Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4048: A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 19

  Chapter 4048 A life ruined by cyber violence 19

  On the video, the female beast doctor who was chased and scolded for three months never touched the corner of the clothes of the old lady who claimed to be pushed by the female doctor from beginning to end.

  It was the old lady Wang, who kept swearing at her from the very beginning, even if the female doctor gave her her seat, she was still not satisfied, and ratified the female doctor.

  Monitor is only installed, not only the image is clear, even the sound is very clear.

The old lady Wang was full of anger when she scolded the female doctor, but she was a female doctor, pale and tired, and she looked overworked at first glance. There was a sharp contrast between the spirits of the two, and they looked like women no matter how they looked. The doctor needs this seat more.

  Moreover, the most important thing is that at the very beginning, the female doctor kept her eyes closed, so she couldn't see anyone at all, let alone give up her seat.

The old lady Wang clearly saw the female doctor closed her eyes and didn’t see her, but she kept swearing and swearing. Even though the female doctor left, she kept chasing after her and swearing, and finally she didn’t stand because she wanted to hit someone. Steady fell, but put all the blame on the female doctor.

  In this case, the female doctor can sue her in turn. She and her son are ashamed to cry on the Internet every day, slandering the female doctor in various ways.

  If you say how disgusted the public is towards female doctors before clicking on the video, then after clicking on the video, how disgusted they are with Wang Changning, mother and son.

  I really don’t know where they are so big-faced. I am ashamed to ask the female doctor to apologize and let the female doctor pay for the medical expenses. It would be considered polite if the female doctor did not directly sue you for spiritual compensation.

  And soon, someone started to platform for Jiujiu.

  What everyone did not expect was that the lady who was on the Jiujiu platform this time turned out to be a little celebrity on the Internet, Lan Lan’s mother.

Lan Lan’s husband is an executive of a well-known listed company. While Lan Lan’s mother was a full-time mother to take care of her children, she opened a cake shop and used all the profits of the cake shop for charity, which is very famous in the local area. .

  Lady Wang's incident happened, Lan Lan's mother went to the hospital for the first time to visit Mrs. Wang in the local charity donation group.

  At this moment, Lan Lan’s mother suddenly uttered a voice, which surprised everyone.

  Why did Lan Lan’s mother speak to the female doctor suddenly?

   Immediately afterwards, Lan Lan’s mother posted a Weibo, explaining why she helped the female doctor to speak.

  It turned out that the first time I visited Wang Changning's mother and her son, the mobile phone was left in the ward, and the person who heard Wang Changning's mother and son complain about visiting them was a poor ghost. It was Lanlan's mother.

  Lan Lan’s mother was frustrated at the time, and wanted to post on Weibo to expose Wang Changning’s mother and her son and expose their hypocritical masks. But later, when she thought of Wang Changning’s mother and son’s life, it was the time when she needed the money the most.

No one is perfect. They can only say that there is a problem with their character, but it cannot explain the others. Every word and deed will attract countless people's attention. For personal reasons, she does not want to help Wang Changning, mother and son, and cannot continue. Add frost to the snow.

  If she posted this Weibo, she would definitely come here early and more misunderstandings, so Lan Lan’s mother resisted the urge to post Weibo.

  However, Ma Lan Lan told the people in the group about this matter, which is why the most enthusiastic and active person at ordinary times did not donate to Wang Changning, mother and son this time.

  They would rather buy drinks for sanitation workers than give the money to someone who doesn’t know how to write the word gratitude.

  Now seeing things turn around, Lan Lan’s mother instantly felt like that, and she also wrote her own experience back then.

After   Lanlan’s Weibo was posted, it caused an uproar in an instant.

  Many netizens began to apologize under Lan Lan’s comments like Jiujiu.

It turns out that they were wronged, and the female doctor did nothing wrong. It was Wang Changning, mother and son who was wrong. One was unreasonable and unreasonable, and the other who knew the matter deliberately concealed the truth because of his own selfish desires, and even returned it again and again. Selling miserably is simply fooling the public, and it is consuming the love and compassion of the public.

  How much mercy and sympathy Wang Changning’s family has endured before, how much disgust and hatred they have to face at this moment.

  Netizens’ love and hate are always so simple.

  As long as you make sense, then you are right.

  Before, Wang Changning, mother and son received the pity and sympathy of the public for the first time, and when they were interviewed soon, they strengthened the public’s pity for them.

  If it is true, it will receive countless sympathy and pity from the public, but if it is false, it will have to face backlash from the public.

   And when Jiujiu pierced the mask of Wang Changning, mother and son, it was the time for the public to backlash.

  Wang Changning's mother and son were not smart people, and because of the repeated success of the previous Porcelain Sutra, they were very confident, thinking that no one could see through them.

  Excessive self-confidence is arrogance, because the previous experience has made them overlooked. There will be surveillance on important transportation vehicles. Mrs. Wang has not thought about it, and her appearance will be photographed by surveillance.

  Furthermore, the first reaction of Mrs. Wang after the fall was that the female doctor pushed her there. This is simply a memory like a conditional launch. It is easy to think of whether she has done this before.

  Wang Changning, who had received Jiujiu’s lawyer’s letter and wanted to find an explanation from the media, saw the video of Mrs. Wang on the subway, and his face was instantly distorted into a ball.

  If there is no such video, Wang Changning can still sell the poor character, and then pretend to be dead as that this has not happened. But the problem is that the video of Mrs. Wang on the subway not only has the video, but also the sound.

  In the interview that follows, how gentle and kind is Mrs. Wang, and how pungent and unreasonable in the subway video.

  People's peaceful behavior in the lens is the same as when you took a photo, you will unconsciously show your best side.

  So, in the video, Mrs. Wang will unconsciously show her best side. Therefore, Mrs. Wang in the video is naturally gentle, kind and reasonable.

In the subway, because Mrs. Wang didn’t know that there might be a camera to take pictures, her state was the most natural and the way she looked when she was most exposed to sex. Therefore, her arrogant and unreasonable, violent and open-mindedness Showed vividly and vividly.

  Now, everyone feels that the person in the subway monitoring is the real Mrs. Wang.

  What's more, the subway monitoring was still on the ground, and the female doctor did not meet Mrs. Wang at all. It was Mrs. Wang who fell to the ground and framed the female doctor.

  There is no such thing as a thief shouting and catching a thief.

  Thinking of what he said in an interview with the media, Wang Changning instantly got a headache.

  (End of this chapter)

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