Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4062: A stand-in should look like a stand-in 8

  Chapter 4062 A double should look like a double 8

  A meal is suitable for all guests.

  After handling the house affairs, Jiujiu will report to the school.

  Jiu Jiu wants to be the target of fear of all five people, either with a strong capital or a strong background.

  The Meng family is engaged in electronic components, the Song family is engaged in real estate, the Chen family is said to have an official background, and Zhong Jin’s family is engaged in the Internet. As for Sheng Sizhe, it is rumored to be Prince H Dao.

  These people can do things that treat Meng Jiujiu as the private property of the five people. Jiujiu has no hope for the character of these five people.

Even if she is talented, she can open an irreplaceable company, but as long as these five people are in one day, she will always face the harassment of these people, and if the Meng family knows that she started the company, if she knows Her company is developing well, and she will definitely use filial piety to force her to transfer the company to them. If she is unwilling to give it to them, they will undoubtedly corrupt their reputation.

  The road of starting a company seems to be magnanimous, but in fact it has been completely blocked by these few people.

  Now Jiujiu can only choose to find a stronger backstage for herself.

  The most powerful background is undoubtedly the country.

  In front of the country, everyone else is a monster, no matter the five people or the Meng family, they are all vulnerable.

  As for Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen, if they want to persecute themselves by filial piety, the country will definitely help them deal with these two people, and will not let themselves, the hero who has contributed to the development of the country, chilled their hearts.

  But if you want to be the target of preferential treatment, you must have the strength to match it, and be able to come up with enough benefits at one time, so that they are willing to stand up, and willingly help themselves to solve this annoying couple at one time.

  Fortunately, Meng Jiujiu was disheartened to his parents. He transferred his household registration to the school as soon as the admission notice came down, which was very convenient for Jiujiu.

  In the past few days, Jiujiu did not start the live broadcast, but stayed at home and worked with Baozi to develop the lithography machine currently being developed by the country.

  The lithography machine requires a large amount of knowledge as a basis for research.

  As for Jiujiu, who has won the Nobel Prize many times, the most important thing is the foundation.

  The two have just studied for a few days, and the high-end lithography machine has begun to take shape.

  However, it would take more than a year to produce it. So Jiujiu and Baozi studied and studied for a long time, and finally came up with the transformation of a low-end machine into a high-end machine.

The transformation of a low-end machine into a high-end machine involves a huge amount of knowledge, and because the operation mode of the high-end machine is different from the low-end machine, and the size of the manufacturing equipment is different, the difficulty factor is no less than that of building a high-end machine. , But this is completely easy in front of Jiujiu.

  Jiu Jiu spent the night with Baozi, writing a paper on how to transform the lot of this machine into a high-end machine, sending it to the mailbox of the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and using Baozi to send the email directly to the dean.

  In order to attract the attention of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiujiu’s thesis is as illusory as dreaming, but on the contrary, when illusion is based on theory, it is not illusion, but the reality of fruit and fruit.

  The moment this fantasy-filled but obviously realistic email appeared in the mailbox at Jiujiu, it immediately attracted the attention of the dean.

The dean saw the specific value of Jiujiu’s email and immediately showed it to the relevant personnel. After the relevant personnel read Jiujiu’s mail again, everyone showed overjoyed expressions and immediately called the notice. Superiors, ask them to absorb this person into their department.

  If the assumptions in the emails become reality, then the lives of the people will undergo dramatic changes. By then, they will become the happiest place here.

  Because the theoretical foundation in this email is too solid, and many ideas and theories put forward are full of romance. Everyone thought that this must be a romantic middle-aged scientist, but after seeing the white jade skin and soft cheeks in the Q office, everyone's first reaction was to rub their eyes.

  That essay, it might not have been written by this classmate’s teacher.

  This student, could it be her teacher's boo that attracted them.

  With this doubt, the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who came to recruit Jiujiu restrained his seriousness and showed a terrifying ‘kind’ smile, “Classmate, did your teacher write that paper?”

   Jiujiu raised her eyebrows and said, "No, I wrote it."

Jiujiu said, "As a citizen of this country, I have an unshirkable responsibility for the development of the country. My smart brain is the wealth of all mankind. I hope that during the time I am alive, my wealth can be exploited to the extreme. Therefore, I just contacted you by email.

Before realizing my ideas, I agree to start research on lithography machines. With my method, the error rate can be controlled at about 10%. Moreover, this is the error rate of low-end machines and the error rate of high-end machines. , Not surprisingly, it should be around 5%. "

  The progress of the research on the lithography machine has been relatively slow. At this moment, when I heard Jiujiu’s confident words, everyone was full of enthusiasm. I want to immediately roll up my sleeves and work on the lithography machine together with Jiujiu.

  It’s just that, the dean looked at Jiujiu’s tender face and asked in confusion, “How long have you studied the lithography machine?”

Hearing this little girl just said that the college entrance examination should be only eighteen or nineteen years old. Although the dean believes that there is a genius in the world, they have been ahead of the world for hundreds of years when they were born, but an eighteen or nine-year-old girl has developed such a powerful The lithography machine is really fantastic.

  Even if it is a genius, it is impossible for a genius to span decades or hundreds of years in an instant. Moreover, these hundreds of years are the hundreds of years that many scientists have traveled across the country at the speed of light.

  What's more, this little girl should have just finished the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, she started to contact this field and developed high-tech products in an instant. It can be described as horror.

  Others also thought of this matter, and the look in Jiujiu's eyes immediately increased.

"A few months." Jiujiu couldn't say a few days of such depressing words, turned around and took out his paper from his schoolbag and handed it to the dean, and said, "As far as I know, the country now strongly supports your research. I hope that your research can help the country develop rapidly, but now, my method is the only correct way. Instead of immediately taking action with me to develop science and technology, you are constantly questioning me. What is the reason?

  The ancients said that people are not good-looking, why do you constantly question my professional standards because of my young age and immature appearance? "

  Jiujiu's words made everyone who doubted her look at him instantly.

  (End of this chapter)

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