Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4058: A double should look like a double 4

  Chapter 4058 A double should look like a double 4

  As far as Meng Zizhou treated Meng Jiujiu's harsh appearance, Jiujiu had reason to believe that Meng Zizhou would definitely say that you are already an adult and it is time to take care of yourself.

  It’s a pity that there are often good houses, but cheap and better houses are not often available.

  Jiujiu can only use Meng Jiujiu's five thousand dollars to make some money while looking for a house bit by bit.

  It's a pity that the start-up capital is too small.

Three days later, Jiujiu found the house and took the subway to take a look at the house. The address, environment, and conditions of the house were very good. The most important thing was that the other party heard that Jiujiu was a Q college student, and the other party was very big. The room is discounted by 20%, which is nothing short of a gift.

  Jiujiu happily signed a two-month contract with the other party, and after agreeing to renew the contract at any time, he moved over Meng Jiujiu’s things little by little.

  Waiting for Jiujiu to move Meng Jiujiu's things almost, Meng Chacha’s farewell party is here.

  Mengchacha’s farewell party was held at noon, but in the morning, people came to the house one after another.

  The first person to come is Sheng Sizhe.

  Sheng Sizhe was transferred to Meng Chacha and their school in the second half of the second half of high school. It is rumored that he is the prince of the underworld, with a cold temperament and perverted temperament.

  I don’t know what happened between Sheng Sizhe and Meng Chacha. When everyone knew, Meng Chacha and Sheng Sizhe had become very good friends.

Sheng Sizhe is indifferent and ruthless to people all over the world, but only when facing Meng Chacha, he will become a normal seventeen-year-old boy, laugh and shy, and even blush because of Meng Chacha’s words. Meng Chacha has taken over Sheng Sizhe and is very well-known in the school.

  Of course, although Meng Jiujiu is exactly the same as Meng Chacha, the person Sheng Sizhe hates most at school is indeed Meng Jiujiu.

  Sheng Sizhe once said in front of all the schoolmates that Meng Chacha is the best person in the world, and Meng Jiujiu, a person who has nothing to do with learning, does not deserve to have the same looks as Meng Chacha.

  For this reason, Meng Chacha also deliberately talked to Meng Jiujiu, but...

  ‘It’s nothing but learning~’

  Sheng Sizhe, who is always a zero-scoring student in this exam, has any qualifications to despise learning tyrant Meng Jiujiu. If you drank too much green tea, your brain was flooded.

  Sheng Sizhe’s farewell gift to Meng Chacha was a pink diamond necklace. After opening the gift box, he personally brought Meng Chacha.

The gleaming platinum chain just hangs on the collarbone, and a pink diamond surrounded by broken diamonds hangs at the bottom. Under the refraction of the light, with Sheng Sizhe's finishing actions, it emits a bright light, even the stars in the sky, Also avoid its edge.

  Meng Chacha likes pink most, not to mention the pink diamond with such a big carat. After Sheng Sizhe released his hand, he stood in front of the mirror and kept looking at it.

"As long as you like it." Seeing Meng Chacha likes the necklace she gave him so much, Sheng Sizhe's indifferent eyes instantly showed a hint of gentle color, and his cold voice became a little warmer, "Promise me, no matter what You can't take this necklace off at any time."

  Meng Chacha loves this necklace, not to mention being so tenderly watched by the domineering Sheng Sizhe, Meng Chacha only feels that he is immersed in a hot spring, and his body and mind are very satisfied.

Meng Chacha's eyes looked at Sheng Sizhe tenderly, and his eyes were as gentle as a mother looking at an unreasonable child. After a helpless smile, he touched Sheng Sizhe's head and said tolerantly, "I swear to you, unless I die, he will always be there. On my neck, don't worry now."

   Hearing Meng Chacha's life and death to ensure that he would not take off the necklace, Sheng Sizhe's narrow and cold eyes instantly dyed a layer of warmth, watching Meng Chacha's eyes like spring water, rippling waves.

The ambiguity between Sheng Sizhe and Meng Chacha is so strong that there are pink bubbles in the air.

  At this moment, Song Jun came.

  Song Jun is Song Yan’s younger brother, because the Song family and the Sheng family are in the same villa area, Song Yan and Meng Chacha grew up playing with each other, and they can be regarded as childhood sweethearts.

  Song Jun and Song Yan both fell in love with Meng Chacha, and the two have been fighting secretly.

However, because Meng Chacha was in school, the two agreed to wait for the end of Meng Chacha's college entrance examination before starting their pursuit. Meng Chacha made a choice among the two brothers, but neither of them expected that Meng Chacha's college entrance examination was over. Later, I will directly choose to study abroad.

  This time Song Jun came here because he wanted to make a relationship with Meng Chacha's boyfriend and girlfriend, but he didn't expect that as soon as he entered the house, he saw Meng Chacha laughing so ambiguously with other men.

  This made Song Jun's eyes darkened, who had long regarded Meng Chacha as his own woman.

  How old is Song Jun, even though he is full of anger, he still looks gentle and gentle on his face.

  Song Jun delivered the gifts he had brought long ago to Meng Chacha's hands, and looked at Sheng Sizhe calmly.

Although Sheng Sizhe is only seventeen years old, he is 1.83 meters tall. Because he has been working out all year round and has been practicing martial arts, he has a very strong body, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and vest lines. He is still sought after by countless little girls, and even called him Prince Sheng.

  However, Sheng Sizhe is too young, even if he is much more mature than his peers, but in front of Song Jun, who is four years older than him, he is still seen through like a milk doll.

  Song Jun quickly judged Sheng Sizhe from the bottom of his heart, and then smiled and said, "I will go to France later, together?"

Meng Chacha did not give others the time to leave. After hearing that Song Jun could obviously go to France for him, his self-confidence that was hit by Jiujiu a few days ago rose a lot this time. After smiling, he said, “I’m better My sister is smart and wants to go there soon and find someone for tuition."

  Meng Chacha's words immediately brought everyone's attention to Jiujiu's body.

  Meng Chacha originally chose to study abroad because of Jiujiu. At this moment, she once again mentioned that she was not as smart as Jiujiu, so that everyone who was reluctant to bear Meng Chacha immediately looked at Jiujiu.

Especially Sheng Sizhe, he has always had ulterior thoughts about Meng Chacha, because Meng Chacha always told him that she was her sister and regarded him as a younger brother, and he was greedy for Meng Chacha, and worried about the Meng Chacha meeting after he confessed. I'm afraid not to be better with myself, I haven't confessed to Meng Chacha

  He also thought that when the college entrance examination was over, he would ask his father to send him to Meng Chacha’s school. The two cultivated relationships together, but he did not expect that Meng Chacha would choose to study abroad.

  His identity background is not allowed to study abroad. Even if his father is in China, he can only cover the sky with his hands, but he cannot reach abroad.

  Even if he really likes Mengchacha and wants to be with Mengchacha forever, he can’t go abroad to follow in the footsteps of Mengchacha.

  At this moment, hearing Meng Chacha talk about Jiujiu, Sheng Sizhe immediately woke up.

  (End of this chapter)

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