Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4047: Life ruined by cyber violence 18

  Chapter 4047 Life ruined by cyber violence 18

  After the incident of the female doctor pushing the old lady this time, every self-media, whether it was posting an article or a video, would intentionally or unintentionally mention this incident to wake everyone up.

  Everyone acquiesced that this matter was that the child went out to play, bumped into the old lady and refused to admit his mistake, and finally found witnesses, which proved that it was the child’s fault before admitting it, but he did not expect that he was also wronged.

  Furthermore, the victim of this incident was also the old lady Wang.

Then there are four or five pieces of paper, each of which is an unjust case, and the victim of each case is Mrs. Wang. The most important thing is that Mrs. Wang and Changning Wang will be like each other in each case. The other party offered a large sum of money compensation.

  From 50,000 to 60,000 in the past to 300,000 now.

Wang Changning is honest and honest in front of female reporters. Whether he speaks or does things, he looks like a middle-aged man who is oppressed by life. If he did not know Wang Changning’s WeChat profile picture, female reporters would not be able to take this aggressive and ask for money. 'S man is involved with Wang Changning.

  Wang Changning first told her that he did not ask for compensation, but only hoped that the other party could say sorry.

   Now he said that he was under too much pressure in his life and hoped that the other party could stand up and pay for his mother’s medical expenses.

  Now, looking at the chat log Jiujiu handed her, the female reporter was confused.

  She couldn't think of killing her. Wang Changning, who kept saying that he was the victim, was actually the perpetrator of lies, while Ms. Yuan, who had been silent, was a complete victim.

  And this information is obviously found by Ms. Yuan after discovering Wang Changning’s rogue attributes.

  A wonderful idea came up in the female reporter’s head. Ms. Yuan hasn't made a sound for the past few months. Is it because she has been busy with this?

  Thinking of what Ms. Yuan did, and thinking of what she had been helping Wang Changning during this period of time, and even slandered Ms. Yuan for this, the female reporter flushed her face.

  As a self-media platform with millions of traffic, she did not solve the problems for the victims, but she has been helping the perpetrators to make the victims worse.

  The female reporter's face is blue and purple, which is very ugly.

The videographer is very knowledgeable. After seeing this material, he patted the female reporter on the shoulder and softly comforted, "Ms. Yuan can give you this material to show that she believes in you. Let's go back and cut this video. To release it at night, I think Ms. Yuan must have her arrangements, otherwise when we leave, she will not specifically ask us how long the video will be released."

  The information was collected so neatly, and they took the initiative to accept interviews. I am afraid that Ms. Yuan has already planned in her heart. The only thing they can do now is to cut out the video and send it out according to Ms. Yuan's instructions.

  Because of the guilt in her heart, the female reporter cut out the interview with Jiujiu almost as quickly as possible, and immediately released it at night.

Some time ago, the video interviewing Wang Changning on the platform was over-searched, and this time the boss saw the information given by Jiujiu. He knew that this matter would be reversed soon. After the clarification video is sent out, it will definitely bring it to the platform. Thousands of times the traffic, so after the video was sent, the boss immediately bought the hot search for this video.

  The video was on the hot search. After seeing the interview of the female reporter, many viewers thought that the female doctor who pushed the person finally knew that she was wrong and was about to come to admit her mistake.

  The audience clicked in expectantly. They thought they could see the female doctor crying and saying that I was wrong, but they didn’t see the female doctor not only not admitting wrong, but saying that Wang Changning and her son owed her an apology?

  The people who watched the video were all stunned.

  【Fuck, I've never seen such a brazen person, I'm so blind. 】

   [How big a face is this to say if Mr. Wang’s mother and son apologize to her? 】

  【Sure enough, the old saying is printed, people are shameless and invincible. 】

  【In other words, this lady is really good-looking, she looks good, why should she have to do this kind of thing? 】

  [Upstairs, it’s hard to see everything, the age of looking at faces is over]

  【Want to see follow-up】

  【Want to see follow-up +1】

  【Want to see follow-up +10086】

  There is a large movie of swearing at Jiujiu, which is also mixed with a comment [I believe the original doctor, the original doctor is not such a person, she was wronged. 】

  The comment is full of ridicule.

  【Fuck, that femme female doctor has a navy? 】

  [Maybe it's because the parents are good-looking and say good things! 】

  [Someone even licked the female beast doctor, parents die early! 】

  Jiu Jiu watched Xuan En open a trumpet to abuse the group of netizens, rolled her eyes, "Tomorrow the truth will come to light, you are all bored."

  Have time to line up with the group of mentally handicapped netizens, it is better to post the post that has been off for five or six days. She has seen readers in the book review area scolded for four or five days.

  Xuan En quickly replied, “It’s not boring, I can’t use them to scold you.”

  Jiu Jiu chuckled twice, turned around and went to the kitchen to cook.

  She accepted the love of Xuan En.

  In the early morning of the next morning, several people who came from outside, led by Jiujiu, went to the court to sue Wang Changning's mother and son.

  At the same time, the well-known lawyer Gao Chongming, attorney Gao issued a lawyer's letter on behalf of Jiujiu, suing Wang Changning's mother and son for framing and defamation of personal reputation and extortion.

  Following, attorney Gao Chongming sent four lawyer letters in a row, all accusing Wang Changning’s mother and son of framing and slandering personal reputation and extorting money.

  Lawyer Gao Chongming is a top domestic lawyer. He became famous five years ago because he believed that the old man had won the case of his son being hit and killed. Since then, he has become very credible before the public.

  At this moment, Gao Chongming helped Jiujiu in a lawsuit, which instantly aroused a crowd of people eating melons.

Attorney Gao Chongming’s fans have said that attorney Gao is not a lawyer who does everything as long as he gives money. Attorney Gao has a sense of justice and will take this case every time he conducts an investigation. Now Attorney Gao takes over the original doctor’s work. The case can show that Ms. Yuan is the righteous party.

The melon-eating crowd who had been standing with Wang Changning's mother and her son immediately said that after so long, the police did not give a definite answer. It can be seen that the female doctor is an unreasonable party. If she really stands in reason, Would the police not help explain?

  This statement came out, and the police released the surveillance video on the subway that day.

  Just now, the netizens who said that the police would not monitor them fell silent for an instant.

  But more people who eat melon click on the video released by the police to see what it is.

  Before turning on the surveillance video, almost no one would think that Jiujiu was innocent in this matter. Even if Jiujiu had a certain truth, but the flies did not bite seamlessly, it was like this. There must be problems on both sides.

  But after clicking on the video and watching it, everyone was stunned. Fuck, what's the situation?

  (End of this chapter)

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