Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4055: A stand-in should look like a stand-in 1

  Chapter 4055 A double should look like a double 1

Later, Wang Changning began to hate Mrs. Wang, why she hated Mrs. Wang for touching porcelain in a subway with a camera. If it weren't for her, she would not have been discovered by others, and she would not have fallen into this. End.

   But later, after spending a long time in the prison, Wang Changning forgot what love is and what hate is. Wang Changning only knew that he was wrong.

   Jiujiu has stayed in this world for forty years.

  She fulfilled Yuan Xiao's wish and became a great doctor.

  It’s just that this doctor is unmarried all his life.

  Go back to the system space and look at his attribute value.

  Name: 玖玖

  Gender: female (variable)

  Age: 18 (suspended)

  Appearance: 96 (beautiful)

  Intelligence: 99 (smart)

  Stamina: 98 (Hercules)

  Strength: 99 (Master)

  Spirit: 99 (strong)

  Charm: 77 (charming you)

  Faith: 40

   Merit: 4710

  Available attribute points: 1

   Talent: writing, system

  Specialty: elementary acting skills, tricks, bed skills, coquetry, divination

  Seal: the emperor’s love×3, the uncrowned king, the blessing of the dragon family, the son of luck

  This time the available attribute points, an additional point has been added.

  Jiu Jiu glanced at her attribute value, added this available attribute point to her physical strength, and her attribute value instantly changed.

  Name: 玖玖

  Gender: female (variable)

  Age: 18 (suspended)

  Appearance: 96 (beautiful)

  Intelligence: 99 (smart)

  Stamina: 99 (Hercules)

  Strength: 99 (Master)

  Spirit: 99 (strong)

  Charm: 77 (charming you)

  Faith: 40

   Merit: 4710

  Available attribute points: 0

   Talent: writing, system

  Specialty: elementary acting skills, tricks, bed skills, coquetry, divination

  Seal: the emperor’s love×3, the uncrowned king, the blessing of the dragon family, the son of luck

   glanced at his attribute value, Jiujiu closed his eyes again and entered the mission.

  Jiujiu The name of the target of this mission is Meng Jiujiu.

  Meng Jiujiu has a twin sister named Meng Chacha.

  The two are identical twins, but apart from their looks, their temperaments are different at all.

  Meng Jiujiu has a timid temperament, a dull temperament, and a poor speech since childhood. No matter how patiently her parents teased her, she never gave too much feedback.

   And Meng Jiujiu’s twin sister, Meng Chacha, is indeed a lively and cheerful girl. She has been a pistachio at home since she was a child. Whether she is parents or classmates, she likes Meng Chacha very much.

  But fortunately, Meng Jiujiu's academic performance from childhood to adulthood is very good, and the college entrance examination is directly ranked first in the province, and he was admitted by Q University and became a Q student.

  Meng Chacha has spent too much time and effort in interpersonal relationships. Although the results are not very bad, it is definitely not good.

  The sister of the same twin with her took the national TOP1 Q major, and she was just an ordinary book, not even 985 and 211. How can Meng Chacha, which has attracted the attention of everyone since childhood, can stand it.

  Meng Chacha could not accept the failure and went directly abroad.

  In Meng Chacha’s statement, she wants to change her environment to exercise her independence.

  Meng Chacha’s words aroused the parents' distress, and even the eldest daughter of Meng Jiujiu was not pleasing to the eyes.

  If it weren’t for the eldest daughter’s very good exam results, how could the little girl be stimulated to study abroad.

  Meng Chacha left, and left this home with the love and distress of the Meng family’s parents.

  Meng Jiujiu thought that her own life could go back to the past after her sister left, but he didn't expect that after her sister left, the men who had seen themselves as nothing came out one after another, and each of them said they wanted to fall in love with her.

  Meng Jiujiu knew that something abnormal was a demon, but because one of them was a man named Song Yan who was her crush since childhood, she did not resist the temptation and agreed.

  Meng Jiujiu became Song Yan’s girlfriend.

  But every time she was dating, she was secretive, and Song Yan never introduced her in front of outsiders, and occasionally hit by someone, Song Yan would immediately explain that it was Meng Cha saucer who took care of Meng Jiujiu.

  Meng Jiu-Jiu Ming knew that Song Yan was only using himself as a substitute, but he couldn't help but fall.

  But what Meng Jiujiu did not expect was that Song Yan would drug her on a date. After he forced her, he seemed to have discovered a new way of playing. Since then, Meng Jiujiu has lived a life that is better than death.

  Song Yan not only tossed Meng Jiujiu, but also played with Meng Jiujiu with the men who had pursued Meng Chacha.

  Meng Jiujiu is crazy.

   Driven crazy by those men.

  And the men saw that Meng Jiujiu had become mad, and worried that Meng Jiujiu would talk nonsense about their secrets. They simply kept doing nothing and took Meng Jiujiu directly to the top of an abandoned construction site.

  Meng Jiujiu at the best age, like a butterfly with broken wings, stumbled and fell from the roof.

  Because it was summer vacation, and because the place was too remote, she was only discovered one month after her death. Her body has been chewed up by nearby wild cats and dogs only a little bit.

  Meng Jiujiu’s parents didn’t know until this time that his daughter was dead.

  And they, except for a few drops of crocodile tears, did not move.

  Instead, it was Meng Chacha, who let his parents conceal Meng Jiujiu’s death, relying on the twin sister of Meng Jiujiu, directly replaced Meng Jiujiu’s identity and school status, and went to Q University to study.

   Later, because Meng Chacha couldn't refuse so many boys, she simply stayed with them all.

  After all this, Meng Jiujiu's eyes fell unwilling to blood and tears, "I don't understand, why does my sister treat me this way?"

   "What did Meng Chacha do to you?"

  As if he was aware of what he had said, Meng Jiujiu immediately closed her lips and lowered her eyes, her pale lips incited to spit out, "I want to live."

  Meng Jiujiu finished speaking, and then dissipated in the space.

   Jiu Jiu closed his eyes and entered the mission.

   Entering the mission this time, Jiujiu brought a bun. She had a hunch that she would definitely use a bun.

  Meng Jiujiu’s last sentence before disappearing was extremely informative.

   Obviously those men caused Meng Jiujiu’s death, but Meng Jiujiu didn’t mean to blame the men at all. Instead, he said to Jiujiu, “Why did my sister treat me like this?”

  It seemed that it was not the men who caused her death, but Meng Chacha.

  However, thinking of Meng Chacha, which allows five outstanding men to live together peacefully, Jiujiu felt that there must be something in it that he didn't know much about.

When   Jiujiu opened his eyes, he was lying on the bed, with clothes neatly placed beside the bed, which Meng Jiujiu had prepared long ago.

  Jiu Jiu picked up the clothes and put them on. After washing, she spread her hair as before Meng Jiu Jiu, and went downstairs.

  (End of this chapter)

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