Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4061: A substitute should look like a substitute 7

  Chapter 4061 A double should look like a double 7

  But, to Meng Zizhou’s surprise, Jiujiu was not at home.

  After asking the servant, the servant also bluntly said that the eldest lady went out with the suitcase after she came back.

  Meng Zizhou did not think about the fact that Jiujiu would run away from home.

  After all, Meng Jiujiu was timid and timid, and because of that dream, Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen both consciously refused to give Meng Jiujiu money. It is impossible for a person who has no money and is timid to run away from home.

  Although I don’t know why Jiujiu left, it’s always right to wait at home.

  Meng Zizhou waited until the evening, but didn't wait until Jiujiu came back. Realizing something, he immediately went to Jiujiu's house to see.

After entering, Meng Zizhou was taken aback for a moment.

  He naturally went to Meng Chacha’s room. To put it bluntly, the toilets in Meng Chacha’s house are much larger than those in Jiujiu’s.

  Even the maid’s lounge is much larger than Meng Jiaojiao’s.

  And now, the originally small house was cleaned up, and there was no scrap of paper left. Open the closet and the drawer, the inside of the closet was clean, and there was nothing in the drawer except a piece of paper.

   Picked up the piece of paper that was torn from the notebook. There was only one sentence on it.

  Thank you for your eighteen years of care. I’m leaving, goodbye.

  Obviously, she and Jiang Zhen were eager to throw this daughter out, but at this moment, when she was gone, Meng Zizhou's heart suddenly felt like a very important thing had been lost.

  This feeling came like a tide, submerging yourself instantly.

After taking a few deep breaths, Meng Zizhou barely suppressed the fear and anxiety in his heart, and kept persuading himself that it is impossible, tea and tea are his own treasure, Meng Jiujiu is not, but there was a burst of suffocation in his chest. pain.

  After returning to the rental house, Jiujiu immediately began her live teaching career.

  Natural exposure rate, you can't make money in this life, so Jiujiu uses Baozi to send the link of her live broadcast very accurately to the senior high school students who need to make up classes and their parents' mobile phones.

  Because of the three words [provincial champion] in the title, even parents who are very unhappy about the live broadcast of the Internet have clicked into this live broadcast room for an unprecedented time.

   Soon, they were overwhelmed by Jiujiu’s explanation. It was a very difficult topic, but under her explanation, it became very simple. Even parents who have not touched textbooks for many years can hear it clearly.

  They have not been exposed to these knowledge points for almost 20 years, and they can all hear clearly, the kid sprinting for the college entrance examination...

  Think of this, those parents are more active than students urging their children to attend classes in the Jiujiu live broadcast room.

The child who wanted to perfuse his parents immediately became fascinated after hearing Jiujiu’s explanation. The knowledge points that were originally messed up in this way became a brilliant thread, which was then entangled into a ball of wool, which was returned by the way. You knit a scarf to give the third year of high school the first warmth of the third year to the high school students who are in the cold winter because of poor grades and consciously hopeless future.

   Senior three students and their parents are a very large group.

  Jiujiu had a beautiful turnaround on the first day of the live broadcast. On the second day, there was no need to drain the stream. The live broadcast room was crowded with high school students who passed ten times.

  Many local tyrant students and parents thank Jiujiu for his generous sharing, constantly giving Jiujiu gifts, which is very generous.

  Wait for the other party’s gift to be brushed, Jiujiu then starts to lecture.

  Jiujiu is a tutoring for liberal arts and sciences.

  One, three, five, liberal arts, two, four, six, science, she is off on weekends, and everyone is very satisfied with this assignment.

  After all, knowledge points need to be done with a few more questions to consolidate exercises before they can be thoroughly mastered.

  Jiujiu went to station B to register an up master, and at the end of the daily live broadcast, let Baozi edit his live video and upload it to station B for follow-up review by those students.

The action of    Jiujiu made the students who learned that Jiujiu’s live broadcast room was instantly overjoyed, and immediately went straight to account B.

  The huge group of senior high school students immediately captured half of the video of Jiujiu Station B. The barrage and comment area were full of praise and gratitude, and people kept calling their wives and husbands. The scene was called a large-scale cult scene, and it was simply magical.

  Jiujiu's cash withdrawal amount in the first week was more than 50,000 yuan, Jiujiu left living expenses, and the others were directly invested in the stock market.

  Now she has paid off the money she previously borrowed from Huabei, and even has a deposit of 100,000.

Looking at the closet, it was full of black, white and gray clothes that Meng Jiujiu bought by himself. Jiujiu directly packaged the clothes and donated them to the remote mountainous area. Then he bought a few clothes that he liked and made a beautiful wave. , Instantly changed from the ugly duckling to the noble and gorgeous white swan.

  This house is relatively close to Jiujiu school. Jiujiu is used to living and has a lot of income in his hand. He directly called the owner and asked him if he would sell the house to himself.

  This house was bought by the owner during the transition period to live with his wife. Even if he changed to a large house later, it stayed because of his feelings.

  This time, I was willing to rent the house to Jiujiu because he knew that the person who wanted to rent his house was the provincial champion.

  At this moment, I heard Jiujiu asking if he would like to sell the house, and thinking of asking whether he could rent Jiujiu for two months first, the owner was very surprised, "Are you rich?"

This house has a good location. Although it is small in size, it can be sold for at least several million. Even if you know that a person who can be admitted to the provincial champion can not be an unknown person for a lifetime, but before Jiujiu even rent for a year If you can't get it out, it's definitely not a few million.

  Jiujiu’s impression of the landlord is very good. When he heard the landlord’s question, he said, “Some time ago, the webcast made some money for the students to make up classes, and I went to stocks.”

  The landlord knows about making money in stocks.

  But nine people in the stock market lose out. I didn’t expect Jiujiu to be the only one to make money.

  And those who can spend millions to buy a house are obviously making a lot of money.

  When I heard Jiujiu said she was rich, the landlord said, "I will discuss with my wife tonight and tell you."

  The landlord has a very good impression of Jiujiu. Selling the house to a talented girl like Jiujiu can be regarded as a good destiny for himself. Why not do it.

  At night, Jiujiu negotiated with the landlord and his wife about the house, and the next day the money and goods were paid, the owner of the house became Jiujiu.

  In order to thank the landlord for taking care of herself before, Jiujiu specially asked the landlord to have a meal with his wife.

  Looking at Jiujiu’s decent and elegant manners, and then thinking that Jiujiu is the provincial champion this time, the two have a more gentle attitude towards Jiujiu.

  Students do not wait for three days with admiration.

  It’s just two months since I saw it, the little girl made millions from scratch. Over time, the achievement will be big.

  The two have a more gentle and polite attitude towards Jiujiu.

  (End of this chapter)

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