Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4042: Life ruined by cyber violence 13

  Chapter 4042 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 13

  When they thought of their son’s current appearance, the two immediately picked up their mobile phones and ran towards the son’s house, wanting to show the video to his son and let him understand that they would help him clean up his grievances.

  When he saw Granny Wang who was lying on the ground, her face was distorted due to pain, and she kept calling for help, Yuan Lei had only one thought in his mind.

  That is to help others.

  Sing in the lyrics, as long as everyone can give a piece of love, this world is a beautiful world.

  Yuan Lei has always believed that helping others is the greatest virtue. Therefore, when Mrs. Wang was full of tears and tried to reach out his hands for help, Yuan Lei did not hesitate to help Mrs. Wang.

  At the moment when the old lady Wang was lifted up, Yuan Lei's mind was not that he would be wronged, but that this old lady needed her own help.

  But what he didn't expect was that the old lady who was still begging him to help him on the ground just now changed her face instantly, holding his arm and shouting like a passerby, saying that he had pushed her to her.

  Yuan Lei never thought that a person’s heart can be so dark that he can be infinitely like a passerby who he has provided help without hesitation.

  Yuan Lei watched as a group of people suddenly emerged from the side, grabbed him, threatened him with words and force, and asked him to see Mrs. Wang.

Yuan Lei is just a child under the age of a teenager. When Mrs. Wang grabbed his hand, he was stunned. Suddenly so many people appeared, and he was frightened and stupefied in an instant. When he arrived, he had been taken to the hospital by the group of people.

   Soon, both parents and teachers came to the hospital.

  Seeing his parents, Yuan Lei finally found a harbour that he could rely on, and told his parents that he had been wronged, hoping that his parents could prove his innocence.

  But what he didn't expect was that although his parents believed his words, others didn't. They believed the old lady's.

And the old lady who was crying with her nose and tears a second before begging for help, now looking at herself fiercely, staring at herself fiercely like a ghost crawling out of hell, and gnashing her teeth and questioning him, "If it weren't for him Push, why should he help me?"

  Yuan Lei was stupid.

  He wanted to say, didn’t you let me help you?

  And, isn’t it taught by the teacher?

  He wants to help others!

  But, why did he help this old lady, he didn't get a word of thanks from the old lady, instead he was framed by the old lady as the culprit?

  He thought that raising this old lady was a pleasure and a simple effort, but he did not expect that this old lady would directly push him to the edge of pain and despair.

  The old lady is a devil, a devil without gratitude.

  At that time, Yuan Lei was full of endless confusion and panic, and the appearance of the old lady's son rushing to the school to pounce on him made Yuan Lei feel endless doubts.

  Obviously what she did was a good thing to help others, why not only did this old lady deny that she helped her, but instead framed him, saying that he pushed her to the ground?

  Why did the old lady’s son beat himself?

  Obviously what I did was a good thing, but why I didn’t get a good reward? On the contrary, I suffered countless torture and slander.

  This feeling reached its peak when parents sold the house for themselves.

  Although I have returned to my hometown, the people around me don’t know what I’ve experienced. The teachers and classmates are very good. Even the grandparents on the road are very kind, and occasionally they will ask about their physical condition with concern.

  But when he saw those old grandpas and grandmothers, Yuan Lei would instinctively resist.

  He knew that these grandpa and grandma were not like Mrs. Wang, each of them was very kind.

But the impression that Mrs. Wang left on him was so deep. The fear and disgust were so deeply etched in his bones that when he thought of Mrs. Wang, he would subconsciously hate the same age as Mrs. Wang. Old man and old lady.

  Yuan Lei understood that his thoughts were wrong. He knew very well that he was sick and his parents also found out that they were sick. He wanted to take himself to the doctor, but Yuan Lei did not want to go.

  If you didn’t support Mrs. Wang because of a momentary softheartedness, you wouldn’t have to encounter these things. Therefore, this disease is what he deserves, he should bear it, and it is the punishment for his injured parents to lose the house.

  Yuan Lei stubbornly thinks so.

  Thinking of the past, Yuan Lei couldn't help but sighed for a long time. He looked down at the densely packed topics on the homework. Yuan Lei sighed gently, continued reading, and prepared to use a good grade to reward his parents who gave everything for themselves.

  At this moment, the door of the room suddenly rang.

Yuan Lei’s parents value Yuan Lei’s son the most. When Yuan Lei is reading and studying, their movements will be much lighter than usual. They fear that the heavier movements will disturb his son’s learning.******* The knock on the door. Said it has never appeared before.

  This also shows that there is absolutely something that shocks the parents, otherwise they would not be so abnormal.

  Yuan Lei immediately opened the door and looked at the parents standing at the door, "Parents, what's the matter?"

  Yuan Lei's expression is faint, his voice is dull, and he is obviously only a teenager, but he is as mature as an old man and an old lady. Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaoyue who look like this feel distressed.

  In the past, every time they saw the appearance of their son, they had a heart that was dug out of their chests, but they thought of the video that Jiu Jiu sent to them just now, and they showed a redemptive smile on their faces.

  Wu Xiaoyue presents the treasure as if to pass the phone to Yuan Lei, and said cheerfully, "Xiao Lei, look at..."

  Yuan Lei was not interested in the contents of Wu Xiaoyue’s mobile phone, but saw her mother’s ardent expression of offering treasures, and was unwilling to hurt her mother’s heart, so he took the phone.

  As soon as he saw the location, Yuan Lei’s pupils suddenly shrank, and after seeing the person involved, Yuan Lei’s eyes quickly overflowed with water.

  The video was repeated countless times, and Yuan Lei watched it countless times intently. He was like a person trapped in the desert, greedily sucking in the spring water that suddenly appeared.

  The spring water is so clear and sweet, it moisturizes his dry and withered heart.

  The seed in the heart that was dying because of lack of water sucked the spring water, and instantly sprouted and grew lush branches, blooming a tender green full of hope.

  Yuan Lei’s dull gaze was lit up a little bit, and a strong vitality burst into those eyes that looked like a dry well and breathless, "Mom, is this?"

  Even though he has guessed what it is, Yuan Lei still wants to know what it is from Wu Xiaoyue's mouth.

  Wu Xiaoyue hugged Yuan Lei and said with a long cry, “This is a picture taken by the driving recorder of a passing car on the day of the incident. You are innocent, you are innocent.”

  (End of this chapter)

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