Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4071: A stand-in should look like a stand-in 17

  Chapter 4071 A double should look like a double 17

  Jiujiu’s work at the Chinese Academy of Sciences is known to all the professors at the school.

  Seeing that Jiujiu’s expression was so serious and he said that he was going to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the professor immediately nodded and let Jiujiu go.

This professor is notoriously serious in school. Before, a classmate was only a few minutes late, and he was scolded for a long time without dirty words. Now Jiujiu suddenly stood up and went out when he was giving a lecture. The professor was so amiable. , The students who were in class together were shocked.

   Jiujiu directly took a taxi to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, put on clothes after entering, walked to Mo Sheng and asked, "How is it?"

   Seeing Jiujiu, Mo Sheng hugged Jiujiu abruptly. The sharp chin, which had become a result of staying up all night, rested on Jiujiu's shoulder, stabbing Jiujiu's shoulder very painfully.

But when the pain in the shoulder heard Mo Sheng crying to him, "We succeeded, we succeeded, and the chip can be produced by ourselves." When Jiujiu's heart softened, he raised his hand at Mo Sheng's. He patted on the shoulder and said softly, "Well, I see."

  Now, our country has also developed a lithography machine that can make new company X films. When Jiujiu's high-end lithography machine is made, it will not be threatened by other countries because of the chip.

  Although Mo Sheng is a mixed-race child, he abandoned him when his mother gave birth. He grew up under the guidance of his father. For him, China is his real motherland.

  The motherland has become stronger, he is happier than anyone else.

  Looking at Mo Sheng smiling from ear to ear, Jiujiu rubbed Mo Sheng’s head and said with a smile, “Now you can finally rest assured.”

   Staying up every day, Mo Sheng can lose weight as fast as 20 catties. A handsome face becomes very haggard because of often staying up late, and dark circles are even more like a national treasure.

  Looking at a handsome guy who was so beautiful before, because of the need to develop a lithography machine, now that he has become like this, Jiujiu feels distressed.

  Mo Sheng did not go to bed, but looked at Jiujiu and said firmly and earnestly, "Comrade Meng, you are the hero of the country."

  Without Jiujiu's theory as the cornerstone, no matter how hard he puts in, no matter how late he stays up, he will not be able to build a lithography machine.

  All this is the credit of Jiujiu.

   Jiujiu is the biggest hero.

Seeing Mo Sheng's eyes flushed because of the success of the lithography machine, Jiujiu raised his hand and rubbed Mo Sheng's head, and said with a smile, "I am a Chinese. I naturally want to contribute to the development of the country. I just did myself. What should be done.

  I believe that if you change to any Chinese, they are willing to do so. "

Jiujiu's words made Mo Sheng feel the press. Mo Sheng looked at Jiujiu deeply and said, "Well said, the development of the country requires Comrade Meng's awareness. Don't worry, I will explain the situation with the superiors. Your reward will definitely be given to you."

  Jiu Jiu waved his hand, “As long as the country is prosperous and strong, and the throat is no longer contained because of the chip problem, it will be the biggest reward for me.”

   "Comrade Meng, I understand what you said, but please don't worry, the country will not let you suffer." Mo Sheng looked at Jiujiu with a firm expression, "Comrade Meng, do you really have no other needs?"

Seeing that Mo Sheng insisted on asking what he needed, Jiujiu paused and said, "I have a bad relationship with my parents. When they know that I am responsible for the research on the lithography machine, they will definitely use filial piety to suppress me."

   Knowing Jiu Jiu for so long, this is the first time Mo Sheng heard Jiu Jiu talk about her parents.

However, because Jiujiu accidentally pressed the release when Meng Zizhou called himself last time, and heard a few words, it is natural that he is not a fool who can come to work at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and naturally guessed that Jiujiu has a bad relationship with his family. Mo Sheng also knows something about this.

  Now hearing Jiu Jiu bluntly say that he has a bad relationship with his family, Mo Sheng's heart is faintly painful, and Jiu Jiu's eyes are a little bit more pitiful.

  Although he was abandoned by his mother since he was a child, at least his father gave all his love.

   And Jiujiu, but there is no one.

  Mo Sheng nodded, "I see, I will reflect on it, any more?"

   Jiujiu shook his head, "No, I will trouble you with this matter."

  Mo Sheng looked at Jiujiu hesitantly, and took the initiative to raise his hand and rubbed it on Jiujiu's head, softly comforting, "Everything will pass, you still have us now."

  I don’t know when, Mo Sheng had already classified Jiujiu into his camp.

  Mo Sheng is a person who only has scientific research in his mind, and he doesn’t speak well. This sentence at this moment may be the softest sentence he has ever said in his life.

Jiujiu was amused by Mo Sheng’s comfort. He laughed and said, “It’s okay. I’ve long been used to it. My relationship with my parents has been bad since I was a child. They don’t like me, only my sister, but My sister has a more greedy temper. I'm afraid she will entangle me in the future. This is up to you."

  Mo Sheng nodded, saying that he would let someone do it.

  It's still very simple to deal with a little girl.

  Mo Sheng's speed is very fast.

  Someone went directly to Meng’s house the next day to find Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen, and asked them to sign a series of confidentiality treaties.

  Looking at each of the treaties used to bind their husband and wife to Meng Jiujiu, but Meng Jiujiu did not have too many requirements for the two of them.

  Jiang Zhen hated Meng Jiujiu a long time ago, and determined that after signing this treaty, Meng Jiujiu would not continue to pester their husband and wife, so he signed his name without hesitation.

  And Meng Zizhou, because of the dream state some time ago, was hesitant to sign this clause. In the end, it was Jiang Zhen's insistence that Meng Zizhou signed his name with a gloomy expression.

  Because Mengchacha is abroad, the confidentiality treaty regarding Mengchacha was made on the spot by video call to Mengchacha, and Mengchacha was asked to confirm it. The two of them signed together on their behalf.

  And this process, the entire video recording, also has legal benefits.

  Since they signed this treaty, they and Meng Jiujiu had a sister relationship with Meng Jiujiu, except for the legal father-daughter mother-daughter relationship, nothing else.

  They cannot get alimony from Meng Jiujiu that exceeds the legal provisions, and likewise, they do not need to give Meng Jiujiu money.

   After signing the contract, Meng Zizhou’s eyelids kept twitching, but Jiang Zhen was relieved and immediately called her sisters who were close to her to go shopping and celebrate.

  Celebrated that she finally got rid of the broom star Meng Jiujiu.

  Meng Zizhou always felt that things were not as simple as it seemed on the surface. For example, where did Meng Jiujiu find such people and let them sign these treaties on her behalf.

  (End of this chapter)

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