Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4051: Life ruined by cyber violence 22

  Chapter 4051 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 22

   Jiujiu’s voice was very soft, with wisps of coolness, drilling like a body along the exposed skin of Luo, causing Wang Changning to chill in his bones, and his body kept shivering uncontrollably.

  The reason why this case is just a suspended sentence and payment of fines is because many of their crimes were attempted, but the others all succeeded.

  If all are sentenced...

  Just thinking about it, Wang Changning was dizzy.

  Looking up at the sky, it was clear that there was a clear sky in front of him, and it was a good weather with no clouds and very suitable for traveling, but Wang Changning had the urge to escape.

  Wang Changning denied this idea before it appeared.

  He can run, but his child’s voice grows here, he ran, what should the child do?

  The sky and the earth are big, but at this moment, Wang Changning feels that he has nowhere to escape.

  It's not that there is no way to escape, but that he can't escape.

  Wang Changning was dizzy in front of him, but Jiujiu was a voice of congratulations.

  Looking at the congratulations and joys received one after another, Jiujiu did not reply one by one, but just posted a circle of friends.

  Skynet is restored without leakage.

  Suddenly a thumbs-up underneath.

  After posting the Moments, the female reporter who interviewed Jiujiu before called Xiao Cheng if he could give Jiujiu an interview. Xiao Cheng sent a message to ask Jiujiu, and Jiujiu directly agreed.

  The location of this interview is Jiujiu's home.

  After proving himself, Jiujiu moved home.

Compared with the rented house, the style of Jiujiu’s home looks a bit cool, but the green plants in the corners also have the right stuffed animals. It can be seen that the owner of the house is not as cool on the surface. Her heart , As lovely and gentle as a plush toy.

  The photography was facing Jiujiu's house for a long time, and then I sat down after knowing that I had enough footage.

  Jiu Jiu made two cups of tea for the female reporter and photographer, and said with a smile, "Thanks for your hard work, I will come here all the way, and I will treat you to a meal later."

   Jiujiu’s cold face was stained with a slight smile, just like the ink painting suddenly added a touch of color, very amazing.

  The female reporters were so surprised that they could only conceal their inner tension and excitement by constantly drinking water.

  The female reporter looked at Jiujiu and said softly, "I misunderstood you before, let me invite you!"

After the female reporter finished speaking, she looked at Jiujiu anxiously and asked, "Ms. Yuan, we want to conduct this interview in a live broadcast format. What do you think?"

  If Jiujiu agrees, they will contact the boss for live broadcast. If Jiujiu is unwilling, they will interview and edit the film as before.

  Of course, live broadcast can bring more traffic to the platform, which is very beneficial to the early stage of the platform.

  Jiu Jiu thought for a moment and then nodded, "Yes."

  Seeing that Jiujiu agreed, the female reporter immediately called the boss and said Jiujiu agreed. After a series of operations, when everything was ready, the female reporter started the live broadcast.

  After the start of photography, the female reporter spoke first.

  Hello, everyone. I’m Xiao Bingbing, a reporter from This morning, the much-watched [Female Doctor Pushed to the Elderly Case] ​​has completely come to an end. We contacted the client, Ms. Yuan, Ms. Yuan. Please say hello to everyone.

  Camera immediately illuminates the lens to Jiujiu.

Jiujiu's face is cold, even without makeup, she can see that her skin is excellent, her eyes are long and narrow and cold, with a classic charm, her skin is cold white, her lips are very bright red, and the two are formed. The sharp contrast instantly caught everyone's attention.

  A series of bullet screens were sent out immediately in the live broadcast room, [Fuck, Ms. Yuan is looking good! 】

  【Call Ms. Yuan, Ms. Yuan is a hero and a fighter! 】

  【I love Ms. Hara, I will go to the hospital tomorrow to squat to sign! 】

  【Take me upstairs! 】

  The female reporter continued to ask, "First of all, let us congratulate Ms. Yuan on winning the case. Also, I heard that Ms. Yuan found out this case by herself. Is this true?"

  "Yes and no!" Jiujiu said slowly, "I only discovered this problem at the very beginning, and then raised this issue with the police comrades. This case can be thoroughly investigated and it is the police's credit."

  Jiujiu’s words do not leak.

  The female reporter smiled and continued to ask, "For this case, what does Ms. Yuan want to say to everyone?"

"Yeah!" Jiujiu nodded, a pair of dark eyes looked straight into the camera, her voice was cold and a convincing sense of dependence, "I hope that in the future, when everyone sees a more controversial When it comes to social topics, you might as well let the bullet fly for a while and make a more pertinent evaluation, instead of quickly making a black or white judgment on the matter because of some people's one-sidedness.

I know that everyone is jealous and wants to let go of any bad guys, but we are not the parties, and we can’t clearly find out who is right and who is wrong in this matter. I still hope that everyone can take a calm and rational view after the incident and wait until the official reply gives a more prepared reply before making a comment. "

Jiu Jiu’s words made the female reporter feel ashamed. When this incident happened, she was the first group of people who felt that Jiu Jiu was the well-deserved "Doctor Beast Girl". For this reason, she also reported on her Weibo. In some interviews, I was very disdainful and demeaning to Jiujiu. Now after hearing what Jiujiu said, the female reporter's cheeks became hot.

  In front of everyone, the female reporter stood up, bent over and bowed, apologizing with a very sincere expression, "Ms. Yuan, you are very right.

Today, in front of all the audience, I apologize like you, because I am the one who thought you had a problem at the very beginning after the incident. As a public figure, I shouldn’t be ignorant or ignorant of things. Feel free to speak when the truth is.

  Hope you can forgive my mistake. "

  Jiujiu did not expect that a female reporter would apologize to herself in front of many people. She immediately reached out to support the female reporter and said, "A person who is not a sage can do nothing. Knowing a mistake can improve it.

  The video was very vague, and all the evidence pointed to me. It is normal for you to make such a judgment. This also shows that you are a good girl who hates hatred. "

  The female reporter didn't expect Jiujiu to say this, her eyes were filled with obvious red in an instant, and the blush at the end of her eyes was as excited as his mood.

  The female reporter looked at Jiujiu's eyes with a little more admiration and gratitude.

  The female reporter professionally smiled at Jiujiu and continued, “Are you dissatisfied with the verdict of Wang Changning and her son?”

  (End of this chapter)

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