Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4059: A double should look like a double 5

  Chapter 4059 A double should look like a double 5

  If it weren’t for the reference of Meng Jiujiu, Meng Chacha wouldn’t think she was too stupid and wanted to study abroad.

  Sheng Sizhe’s gaze pierced at Jiujiu like a sharp sword. The appearance of Jiujiu killing his whole family made Jiujiu sitting aside drinking juice instantly become the focus of everyone’s attention.

   Feeling the line of sight falling on him, Jiujiu slowly raised his head.

  The carefully nurtured face has a lot of plumpness, coupled with Jiujiu's quiet and cold temperament, it looks as white as an iceberg snow lotus.

Everyone discovered that Meng Jiujiu didn't even have makeup today, but although she did not have makeup, her skin was a bit whiter than Meng Chacha coated with lipopowder, and her almost transparent skin glowed attractively under the light. Like a ripe peach, it exudes a faint fragrance, which is coveted.

  Moreover, Jiujiu looks exactly like Mengchacha, even more delicate and beautiful than Mengchacha.

  Looking at Jiujiu who resembled his sweetheart, Sheng Sizhe couldn't utter a word even though he was full of curses.

  Sheng Sizhe glared fiercely at Jiujiu, and turned his head angrily, but Song Jun, Chong Jiujiu nodded slightly as a greeting.

   Jiujiu nodded slightly, and continued to look at the phone.

  Seeing Song Jun staring at Jiujiu intently, Meng Chacha felt jealous for the first time. She suppressed the sourness in her heart and said with a smile, “My sister has changed a lot recently.”

  Song Jun looked at Jiujiu.

  The former Meng Jiujiu was inferior and introverted, so he always had a hunchback. Even in his own home, he still looked timid, like a frightened little hamster, ready to escape at any time.

But now she is no longer the same as before, with her chest and hunchback, she looks very confident with her chest up and her head up. Even if she is looked at by people's eyes, she is still calm and calm. This look is much more pleasing than the look of the gray mouse before. .

  It’s just that, thinking of her status in the Meng family, Song Jun retracted his gaze, looked at Meng Chacha and said with a smile, “No matter how much it changes, it’s not as important as the status of the little princess in my heart.”

  Song Jun finished speaking, scraped the tip of Meng Chacha’s nose, making Meng Chacha laugh, and the room was instantly filled with happy air.

  Jiu Jiu turned a deaf ear to the joy over there, and is studying how to make money with Baozi.

Writing a book is familiar, but it takes at least a month or two to make money. After she signs the house contract, she only has a few hundred dollars left. A few hundred dollars will not last for a month at all, so she has to find one. Come and do it happily.

  Suddenly, Jiujiu had an idea in her heart.

  She passed the Q college entrance examination this time, and she is still the provincial champion, so if she broadcasts the live broadcast, she will definitely attract many students.

  There are a lot of local tyrant students now, and they will surely attract a lot of rewards.

  Just do it, Jiujiu asked Baozi to find a platform that can withdraw cash four times a month, applied for a live broadcast room, and prepared to make money for senior high school students during this period of live broadcast.

  After earning enough money, she went to stocks and doubled.

  Just after Jiujiu was in a daze, Song Yan, Chenyang and Zhong Jin all came.

  The focus of the three of them is naturally Meng Chacha, and they are talking around Meng Chacha at the moment.

  In the end, Song Yan spoke, and they noticed Jiujiu sitting on the sofa.

Jiujiu wore a goose-yellow dress with a square collar design, just showing the beautiful line of the collarbone. Even if he didn't wear any necklace or jewelry, young is the best decoration. Even if they just sit casually, they are beautiful. Can't move his eyes.

   "What are you looking at?"

In Meng Chacha’s doubts and questions, they finally took their eyes away from Jiujiu, but their minds kept thinking about the beautiful and quiet profile face that they saw just now. The woman, obviously looks exactly the same as Meng Chacha. , But I don’t know why, but it makes people think that she is more beautiful than Meng Chacha.

  The group of people accompanied Meng Chacha in the house and talked a conversation before drove to the reserved hotel.

   Jiujiu and Meng Chacha were in the car of the two brothers of the Song family. However, under Song Jun’s reminder, Meng Chacha finally realized that Jiujiu had turned white and his appearance became more refined.

  If the former Meng Jiujiu was a piece of raw jade, then Jiujiu at this moment is a beautiful jade that has been carefully carved and exudes breathtaking beauty.

  Where is Meng Chacha willing to take away her own attention from Jiujiu, so she does not talk to Jiujiu all the way in the car, lest she shift her attention to Jiujiu's body.

  For Meng Chacha, Jiujiu is at ease instead of talking to herself.

  The driving person is Song Yan, and the driving person is Song Jun.

Song Yan looked at Jiujiu, who was cleverly sitting in the car, along the rearview mirror. Thinking of their plan, he knew that they had better wait for Meng Chacha to leave before starting the plan. But at this moment, seeing such a beautiful woman, how can he stand it? Song Yan was the first to speak.

   "Jiu Jiu seems to have changed a lot."

  Jiujiu did not expect that Song Yan, who has always been very indifferent to Meng Jiujiu, would even talk to him in front of Meng Chacha, slightly surprised, "When I grow up, it will naturally change."

  Jiu Jiu pushed her changes to grow up.

   Song Yan has no doubt about this, after all, they have changed even more when they grow up.

  Song Yan said as he drove, "The temperament has changed. It is much more generous than before, and it has also become more beautiful. I would not recognize it if you were not like Chacha."

  I became beautiful when I heard Song Yan praise Jiujiu. Meng Chacha's fingernails almost pierced his palms, and his mouth tasted blood because of jealousy.

  Meng Chacha was furious, why she had actively invited Jiujiu to participate in this farewell party, and she was angry that Song Jun even praised Meng Jiujiu in front of her.

  They couldn’t wait to get close to Meng Jiujiu before they left. After they left, would they transfer all their likes to Meng Jiujiu’s body?

   Thinking of this possibility, Meng Cha almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

Even though her heart was scratching her heart and lungs, Meng Chacha knew that Song Jun liked her gentle and considerate appearance. In front of Song Yan, she could only smile softly and said, "After the college entrance examination is over, my sister will A lot has changed, probably because the exam was better this time and the reason for the good mood."

  Meng Chacha clearly continued to praise Jiujiu, and would definitely bring the topic to Jiujiu, so by the opportunity of complimenting Jiujiu, he brought the topic to the college entrance examination results.

Song Yan and Song Jun originally planned to wait for Meng Chacha's college entrance examination to end their confession, but Meng Chacha chose to go abroad because of poor grades. After thinking that the culprit of all this was Jiujiu, the nature of the original five points instantly swept four points, and they were originally lighthearted. It became heavier in an instant, and naturally he didn't have the mind to continue chatting with Jiujiu.

  Seeing that Song Yan and Song Jun really did not continue to chat with Jiujiu as he imagined, Meng Chacha was relieved.

  (End of this chapter)

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