Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4072: A double should look like a double 18

  Chapter 4072 A double should look like a double 18

  Meng Zizhou was puzzled, but he had already signed the treaty, but when he signed the treaty, he and Meng Jiujiu had to have no other relationship except for the father-daughter relationship. Even if he regretted it, it was too late.

  On the second day after the signing of the treaty in Mengzizhou, a piece of news appeared on major searches as well as news. News reporters even spent three minutes focusing on describing the matter.

  The genius beauty immediately devoted herself to research after graduating from the college entrance examination, and directly developed a lithography machine that required decades of technology. This move is a miracle.

  And developed a lithography machine with an error rate of only 10%.

  You must know that people in our country are the most humble people in the world. If they say 10%, then the actual error rate is probably around 5%.

  Whether it is the size of the device or the error rate, it is the world's leading level.

   is really amazing.

  Many people have posted that,

  We stand up.

  Yes, we have stood up. We are no longer the ones who were going to be beaten when we fell behind.

  Facts have proved that our scientists are not only excellent, but also very young.

  It is a genius to be able to develop a high-end machine such as a lithography machine at the age of eighteen.

  At the end of this report, a list of many scientific researchers is attached.

  The names of these people are no longer just a few words, they are heroes, and they should be recorded in the annals of history.

  And in everyone's names, the three characters [Meng Jiujiu] ranked first, even surpassing Mo Sheng, the head of this time.

  And the news anchor took a minute to talk about the man [Meng Jiujiu].

  An 18-year-old college entrance examination champion, a genius girl who recognizes her wisdom clearly, feels that her wisdom is the wealth of all mankind, and takes the initiative to stand up and contribute to the development and progress of mankind.

  It only took more than two months to develop the technology of transforming low-end models into high-end models, and she also participated in the whole process of researching and designing high-end machines.

  Meng Jiujiu has raised the country’s scientific and technological development level for 20 years with his own efforts, and even on this basis, it can be raised again for more than 20 years.

  This is something that countless scientists want to do but have no way or ability to do, but she not only sat there, she even did better.

  She is the pride of the country, the pride of all mankind, and the idol of all of us.

  Compared to those male idols in TV shows who like makeup and are more refined than women, everyone said that Meng Jiujiu is a well-deserved idol of the whole people. If she can get her signature, it will be a blessing for three lives.

  Seeing the news network host with red eyes and a moving face introducing Meng Jiujiu, a large slumber under Weibo.

  【Mom, I was still in a puppy love when I was 18 years old, and they developed a lithography machine at the age of 18. 】

  【Key point, two months, low-end transformation of high-end, higher-end, fucking, I can only describe her as a genius among geniuses. 】

  【The genius among the geniuses? My cousin is the group of people who recommended Q big. They are the genius among the geniuses, but he also said that Meng Jiujiu is the genius among the geniuses. 】

  【Fuck, a woman who is considered a genius by a group of geniuses, this is too awesome! 】

  【I even think I am not as smart as others' toes! 】

  【The one upstairs is not what you think, but you are really not as smart as anyone else's toes! 】

  【I used to call my wife when I saw a good-looking lady, but now Meng Jiujiu is so good-looking, but I can’t say it, I don’t think I deserve it! Crying~]

  【Upstairs, you are not alone, and I also think I am unworthy. 】

  [People are so smart, with such a high level of thinking, I feel ashamed to think about it, alas, I don’t know what kind of person I will marry in the future? 】

   [Why do you always think that the focus of women is to marry, and people have such a high level of thinking, they may devote their lives to scientific research! 】

  [It makes sense. After all, a handsome man is not smarter than her, and a man smarter than her is too ugly. If you think about it carefully, you might as well continue your research! 】

  [Upstairs, are you sure there is someone smarter than her? 】

  [Two months to come up with the results of decades of research by others, it turns out that the heads of parents are used for thinking, and my heads are used for height. How do you say that people’s heads are so long, how can they be so powerful? 】

  【My roommate and Meng Jiujiu are in the same school. It is said that she is the first place in the exam every time. The college entrance examination is also the provincial champion with full marks. At that time, my friend told me that Meng Jiujiu was awesome, and she was able to get full marks.

   Originally, I thought that the full score was already very good, but now I suddenly feel that people get full scores because the roll noodles only have full scores. 】

  [This time the college entrance examination questions are inherently difficult, and the admission scores of all universities have been reduced by a few ten points. As a result, people can still get full marks. This is beyond the scope of awesome, okay? 】

  [Big brother, didn't any of you notice Mo Sheng? That little brother is really handsome. He is less than 30 years old this year. My mother, geniuses all get together? 】

  【Sure enough, all the handsome guys were handed over to the country. 】

  【I want to hand over myself to the country, and then ask the country to assign me a handsome person. 】


  In a lot of emotion and praise, the company responsible for the development of the lithography machine was shocked.

  Who could have imagined that their decades of research results, it took an 18-year-old girl only two months to thoroughly research and even make improvements. What a genius, this is simply the devil.

   is really horrible.

  At this moment, Meng Zizhou received a lot of calls from friends.

  After answering the call, Meng Zizhou’s face instantly sank. If it weren’t for his strong self-control, Meng Zizhou would almost throw the phone out and smash it into powder.

  What? They said that Meng Jiujiu developed a lithography machine and was praised by the news. It is said that it has been booked in advance by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  Meng Zizhou smiled and hung up the phone of his friend, and then took out his mobile phone to search for the news network.

  Sure enough, the news about the successful development of the lithography machine is ranked first, and inside it is the introduction of the main researchers, and the most important introduction is Meng Jiujiu.

  After listening to the entire introduction, Meng Zizhou was dumbfounded.

  And Jiang Zhen hurried home immediately after receiving a call from her friend. She didn't believe her friend or the news. She just wanted to hear this from her husband, not what she heard.

When he returned home and saw Meng Zizhou sitting in the living room, Jiang Zhen had a bad feeling in her heart. She walked up to Meng Zizhou, raised her hand and touched Meng Zizhou's arm, and said tentatively, "Husband, What the news says are all false, right."

  (End of this chapter)

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