Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4053: Life ruined by cyber violence 24

  Chapter 4053 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 24

   Jiujiu was excited and moved on her face, as well as longing for the future.

  Many people who clicked in because of the heat saw Jiu Jiu and the female reporter look longing and couldn't help but blush.

  If there are fewer people like Wang Changning's mother and son in the world, and more people like Ms. Yuan who are kind and righteous, the per capita quality of the people will surely develop rapidly.

  There are only a few people watching the live broadcast, and more people see the editing and playback at night.

  The boss of the platform immediately bought the video on the hot search after the video was posted.

Some time ago, Wang Changning’s mother and son were making noise on the Internet. This incident has become very hot. Now Jiujiu has cleared up his grievances and found evidence for many innocent people, helping to sue Wang Changning’s mother and son. Even now, Ms. Yuan It is still not my own rights and interests that are worried, but the public's problems.

  Compared with Ms. Yuan’s noble sentiment, these people who have spoken harshly to Ms. Yuan because of just a few words are ashamed.

  The live broadcast platform not only puts the video of the interview with Jiujiu on the Internet, but also puts all the information and clues that Jiujiu handed to them on the Internet,

  Many people who didn't pay much attention to the news, only knew that Wang Changning and her son had touched Ms. Ciyuan when they saw the information released on the live broadcast platform, they were instantly stunned.

  Fuck, this is too vicious for mother and child!

  I thought it was the first offender who was afraid of not being able to afford the medical expenses, but I didn’t expect the two to be veterans.

  The two of them have been in contact with porcelain 20 years ago, and the parties involved in the most sensational [student push to old lady] case two years ago were the mother and son.

  Many people who abused and attacked the student on the Internet saw the video released on the platform, and their faces were green and red, which is not ugly.

  Fortunately, they really thought that the student had a problem, but they didn't expect it to be the mother and son who had planned for a while and wanted to meet the students of the porcelain family.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if I were this student, I saw an old lady who fell down on the way to school, I kindly helped the old lady up, but I didn’t expect the other side to bite back suddenly, saying that he pushed her to the ground. It is this student who will definitely doubt life.

  I helped you, but you fell into trouble.

  How vicious people are to do this kind of thing.

Moreover, that Wang Changning was also a shameless person. He was embarrassed to go to the place where the student’s parents worked, and went to the school where the student was going to make trouble. He even threatened the other’s parents to prevent him from going to school, and even blackmailed him three times. One hundred thousand yuan.

  How miserable Yuan Lei was scolded on the Internet before, and now there is so much mercy. Many people even left a message on the court's Weibo, saying that Wang Changning, mother and son must be sentenced severely.

  As the saying goes, everyone pushes against the wall.

  Yuan Lei’s former teacher also commented anonymously.

  【Yuan Lei is my student, to the teacher, he is a very smart student.

  To his classmates, he is a positive, cheerful, and helpful partner.

  To parents, he is sensible, considerate to parents, and is a well-behaved, good child.

  He is the best-behaved one in our class, and the one who is the most enthusiastic and willing to help others. After this happened, the child became taciturn and depressed with naked eyes. He even asked me, is it not a good thing to help others?

  Why does the other party treat him this way?

Later, the other party continued to come to the school to harass, and even tried to cancel my student's enrollment through some means. The parents of the child were forced to go back to their hometown and continue to study. After the child left, we all regretted it for a long time, but we did not expect the truth. It's the other party touching porcelain.

  When I think that my student was framed because of Pengci, my teacher is heartbroken. Wang Changning, mother and son have no heart. How can they bear to frame a child who came to help you? 】

   Teacher's words and sentences are all accusing Wang Changning, mother and son. Netizens who originally thought Wang Changning's mother and son were inexcusable, increasingly felt that this pair of mother and son was simply disgusting.

  After the teacher broke the news, the nurses who worked in the third hospital also showed up and broke the news.

   [My friend is from the third hospital, which is the hospital where Wang Changning's mother went to see a doctor.

My friend is a nurse in the hospital. She said that their nurses have never believed what Wang Changning, mother and son said, because they are often filial mothers and filial piety, and they are scolded by others. Every time someone with love visits Wang Changning and his mother. At the time, once the lover did not give them money, Wang Changning, mother and son would say behind their backs that they are poor.

My friends have heard this several times, and my friend even complained to me that he had never seen a family like this. At that time, he told me that he suspected that Wang Changning’s family was touching porcelain. I was blinded by appearances. I don't want to believe that they are touching porcelain. I didn't expect them to be touching porcelain.

Thank you Ms. Yuan. If it weren't for Ms. Yuan, we would still be shackled by this pair of drama spirits, mother and child. When I think that they have been touching porcelain 20 years ago, I feel sick and want to vomit. By the way, I have already given it The love donation platform called and complained, hoping that they can recover the donated money to Wang Changning's mother and son. I would rather throw the money in the water than use it for the disgusting mother and son. 】

  After this comment was sent, many people who had donated but were disgusted immediately stated below that they would also call the donation platform to recover the donated money.

  They would rather throw the money away than give it to a mother and son.

  Because there are too many people on the phone, and because of the fact that Wang Changning’s mother and son touched porcelain, the donation platform quickly called and informed Wang Changning that he would return the donation within three days, otherwise he would face prosecution.

  Wang Changning, who was frightened by Jiujiu's prosecution, was instinctively scared when he heard the word prosecution.

  Wang Changning had no choice but to return the money.

  And the donation platform also updated immediately that Wang Changning has returned the money, and will return the money to those users who donated within two working days.

  Seeing the voice of the donation platform, many netizens were satisfied, and many people started to comment below.

   [Seriously, I really admire the mother and son. They crashed the car when they touched the porcelain. They really broke themselves and blackmailed others. They were cruel to others and even more cruel to themselves! 】

   After the sentence was sent out, it immediately caused many people to like it.

  They would rather be poor than they would use their bodies as capital to blackmail others for money.

  [I just saw the court issued a notice, saying that the remaining four cases will be heard tomorrow, waiting to eat melon. 】

  【Not to mention anything else, as for the case where the student touched the porcelain, Wang Changning's mother and son not only encountered porcelain framed but also suspected of extortion. Even if his mother was willing to commit the crime, he would go in and squat for a few years. 】

  【How many years? Wang Changning’s four cases, one for three years, four for twelve years, tut~]

  (End of this chapter)

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