "I have never robbed Han Chen. It was Han Chen who took the initiative to chase me. If you don’t believe me, I can ask those old classmates to testify for me. As for you, I It is even more nonsense to ruin your life. I have never seen you before. Why do you want to ruin you?

  Shouldn't it be Han Chen who really ruined your life?

  If he doesn’t like you, he shouldn’t be with you. Since he’s with you, he should abide by his duties, understand what is called Dan Dang, and assume the responsibilities of a husband.

  Han Shen doesn't like you to marry you. It's hypocritical. He doesn't want to be responsible for you after taking the money. He is irresponsible.

  You want revenge, shouldn’t you go to Han Chen, a hypocrite? "

  Obviously they were all poor people who were deceived by Han Chen, but Li Cui did not hate the culprit Han Chen, but instead hated Zeng Jiu, who was as innocent as her, which was ridiculous.

  For Jiujiu, Li Cui didn’t believe a punctuation mark, but kept repeating, “You are talking nonsense. If you weren’t seduce Han Chen, how could Han Chen like you.”

  Li Cui directly interrupted Jiujiu's words, then turned on the TV screen, and Han Xiaoxiao appeared on the screen instantly.

  Han Xiaoxiao was tied into a zongzi and tied to a stool, and there were several slap marks on his cheeks.

Faced with this kind of thing for the first time, Han Xiaoxiao’s beautiful eyes were full of fear, and in front of Han Xiaoxiao, there was a bottle of liquid that was exactly the same as that in front of Jiujiu, which flashed strangely under the light. , It stabbed Jiujiu's eyes deeply.

   Jiujiu's eyes darkened slightly, and she said coldly, "Li Cui, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Jiujiu panicked, Li Cui smiled triumphantly and pointed to the bottle on the table, "Either you drink it, or Han Xiaoxiao drink it. I'll give you three minutes to think about it. After three minutes, you If you don’t drink it, hehe..."

  Li Cui finished speaking, tilting Erlang's legs in a casual posture.

  Jiujiu glanced at Li Cui, then at Han Xiaoxiao on the TV screen, and finally made a decision.

   stepped to the table and picked up the bottle. Jiujiu unscrewed the cap while saying, "You can only let Xiaoxiao go and I will drink."

   Seeing Jiujiu finally succumbed, Li Cui's eyes flashed with excitement.

Just when Li Cuizhi was happy, Jiujiu rushed over and pinched Li Cui’s chin, poured the liquid in the bottle into Li Cui’s mouth, pinched the chin and forced Li Cui to drink all the liquid in the bottle. .

  Jiujiu's sudden attack caught Li Cui by surprise.

  Li Cui drank all the liquid in the bottle before he could react.

  The liquid in the bottle is a high-concentration medicine that I exchanged from the system. One drop can be addictive. I drink so much by myself...

  Li Cui was shocked, and as soon as he pushed Jiujiu away, he wanted to go home and ask the system for an antidote.


Before Li Cui ran out of the box, Jiujiu pulled her hair and pressed it against the wall.

  The medicine has already started to work in the body. Li Cui felt that her body was as soft as floating in the clouds, and her hands didn't have any strength, and she couldn't even push Jiujiu away.

  There was no way to resist, Li Cui could only threaten fiercely, "Zeng Jiu, Han Xiaoxiao is still in my hands, if you don’t want her to die, let me go quickly, otherwise..."

"Do you really think I came here without any preparation?" Seeing Li Cui's body limp because of the onset of the drug, Jiujiu leaned down and said to Li Cui's ear, "Li Cui, can you tell me, what are you doing? What is it?"

  Jiu Jiu's sudden rhetoric made Li Cui's heart twitch, Li Cui subconsciously looked at Jiu Jiu, and was startled by Jiu Jiu's eyes that saw everything.

  Li Cui subconsciously wanted to retreat, but behind it was an icy wall.

  Li Cui looked at Jiujiu with a pale face, and denied, "I don't know what you are talking about?"

   "I don't know what I'm talking about?" Jiujiu raised her eyebrows, "It doesn't matter what I said, then can you tell me, what's the matter with your face?"

  Jiujiu hugged Li Cui with one hand, and touched Li Cui's face with the other.

Li Cui’s face is very beautiful, his eyes are big, round and black and white, and his skin is as creamy as that of a baby’s skin. If such skin appears on the face of a girl in her twenties, Jiujiu wouldn’t find it strange, but it appears. In Li Cui, a woman from the mountain village who suffered countless tortures in the first half of her life, it was very strange.

What's more, in Zeng Jiu's memory, Li Cui didn't look like this before.

  The Li Cui standing in front of him, except for the brain that is comparable to a pig, everything else is fake.

  I was called by Jiujiu to break the most secret existence in his heart. Li Cui was so confused that he could no longer hide secrets, and kept calling the system in his heart, hoping that the system could help him escape.

  But the system that would appear when she shouted in the past, no matter how she called, it never appeared today.

  Li Cui bursts of sadness in his heart, is it really the heaven to kill me?

  "Stop calling, it's just an auxiliary system, I have taken care of it a long time ago."

  If this system hadn't been cleaned up by the dumplings, Jiujiu would really not dare to pour medicine into Li Cui's mouth.

  Li Cui has always regarded the system as a god. Unexpectedly, the system that he saw as a **** would be cleaned up by Jiujiu lightly. Li Cui felt like a lightning strike, instantly dumbfounded.

  (End of this chapter)

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