Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4049: A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 20

  Chapter 4049 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 20

  Those words of his simply confirmed the fact that Mrs. Wang was lying.

  Furthermore, in order to get the sympathy and donation of the public, the two of them showed great affection in front of the reporter. If Mrs. Wang had touched porcelain, she would definitely tell herself about it.

  If you insist that Mrs. Wang did not tell yourself this, you will appear hypocritical.

  The current self is wrong to say it, and it’s hard to move an inch.

  It is still a good situation one day before tomorrow, how come all the work in the morning is turned upside down overnight?

  Wang Changning panicked all over.

  What made Wang Changning even more flustered was that not only Jiujiu sent him a lawyer's letter, but the people he had blackmailed before also sent him a lawyer's letter, and they wanted to sue him together.

  Also, the words of the poor ghosts who had been scolded in the hospital before were also heard. Now they have been publicized on the Internet. Now everyone knows the virtues of their family. The whole network is black.

  The female doctor who was forced to die socially by public opinion before.

  Now, their family has been forced to die socially due to successive changes.

  And what panicked Wang Changning the most was that the police also released a video of his mother touching the student before.

  When they called the police, Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaoyue lost money because there was no video in that area and they had viewers.

  And now, I actually passed the video of the traffic recorder that passed the intersection that year, and edited a video, which proved that it was not the old lady who was pushed by the student at that time, but the student wanted to help the old lady up.

  The student was not doing bad things, but the student wanted to help Granny Wang, but was stopped by someone who suddenly rushed out.

  There are cases in the following things.

  But the case was clearly written in the case. They insisted that the students pushed Granny Wang over, but they saw it and stopped it.

  How serious they said before, how embarrassing it will be after the video comes out at this moment.

  As long as people who are not blind can tell, they are framing the student.

  The student’s case was a sensation that year, so it brought about not only the cultivation of children's academic performance, but also the cultivation of children's ideological and moral character, which even brought news several times.

  Yuan Lei’s family was forced to buy a house because of their claims and left the city.

They hate him for being guilty, and now they come back with evidence to determine that Wang Changning is framed. Moreover, Mrs. Wang also tried to frame other innocents by encountering porcelain this time. The police would naturally not stand idly by, and because The above wanted to introduce a legal provision on this matter that clearly punishes porcelain. Therefore, the police department directly released the previous cases.

  I thought that Wang Changning and the female doctor were just a matter of framing, but I didn’t expect that Wang Changning’s mother and son would have such a history of blackmailing with porcelain.

  The routine is so familiar, the two are obviously habitual offenders.

  How honest, honest, and filial Wang Changning was in front of the media. At this moment, after the mask is torn, he is just as hypocritical and disgusting.

  And the donation platform also announced that Wang Changning had received a donation of 100,000 yuan. Under the instigation of the dean, the third hospital announced on the official website all the expenses of Mrs. Wang in the hospital.

  Obviously, he took tens of thousands of yuan in donations, but in his mouth, it seemed that he was solely responsible for the burden. He was very pitiful and innocent.

  Last night, those people who saw Wang Changning cry about their pitifulness and donated money to Wang Changning, after seeing the police case and the data released by the donation platform, they almost vomited out the overnight meal in disgust.

  I thought I helped an innocent poor person, but I didn't expect that this person was not only poor, but even richer than myself.

   Angry netizens instantly spread their anger on Wang Changning's family.

  In the past, Wang Changning liked to go to the downtown of other people's work units, but now, he finally tasted this taste.

  Before, someone mailed a wreath to Yuanxiao’s residence and had a disgusting bug.

  And now, Wang Changning has also experienced this feeling.

  Wang Changning can take time off and hide at home, but his child is still in school.

  Wang Changning’s two children because of Wang Changning’s influence, the children in the school were reluctant to play with them, and even said in front of them that they were children of liars.

  Wang Changning’s two children were so angry that they cried, but Wang Changning was so angry that he ran to the school to question the teacher.

   And the teacher said that she would restrain the children so that they would stop saying that in the future, but on the face there was contempt that could not be concealed.

  Obviously, she is willing to help restrain the child's behavior and behavior because of her teacher, which is her duty, but at the bottom of his heart, he disdains Wang Changning.

  A person who has touched porcelain several times, and a grandma who is full of lies and rude and rude, what can the children in their family look like?

  Wang Changning understands in his heart, but now he has lost his job because of the mess of those netizens. If the accident continues, he will be magnified by those good netizens a million times, but he is really covered in dirty water and can't be washed thoroughly.

  Wang Changning’s side was miserable, and after Jiujiu sued Wang Changning with other victims, she waited quietly for the court to begin.

  Others went back, but after Jiujiu cleared away his grievances, he returned to the hospital and resumed work.

  Because Jiujiu was wronged before and was forced to leave, after Jiujiu returned, colleagues from the hospital specially held a small welcome party for Jiujiu.

  Looking at the colleague who got together to welcome her, Jiujiu smiled lightly, thanked him, and said that after asking for dinner for a while, she plunged into intense work.

After the arrival of   Jiujiu, colleagues have shown their welcome and concern for Jiujiu.

Dean    even softly asked what was going on.

"The dean, you know, I have always been more careful. I don’t know if I ever met the old lady. I thought it was strange for her to lie at the time, so I paid my attention to it. It’s strange, and when it was quite natural in front of the camera, I became suspicious. Then I went to investigate. Then I found that the old lady had a porcelain incident two years ago, and it happened almost once in a year or two in 20 years. I told the police. After reporting the incident, the police took it seriously and suppressed my clarification video, and went to investigate the previous cases with me, and finally found that this old lady was a frequent visitor to porcelain."

   Jiujiu said lightly about her experience during this period, but the dean listened to the ups and downs.

  At least ten in 20 years. The longer the time, the more difficult it is to find evidence. This time so many people prosecuted, it can be seen how much effort Jiujiu spent collecting evidence.

  (End of this chapter)

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