Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4044: Life ruined by cyber violence 15

  Chapter 4044 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 15

  Hearing the reporter's question, Wang Changning glanced at Granny Wang subconsciously, then blinked at the reporter and signaled the reporter to go out with him.

The reporter immediately understood, avoiding the old lady Wang who was watching TV, and walked out of the house behind Wang Changning, closing the door of the house, Wang Changning took the female reporter and photographers to the building everywhere, moving slowly and would win from the pocket Take out a box of cigarettes, put one in your mouth, light it, take a long sip, and spit out a puff of smoke, letting the smoke blur his face and eyebrows.

   smiled bitterly, and said to the female reporter, "I'm sorry, I'm a bit annoying lately, I'm a bit addicted to cigarettes, don't you mind."

The reporter interviewed Wang Changning and was very impressed with Wang Changning. Hearing Wang Changning said, “I’m a bit annoying lately, I’m a bit addicted to cigarettes.” When I contacted him to come out with me, he obviously didn’t want Mrs. Wang to know about this. mean.

  Thinking about the economic situation of Wang Changning’s family during my previous interview, the reporter felt a sigh, and instantly guessed, “Mr. Wang, is there a problem with the funds?”

  There are two children in Wang Changning's family. In the past, Wang Changning and Li Meijuan worked. The old lady Wang took care of the two children and two people to support three people, barely able to survive.

  Now, Wang Changning works alone, and Li Meijuan takes care of the two children and the three of Mrs. Wang.

  The burdens of two people were originally placed on Wang Changning’s shoulders alone, and they needed to feed one more person and compare their hearts. Wang Changning’s life was not difficult, and it was certainly not easy.

Moreover, like Wang Changning’s age, it is the old and the younger. The burden on his shoulders was originally heavy. Now Mrs. Wang suddenly becomes ill. Not only has the burden become heavier, but also because Li Meijuan has to take care of Mrs. Wang. Many things that were originally planned have made the already difficult life even more difficult.

  The reporter was full of sympathy.

Wang Changning sighed long and smiled bitterly, "Actually, I don’t want to tell you these things, but I have no choice but to tell you. I hope that through the power of the media, Let the original lady bear the cost of my mother's treatment."

Wang Changning’s expression showed helplessness and bitterness after being squeezed by life, and his expression looked like crying but not crying. It looked very miserable. "I really don’t want this, but you have seen it. My wife has already taken care of my mother. I quit my job. Now I support four people alone. I also have mortgage and car loans, supplementary school fees for two children. My mother has to eat good food to support her body when she is sick. I really can’t afford this by myself. I really do I'm so tired, I..."

  Speaking of this, Wang Changning's voice choked.

  The cigarette held between the fingers fell uncontrollably to the ground, and the smoke filled the room. The reporter saw Wang Changning's eyes flushed from the pressure of life.

  The reporter who had already sympathized with him even more sympathized with Wang Changning.

  "Mr. Wang, please rest assured, we will definitely help you contact the original lady and help you get your mother's treatment costs."

After the reporter comforted Wang Changning, he followed Wang Changning to take pictures in the room for a while, and when they had enough of what they wanted, they joined the camera and donated 1,000 yuan to Wang Changning. Go back with the equipment, ready to post the video clip to the official account.

  Of course, at the same time, she is also trying to contact the lady Yuan, hoping that lady Yuan can discover with conscience, bravely assume her responsibilities, and take the initiative to bear the medical expenses of Mrs. Wang.

  After all, if it were not for this lady, Wang Changning’s family would not have encountered these conditions, and now we can only hope that this lady has a conscience.

  At this time, Jiujiu found the dean.

  Because Jiujiu directly asked for leave after the accident, although some people came to the hospital to complain about Jiujiu, but after a long time, knowing that Jiujiu did not continue to work in the hospital, no one came to the hospital to make trouble.

  When someone made trouble before, some colleagues in the hospital would still think that Jiujiu was to blame. When no one made trouble, there was one less surgeon in the operating room. After the surgeries of other doctors increased, everyone started to miss Jiujiu again.

  Without the right-hand man Jiujiu, the dean’s heart is even more heavy.

And because Jiujiu always studied with him when he came to the hospital, he can be regarded as Jiujiu's half a teacher, and couldn't help but worry that Jiujiu would not have a job. Later, this face was too obvious to be entangled by the other party's family. What should I do.

  At this moment, Jiujiu called and found him.

   "Yuan Xiao, how are you doing?"

The Dean’s voice was full of surprises, and he even thought that if Jiujiu wants to borrow money, he must give Jiujiu more, when Jiujiu suddenly said, "Dean, what's your relationship with the people in the third hospital? Sample?"

  The third hospital is the hospital where Mrs. Wang lives. The orthopedics department is the most famous. General fractures and other diseases will be sent to the third hospital for treatment, and Mrs. Wang naturally goes to the third hospital without exception.

  The dean thought that Jiu Jiu was borrowing money, but he didn’t expect Jiu Jiu to ask about his relationship with the third hospital. The dean immediately gave an affirmative answer, “The dean of the third hospital is my classmate, what’s wrong?”

  Has been out of work for almost three months, Yuan Xiao didn’t borrow money but asked about her relationship with the third hospital. Is it possible that she wants to work in the third hospital?

  Think of Jiujiu's superb surgical technique, even if it is not well-known, but if you want to go to the third hospital, it is very simple.

Although I was very reluctant to let Jiujiu leave, I thought that if Jiujiu continues to stay in his hospital now, whether it is for Jiujiu or the hospital, it is not very good. The dean can only reluctantly say, "I can give you Write a letter of recommendation."

  With his recommendation, it is very simple for Jiujiu to stay in the third hospital.

  People are forgetful. After the gust of wind passed, Jiujiu changed to another hospital, and life was restored to the former peace.

   Jiujiu, "..."

  Jiu Jiu originally wanted to ask the dean for a favor, but she didn’t expect the dean’s brain circuit to be so large that she thought about writing a letter of recommendation.

   Jiu Jiu chuckles lightly, and then says, “Dean, I’m not going to the Third Hospital.”

"Ah, not to the third hospital?" Hearing Jiujiu said that she didn't plan to go to the third hospital, the dean's voice with dignified attitude just now because Jiujiu might want to go to the third hospital instantly became cheerful, and his face changed quickly, as if A child, full of joy.

  Jiu Jiu was also amused by the Dean’s face changing speed, she couldn't help but cocked the corner of her mouth, and whispered, "Well, don't go to the Third Hospital."

  The dean was a little puzzled, "Since you don’t plan to go to the third hospital, why are you asking this?"

   "I found evidence that I am innocent." Jiujiu first released a bomb.

  Sure enough, after hearing what Jiujiu said, the dean’s voice became more cheerful, "Do you have evidence?"

  (End of this chapter)

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