Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4050: A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 21

  Chapter 4050 A life ruined by cyber violence 21

  The dean patted Jiujiu on the shoulder and sighed, "You have worked hard."

   "It's not hard."

  Learning medicine not only saves people’s physical ailments, but, if possible, it also cures people’s heart ailments.

  Now what Jiujiu wants to do is to heal the pain in the hearts of those who have been hurt by Wang Changning’s mother and son.

  As for Wang Changning's family, their hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are so bad that there is no help, so let's die.

  Because of the above instructions, Jiujiu's case soon began to be heard, and Wang Changning, mother and son, were also sent to the dock.

  And this is only the first one, and there are four people waiting for them in the back.

When the money was scammed, Wang Changning and her son were very happy. After all, they only need to pay a little pain, drop a few tears and cry in front of everyone, and then they can get money from other people’s work for a long time. A comparison of trading that makes a profit without losing money.

Wang Changning’s mother and son have always felt that it is worth the effort. Therefore, they have been relying on this method to get the money they want. They have never thought about it. The money they spend a little time to get needs other people. How long does it take to earn, and they also have families and children.

  The means by which they get money will make their family children receive an unprecedented impact, and may even lose the work they have worked so hard for a long time.

  There is a classic sentence in the Queen of Decapitation.

  At that time, she was too young to know all the gifts given by fate, she had already secretly marked the price.

When they touched the porcelain, they didn’t know at all. The things they got now were also secretly marked with the price. The money they got at the time, after the case was judged, they would need to spend several times more money to compensate for those who suffered because of them. Suffering people.

  Because the case was very turbulent, it was still a typical clash, and there was such a big reversal. In order to calm the anger of the people, the court adopted a live broadcast situation.

  The people who eat melon enter the live broadcast room and watch the court pronounce the verdict online.

Looking at Wang Changning, who was standing in the courtroom, with a pale face, and an old lady with fear on his face, when he saw the plaintiff's bench, his expression was cold, and his eyes were black as ink, not frightened, like a fairy in the sky. When Jiujiu was out of the dust, everyone couldn't help but mutter.

  Ms. Hara is really beautiful.

   is not only good-looking, but also very powerful.

The netizens under    began to popularize science.

  My cousin was in Ms. Yuan’s hospital. She told me that although Ms. Yuan was still young, she was already the chief surgeon. She was the most powerful person in the hospital besides the dean.

I heard from my cousin who works in the police station that it seems that Ms. Yuan discovered this case. She said that she was a doctor and she knew very well whether anyone met her, so she found out that she hadn’t met the old lady, the old lady. However, she kept saying that she met her, she looked very skilled in touching porcelain, and that Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang acted naturally in front of the camera. I felt that it was not like this was the first time I encountered this kind of thing, so I went to investigate secretly. In the end, she discovered the case of Mrs. Wang’s previous encounter with porcelain, so she took the initiative to contact the police and took the initiative to find clues. It is said that during the three months since Ms. Yuan disappeared, she was not afraid, but she had been looking for clues to find the victim!

  I think Ms. Yuan is not only good-looking, but also has the same heart as a Bodhisattva. Most people just want to clean up their grievances. After discovering the hidden situation, Ms. Yuan deliberately contacted other people to wash away the grievances of others.

[Yes, my cousin belongs to the police station and said that this case is already typical of their police station. They said that the police officer in charge of Ms. Yuan’s case wanted to post the video to Yuan after seeing the video. The lady was innocent, but Ms. Yuan directly refused. She took the initiative to ask the police not to publish the video, find evidence, and then contact other victims to sue Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang. This time the case has come to fruition. The biggest hero is Ms. Yuan. If it weren't for Ms. Yuan's insistence, no one else would have been able to wait for their innocence in this life. 】

[My mother has been to Ms. Yuan’s hospital for medical treatment, and I have also seen Ms. Yuan. Although she is deserted, she is very good. When she knew that my mother was afraid of surgery, she also specially comforted my mother. When things happened, I felt that she was not It may be a bad person, but there were too many scolding people at that time, I dare not say! 】

  [Me too, I didn't dare to say it at the time, now that Ms. Yuan is innocent, I can finally say that sentence, Ms. Yuan was wronged. 】

[Alas, when the incident happened, I scolded Ms. Yuan with netizens. At that time, Wang Changning and his mother were too good at acting. I really thought it was Ms. Yuan who pushed her. I really thought it was. The matter is Ms. Yuan’s problem, so I have scolded her for a long time. I now solemnly apologize to Ms. Yuan. I shouldn’t be Yun Yiyun and shouldn’t scold her. 】

   [Me too, I scolded Ms. Yuan at the time, and I apologized like Ms. Yuan. 】

  【I also apologize like Ms. Yuan. 】

  A wave of apologies immediately emerged in the live broadcast room. The barrage of apology soon filled the live broadcast interface, and there was no live situation. People who want to watch the live broadcast can only manually close the barrage to watch the live broadcast normally.

  This case is actually very clear.

  The evidence is conclusive, even if it is sent to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Jiujiu won the case.

Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang had conclusive evidence, but when the sentence was pronounced, Mrs. Wang directly stood up and assumed all the responsibilities, saying that Wang Changning was his own son, and just listened to his own words and followed his instructions. Wang Changning was not guilty of doing so, so if he wanted to catch her, he would arrest her alone.

  In fact, anyone with eyes can see that this matter is Wang Changning's leading role, but now Mrs. Wang is fully responsible. Even if it can be seen, there is no way.

  In the end, Wang Changning just left after paying the compensation.

   And when she walked out of the court, Mrs. Wang yelled at Jiujiu viciously, "Little bitch, you will have retribution."

In the eyes of Mrs. Wang, Jiujiu is the culprit who undermined the harmony of her family. If it weren't for Jiujiu, their family would not need to pay fines, and she would not need to admit her mistakes. At this age, she was still subjected to so many. People scolded.

Jiujiu walked with Xuan En, and when he heard Mrs. Wang scold him, Xuan En jumped his feet, staring at Mrs. Wang fiercely with a pair of eyes, like a beast that chooses people and eats, and only needs a password to pounce. I bit the throat of Granny Wang in the past.

  The old lady Wang was frightened by Xuan En's sudden second coming and took two steps back, and her turbid eyes were covered with obvious fear.

  Wang Changning glanced at Jiujiu with a gloomy expression, grabbed Granny Wang by the arm, and walked away.

  Looking at Wang Changning’s back, Jiujiu slowly said, “Today your mother committed the crime for you, but there are four more cases. Guess, can your mother commit the crime all.”

  (End of this chapter)

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