Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4052: Life ruined by cyber violence 23

  Chapter 4052 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 23

The most controversial decision this time is the decision of Wang Changning, mother and son. Because the old lady Wang put all the blame on her own head by her own efforts, Wang Changning’s decision was very light this time, and she only needed to pay some fines. Can leave.

  Everyone knows that the leader of this matter is definitely Wang Changning, and Mrs. Wang is just a backer.

  The reporter is very curious, what will Jiu Jiu think and do when he knows that the judgment in his case is full of unfairness?

   "I have no complaints."

To the reporter’s surprise, Jiujiu did not express his dissatisfaction. Instead, he gave a reason, “They were only verbal threats to me and did not cause substantial harm to me. I think it’s better than caring about my case. The verdict, you might as well care about the verdict of several other cases.

  Compared to the verbal threats I received, they were really hurt. "

  Seeing that Jiujiu brought the matter to several other cases, the female reporter immediately understood, and continued to ask, "Ms. Yuan, can you tell us the specifics of the other cases?"

   "Of course." Hearing the female reporter asked herself to introduce the details of several other cases, Jiujiu finally showed a slight smile on her face.

"Among these cases, let me pick a case that everyone is familiar with. The most familiar case should be the case [student pushed to the old lady and refused to admit] two years ago. This case is What happened? Because no cameras were installed at the intersection at the time, no one knew everything. The old lady insisted that the student overthrew herself and caused her to fracture, while the student insisted that she She didn't push the old lady. It was the old lady who fell on her own, as if she asked for help. She just kindly reached out and helped the old lady up. The two had their own opinions, and no one could persuade anyone.

  Until later, the old lady’s son found the witness at the time, and the witness said that he had seen it with his own eyes. It was the old lady pushed by the student.

  Because there was no surveillance at the time, everyone believed what the eyewitness said, and decided that it was definitely the old lady pushed by the student.

  At that time, there was also a wave of emphasis on [cultivation of students' moral character]. I think everyone should be clear about this matter. "

  When this happened, it was when the self-media just started to develop. In order to get traffic, all the self-media reported this incident like crazy, and the people all over the country paid a lot of attention.

   Although the female reporter had not yet entered the industry, his teacher often regarded this incident as a classic example to analyze why this incident was so popular.

  At this moment, after listening to Jiujiu, the female reporter nodded again and again.

"I am a surgeon, and I swear that my hands will only be used to save the dying and heal the wounded, and I will never do nothing to harm others. Therefore, I know very well whether I have ever touched that old lady." Speaking of her own job, Jiujiu's expression became solemn and serious, "Although the situation in the subway is more chaotic and there are more people present, I know in my heart that I did not meet the old lady, she said. Those words are all false.

  Although I believe that most people are good, the old lady wronged her for no reason because I overthrew her, and his son threatened her. I thought there was a problem with this matter, and I went to check it out. "

   Jiujiu turned on the phone, clicked on a photo, and handed it to the female reporter, “This is a photo of the case back then. Although there are mosaics, I still found that these two people are Wang Changning’s mother and son.

It may be an accident if something happened once, but it is definitely not an accident if it happened twice in a row. So I continued to investigate and then found other relevant reports. It was confirmed that Wang Changning and her son were professionally involved in celebrities, so I went to find out with the police. Those victims who have been blackmailed by them have provided legal aid to them, but it is a pity that the family with the furthest time has passed more than 20 years, and their family members no longer want to pursue this matter.

  Moreover, like them, there are many people who are unwilling to pursue them. With our efforts, in the end, only four families are willing to take up legal weapons to protect their legal rights. "

  Speaking of this, Jiujiu showed a deep sad look on her face. It was obvious that she felt sorry for the families that were blackmailed by Wang Changning's mother and son but were unwilling to stand up and use legal weapons to protect their legal rights.

The female reporter only knew that the case was investigated by Jiujiu, but never knew there were so many twists and turns inside, especially after hearing Jiujiu say that the furthest one has been twenty years, and was unwilling There are still many people to be held accountable, and the female reporter couldn't help but want to jump up and beat Wang Changning, mother and son.

I thought they were the victims, but I didn’t expect these two people to be professionals in contact with porcelain. If this time I met someone who was not a careful and righteous person like Jiujiu, those people would have no way of recovering them for the rest of their lives. Be your own justice!

"Some time ago, there was an old man on the Internet who fell down on the road. There were so many people coming and going, but no one dared to help her up. It was not until the old man called me that I had fallen. Recording the video while supporting the old man." At this point, Jiujiu's voice was clearly choked, "It is because there are too many people like Wang Changning's mother and son who use the goodness of the public to cheat. They I got the money, but it did consume the kindness and love of the public.

When kindness is treated indifferently, when love is overly consumed, the compassion will disappear little by little. We will no longer scream when we are in trouble. We will do it when we need to do it. We will never help others anymore. Happy, never help each other again.

  It is because there are too many people like Wang Changning, mother and son, that has caused the indifference and alienation in the current society.

  Using the love of the public for personal gain, and using the kindness of children to blackmail money, they are inexcusable. If it can, I hope the country can legislate to punish those who touch porcelain. "

  At this point in the interview, the female reporter’s eyes were all lightly red. Kan Jiujiu’s eyes were filled with apologetic and respectful admiration. It was obvious that she had been impressed by Jiujiu’s excellent qualities.

  The female reporter said with excitement, “Ms. Yuan, our country has already begun to prepare for legislation against porcelain. I believe that the future of our country will get better and better.”

  I heard female reporters say that the future is getting better and better, and the smile on Jiujiu’s face is even deeper, as if she was moved by the future depicted by the female reporter.

  (End of this chapter)

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