Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4046: Life ruined by cyber violence 17

  Chapter 4046 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 17

  Clearly knowing that judging people by appearance is not right, but at this moment, the female reporter feels that there is some misunderstanding about Jiu Jiu's affairs with Granny Wang!

  After all, Ms. Yuan doesn’t look like a woman who will kill the old lady and have a vicious heart!

Jiu Jiu, who didn’t know that he was able to get a good impression from the reporter only by her looks, was sending the data in her mobile phone to the computer and asked Xuan En to print it out for herself, and she was going to give her a set when the female reporter left. , Let them help themselves propagate the shameless behavior of Wang Changning, mother and son.

Because Jiujiu’s appearance was so friendly that the reporter who wanted to ask many acrimonious questions couldn’t say a bitterness. In the end, he could only ask a nonchalant question with a slanderous expression. "Ms. Yuan, have you watched all the videos posted on our platform?"

  The reporter is embarrassed to ask harsh questions, but Wang Changning's family is so pitiful, she can only ask a relatively sharp question without going against her heart.

   Jiujiu nodded, and replied calmly, "Of course I have read it. In fact, I have read every interview with Wang Changning's mother and son on your platform."

Because every interview on the platform has been broadcast, but Jiujiu never appeared or even responded. The reporter thought that when he raised this question, Jiujiu would definitely pretend to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to know that he would be better than himself. The question was raised, but I didn't expect that Jiujiu would directly say that she had watched every video as soon as she opened her mouth.

  Since I have read it, I haven't answered it all the time. Wouldn't it be more real that she doesn't know how to repent?

  The female reporter couldn't help but raise her brows, and she felt a strong disgust and dislike for Jiujiu.

  The ancients are sincere not to deceive me.

  The original lady has a very good face and temperament, but she doesn't do any personnel affairs at all.

  The reporter suppressed Dingli’s anger and disgust, and said again, “Since you have watched all of our video, Ms. Yuan, do you have anything to say about Wang Changning and her son?”

   "Actually, if you don't come to me, I will also look for you." Jiujiu looked at the female reporter and showed a slight smile, just like the first peach blossom blooming on the branches of a tree in the early spring. It is shallow and beautiful.

  Even though the female reporter already knew that Jiujiu was a woman with a feminine face, she still couldn't help being fascinated by her.

  Jiu Jiu looked at the female reporter and asked, "When are you going to release this interview?"

   Jiujiu’s appearance is so beautiful, even though she feels disgusted in her heart, the female reporter still can’t help her face flushing, and her breathing becomes quicker.

   "The fastest tonight."

In fact, today’s interviews are usually released the next day, but looking at Jiujiu’s eyes, which are as deep as a pool, the female reporter has a kind of thought that she doesn’t want these eyes to show disappointment, so she takes the initiative. Advance the time.

When I heard the female reporter say that it was tonight, Jiujiu nodded in satisfaction and cocked his mouth and said, "I don’t admit to being wrong about Wang Changning’s mother and son, and I don’t think I’m at fault, but Wang Changning’s mother and son. People, I think the two of them owe me an apology, and also, please help me tell them both, people are doing it, the sky is watching, it’s not that they don’t report it, it’s not the time, and I’m bothering you."

  From the beginning of the interview to the end, Jiu Jiu has always been very gentle, and his attitude is not a bit impatient. It does not seem like a black hand against an innocent old man.

  Er Jiujiu’s words caused an uproar in the heart of the female reporter. The female reporter wanted to ask questions, but Jiujiu waved his hand to indicate that the interview was over.

  The female reporter wanted to ask what Jiu Jiu said just now, but the person being interviewed was unwilling to cooperate, and Xuan En was still watching, she could only suppress the curiosity and doubt in her heart.

  The cameraman turned off the camera, Jiujiu walked into the study, took out Xuan En's printed and bound documents, and handed them to the female reporter, "I hope that after reading these documents, you are still willing to help Wang Changning and her son speak."

  The female reporter took the file with curiosity and was sent out of the house by Jiujiu.

  The female reporter and the cameraman walked out of the room, and the two of them went downstairs while muttering, "What do you mean by that lady?"

It’s the first time she appeared in front of the media after she was pushed to Mrs. Wang. It’s fine if she didn’t admit her mistake. She even clamored that Wang Changning’s mother and her son owed her an apology. This attitude was too arrogant. She drowned?

It’s not long before a female reporter came to the platform, and the photographer has been working on this platform for several years, and recently there have been frequent incidents of extreme reversal. Moreover, this lady looks like an excellent tutor at first glance, not as if she would A person who committed a murder to an old lady, and Ms. Yuan had not been interviewed for three months, and now she was interviewed suddenly, with clothes on her chest, the cameraman understood what was happening instantly, glanced at the female reporter, and said in a low voice, "There are so many people, wait until you get in the car and look at it."

  The female reporter nodded, but she kept muttering in her heart that even if she got into the car and read the documents, she couldn’t hide Ms. Yuan’s feminine heart.

  It’s really unfair. People with ugly hearts like snakes and scorpions have such a face like a fairy.

  The female reporter and the cameraman got into the car before the female reporter opened the file.

  But on the first page, I was shocked instantly.

  This is the report given by the police station. It clearly reads and concludes based on video surveillance.

  Ms. Yuan did not meet Mrs. Wang, she was unable to stand up and fell down. Ms. Yuan was not responsible.

There is also a screenshot of Mrs. Wang when she fell on the subway behind   . The screenshots are enlarged and clearly show that Ms. Yuan has never touched Mrs. Wang’s hair from beginning to end.

  If Ms. Yuan never touched Mrs. Wang, then Mrs. Wang and Changning Wang insisted that it was Ms. Yuan who pushed Mrs. Wang to the ground. This...

  The first document reversed their three-month continuous interview, and the female reporter's expression instantly became serious.

  They reported for three months, and Ms. Yuan was scolded for three months. I thought Ms. Yuan was afraid to say anything because of a guilty conscience, but I didn't expect to be wronged.

  If she was wronged, why did Ms. Yuan keep silent?

  Furthermore, Ms. Yuan’s case was reversed with just a piece of paper. What are the rest?

  The female reporter continued to look down, only to realize that this is not the case of the old lady pushed to the old lady by the elementary school students who made a lot of noise a few years ago?

  Because it was in the initial stage of the self-media at that time, this matter was repeatedly reported many times by the self-media that competed for traffic. Even now, whenever similar things happen, the self-media will come up with this matter again.

  (End of this chapter)

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