Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4054: Life ruined by cyber violence 25

  Chapter 4054 A life ruined by cyber violence 25

  【I really want to be able to squat for more than ten years, I will go to the court gate tomorrow to set off firecrackers to celebrate. 】

  [Upstairs, I will raise ten yuan to buy you firecrackers! 】

  Under this comment, a very serious topic instantly crooked the floor, and a lot of crowdfunding to buy firecrackers made people laugh.

[Internal news. I have already deliberately cleaned up those who touched porcelain. This time Ms. Yuan’s case happened. It is said that this incident has disturbed the above. Moreover, Wang Changning’s mother and son have touched porcelain more than ten times in 20 years, even if no one else came to sue. , But they behaved badly, and 80% of them will be severely sentenced! 】

  【Heavy sentence is good, kill a hundred, and see who dares to touch porcelain in the future. 】

  【Still thank Ms. Yuan, without Ms. Yuan's persistence, how could there be today's victory! 】

   [Yes, Ms. Yuan is such a good person! 】

   Amidst the sound of thanks, the next day came.

  Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang attended again.

  Jiujiu’s case was relatively light because all of them were unsuccessful, but each of these four cases was wrong, especially Yuan Lei’s case. Their story was extorted and blackmailed 300,000!

  The original compensation agreement and receipt signed by them and Yuan Cheng are ready-made evidence.

  How proud I was when I signed the notes, and now I am shocked when I see those notes.

  There are videos, written evidence, and even recordings of the signature. When the evidence is conclusive, Wang Changning’s lawyers don’t know how to defend Wang Changning.

  Wang Changning was directly sentenced to ten years after the four lawsuits, while Wang Changning was directly sentenced to five years.

  Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang were sentenced. The people who watched the melons were refreshed. Many people commented on the good and the good, the evil and the evil. It is not that the time has not come for not to report.

  However, Jiujiu knew that this matter was far from over.

  Wang Changning, mother and son, touched porcelain once almost every two years. They both acted so blatantly, there are definitely people behind them.

  Thinking that Wang Changning threatened Yuan Cheng before, saying that Yuan Lei could not continue to go to school, Jiujiu investigated a little and found Wang Changning’s uncle, who was also the younger brother of Granny Wang.

  Wang Changning dared to clamor in front of so many people that Yuan Lei could not continue to go to school. It was absolutely impossible to say that no one behind him signaled.

  Furthermore, every time Mrs. Wang has an accident, the Wang Changning family can call the media for an interview. Can a plain-headed citizen turn the media around?

   Obviously, the person who instigated the media was not Wang Changning, but Wang Changning’s uncle.

   Jiujiu suspected that Wang Changning’s uncle had been supporting Wang Changning.

  Xuan En saw that Jiujiu was investigating Wang Changning’s uncle, and couldn’t help but vomit, “Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang have already squatted out, what are you doing to investigate his uncle? Now you don’t want to afflict the nine clans.”

   Jiujiu glanced at Xuan En, and said, "I am not involved in the Nine Clan. I suspect that the reason why Wang Changning dare to be so arrogant is because his uncle is behind him."

Jiujiu pointed to the XX newspaper that appeared every time Mrs. Wang was injured, and said, “Before the media appeared, every time Wang Changning’s mother was in the hands of Wang Changning’s mother, this XX newspaper would go to the interview as soon as possible and then make a report. Otherwise, Do you think why so many people know that they have been touched, but still give them money for their family? It's not because they are frightened by the contents of the newspaper."

  The people in the past are not the people they are now, and in another place, they are a hero.

  The people in the past paid attention to the return of fallen leaves to their roots. No matter how wonderful the outside world is, the customs and customs of their hometown are the ones that make them nostalgic.

  Otherwise, there will be no such thing as "golden nest and silver nest, not as good as my own dog nest".

  Wang Changning captured this characteristic of those people, knowing that they would never leave their hometowns anyway, using the media to make a big noise, so that they could not hold back their faces, thus extorting money.

  Wang Changning is despicable.

  However, Wang Changning’s is not a man who is brave and conspiring. From his confrontation with himself, it can be seen that Wang Changning is stupid.

  A stupid person cannot come up with such a clever idea. Then the only explanation is that there is someone behind Wang Changning. Someone is helping Wang Changning and Jiujiu has investigated other people in Wang Changning’s family.

  The only person among all relatives who can advise Wang Changning is the uncle in the Education Bureau.

  And Wang Changning’s uncle’s wife happened to be reported by XX.

  Every time something happens in Wang Changning's house, XX newspaper will go to interview, absolutely deliberately.

  If Wang Changning is stupid and bad, then Uncle Wang Changning, who advises this matter, is a bad bone.

  Xuan En was shocked.

  Although Jiujiu felt that his affairs were not simple from Wang Changning's mother and son's reaction, he discovered that Wang Changning's mother and son were habitual offenders.

  But at this moment, Xuan En feels that Jiu Jiu is really Detective Conan.

  Following the clues to plan people’s nests, it’s nothing more than that.

  Xuan En looked at Jiu Jiu with admiration and asked, "What should I do now? Report his uncle? But we have no evidence!"

  There is no evidence, and it is useless to report.

   Jiujiu, "A person who can think of a nephew to touch porcelain with his sister to make money has no bottom line, and his moral bottom line is bound to be very low.

  It’s okay for a person like this to be inactive for a lifetime, and once they become famous, it’s a disaster. "

  Uncle Wang Changning will be successful now.

  "Without Wang Changning’s things, the flaws in his essential work can make him suffer.

  People who love money will definitely wrestle with money. Uncle Wang Changning can think of letting his own sister and nephew make money, and he will inevitably use some small means to make money.

  Using one's position to facilitate corruption and bribery is even more commonplace.

  Jiu Jiu directly and anonymously reported Wang Changning Jiu Jiu He Chun's corruption and acceptance of bribes.

  In the past few years, he has been cracking down on corruption and bribery. As soon as he reported the report, he immediately received high attention from the upper-level leaders and directly suspended He Chun for investigation.

  He Chun loves money and has no bottom line. Even if he can sweep his tail clean every time, there is no impermeable wall under the sky, and he was found out after all.

  Wang Changning's mother and son only entered, He Chun entered.

  Wang Changning, who was expecting He Chun to help him out of old age, completely stunned.

  Li Meijuan was not someone who could share the joys and sorrows with him, otherwise he and Mrs. Wang would not always make money by touching porcelain. Seeing that Wang Changning had no future, Li Meijuan directly filed for divorce.

  Wang Changning stole the chicken but failed to eclipse the rice.

  At the beginning, Wang Changning hated Li Meijuan for being ruthless, but then he hated Jiujiu. He hated Jiujiu for a lot of things, so it’s good to be innocent. Why should he help others to sue him?

  (End of this chapter)

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