Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4043: Life ruined by cyber violence 14

  Chapter 4043 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 14

  Even if Yuan Lei never said it, Wu Xiaoyue knew that Wu Lei was distressed, and that Mrs. Wang’s injustice against him was like a thorn in his son’s heart.

  Now the thorn is finally pulled out. Seeing the tears from her son, Wu Xiaoyue knows that it is tears of joy.

  Looking at the son who had been silent for two years finally cried out, Wu Xiaoyue patted Wu Lei on the back and comforted softly, while saying, "I am ready to sue Wang Changning's mother and son. I must make them pay."

  Wang Changning’s mother and her son have lost their conscience. In order to get money for themselves, they use the kindness of children to achieve their own disgusting goals.

   Thinking of her son's taciturn because of Wang Changning's mother and son, Wu Xiaoyue couldn't wait to tear Wang Changning's mother and son alive.

  She wants them to bankrupt their family and make their whole family feel uneasy.

   Let them understand that some money is not so easy to get.

  Yuan Lei's tearful eyes were also engraved with hatred.

  At that time, it was his nightmare. Even if he moved out of the city, every time he dreamed back at midnight, he would think of the old lady who would revenge revenge and the unreasonable man.

  And this is just a little victory.

  If there is the first one, there will be a second one. Soon, someone else will bring the memory card over.

  Of course, some of the memory cards sent over have been automatically deleted.

  However, with the cheat device of Baozi, Jiujiu quickly restored the original video and edited the video for that time period.

Using these videos, Jiujiu quickly edited an old lady Wang who fell to the ground by herself. Yuan Lei passed by and was yelled by her. Yuan Lei held her up but was grabbed by her. Then, a group of people Suddenly came out, holding Yuan Lei's hand and constantly pulling frantically.

  At the beginning, Wang Changning wanted to make Yuan Lei push Yuan Lei to Mrs. Wang, so he asked countless people to be witnesses, and he proved that it was Mrs. Wang that Yuan Lei pushed.

In order to get the money, Wang Changning kept going to Yuan Cheng to make trouble with Wu Xiaoyue's work unit, constantly went to the school where Yuan Lei went to school, and even took the initiative to find the media to interview their family, crying in front of the media and complaining about Yuan Lei's actions. , And secretly, they kept asking Yuan Cheng to tell Wu Xiaoyue that if they dare not lose money, he would keep Yuan Lei from going to school.

  Because of Wang Changning’s series of actions, Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaoyue, two outsiders with no power and no power, can only choose to be private.

  Because of this, the two also signed a compensation agreement.

  And there is a receipt.

  For the Yuan family, this compensation agreement was a resounding slap that made them miserable. For Wang Changning, it was a banner of victory. He had defeated an innocent person and received a huge sum of money.

  After this video came out, how aggressive Wang Changning's operation was at the time, and how thoroughly he was hitting his face at the moment.

The video clearly shows that Mrs. Wang was not pushed by Yuan Lei, but she was sitting on the ground, and Yuan Lei was not the culprit who pushed her. On the contrary, Yuan Lei was a kind hearted person. The children, when they saw Mrs. Wang sitting on the ground, offered a helping hand, wanting to help Mrs. Wang.

In Wang Changning’s mouth, those who pressed Yuan Lei to the hospital were kind-hearted people who passed by to provide assistance to Mrs. Wang, but the video clearly showed that the group of people was not passing by and heard the voice. The kind people who helped the old lady Wang stop Yuan Lei, after all, a large group of people who hadn't passed by suddenly appeared. Where is this passing by, it is simply blocking the road and robbery.

  This is not a child's cruelty pushing the old lady, but a vicious old lady who used the child's kindness to touch porcelain.

   Jiujiu synthesized the video and sent it to Yuan Cheng.

  After seeing the video, especially when the group threatened to intimidate his son, Yuan Cheng couldn’t wait to rush over and beat Wang Changning violently.

  How dare he, how dare to treat his son like this.

  Wang Changning’s family was shamelessly framed, and even embarrassed to beat them upside down and blackmail them 300,000, which was really shameless to the extreme.

  Yuan Chengqiang suppressed his anger and asked Jiujiu, "Shall I sue now?"

  "Wait." Jiujiu replied, "When I find out the other people's cases, we will sue together."

  Don’t Wang Changning like to find the media to show off?

  She let him go to the media every day, show the limelight every day, and finally put the limelight in the prison, becoming the rising star in the prison and the most shameless existence in China.

  Wang Changning likes to find the media so much, he must be very satisfied with the result.

   Jiujiu laughed, and continued to help other people find evidence that they were touched at the time.

  Yuan Lei’s case is the most recent one, and the clues are very easy to find, but because of the age of others, the evidence is naturally not particularly easy to find. It took Jiujiu more than two months to find all the evidence.

  Usually, those who were blackmailed by themselves, as long as they frightened a little, they immediately sent the money over, but this time, he frightened so many times, let alone give the money, even without giving any reason.

Thinking of the money that I spent on Granny Wang during this period of pretending to be filial, if I gave myself, I could buy several brand-name clothes and shoes, and I thought that all the money was spent on Granny Wang who walked into the coffin with half of his leg. Wang Changning's heart was bleeding.

  But what made him feel aggrieved was that for Hei Jiujiu, he could pretend to be filial, and he had to spend money on Mrs. Wang.

  Otherwise, if someone in the hospital broke the news that he was treating Granny Wang badly, his previous hard work would be completely shattered, and it would be difficult for him to apologize.

  Wang Changning looked at the chat box where he kept sending messages but did not reply, and planned to interview the media to make her famous again.

  If he can't get the money, he will let this **** never come out again. He wants to see how hard this **** has.

  The reporter who interviewed Wang Changning this time was the same reporter last time.

  Wang Changning has taken Mrs. Wang home. Mrs. Wang has a cast on her leg and is sitting in a wheelchair. She is watching TV with a blanket on her leg.

   Seeing the reporter coming, Mrs. Wang immediately showed a kind smile on her face, and greeted the reporter gently, "Come on!"

   Seeing Mrs. Wang’s attitude, the reporter hurriedly smiled and nodded and said, “Come on, how is Auntie's health recently!”

  The old lady Wang chuckled, her face contented, "My son and daughter-in-law are filial, you see I have gained weight recently!"

  Lady Wang finished speaking, raised her hand and squeezed the soft flesh on her cheek. The sudden movement seemed to make the reporter could not help covering her mouth with a brilliant smile.

  Although she has suffered such things, it is great that Aunt Wang can still live a positive and sunny life.

  The reporter asked Mrs. Wang a few words, and then began to ask Wang Changning, “Mr. Wang, how has your life been recently?”

  (End of this chapter)

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