Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4074: A double should look like a double 20

  Chapter 4074 A double should look like a double 20

  When talking to Jiujiu before, Meng Zizhou felt that he had paid her to raise her to adulthood.

  And now, she has grown into something he can't afford to climb.

  Whenever she thinks of this, Meng Zizhou feels regretful. If she didn't believe in that dream and was willing to treat Jiujiu, would she share it with herself as soon as she developed the lithography machine?

  Even if this technology is to be handed over to the state, as her father, she will definitely receive subsidies and preferential treatment from the state, and the company will definitely be able to take it to the next level.

  And now, these are all destroyed by his ignorance and prejudice.

   Such an excellent daughter, why does he believe that she is the one who caused the destruction of his family?

  Whenever he thinks of this, Mencius can’t wait to choke the original self.

  And the same is true of Jiang Zhen.

  The reason why Jiang Zhen treats Meng Jiujiu like that, besides that dream, there is another reason that she thinks Jiujiu will be the one who destroys her happy and beautiful life.

  Jiang Zhen likes Meng Zizhou, Jiang Zhen loves Meng Cha Cha, but all of this is based on her own good conditions.

  She could have become the one among those noble ladies who was flattered by everyone, because of her superstition and her meanness, she completely lost this opportunity.

  Jiang Zhen used to like socializing the most, but now, because she was afraid that she would be asked about the Jiujiu lithography machine when she went out, Jiang Zhen had not dared to go out for a long time.

  She is afraid that others will not be able to say anything when asked, afraid that others will know that her relationship with Jiujiu is not good, and even Jiujiu has even blocked her mobile phone number. How arrogant she used to be, now she is more worried.

  If she had not signed the treaty back then, she could still use filial piety to oppress Jiujiu, but she had already signed the treaty, and she could do nothing but shut up.

  And she, for the first time, knew that she was really wrong.

  Hearing the busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Meng Zizhou only felt that his heart seemed to be pinched in his hands and tightened constantly, and he was extremely nervous.

  The moment the mobile phone was connected, and ‘hello’ came from the microphone, Meng Zizhou seemed to have heard Xianle, and the whole person was a little airy.

  Meng Zizhou unconsciously squeezed the phone tightly, trying to make his voice gentle and kind, "Jiu Jiu, it's me."

   "I know, there is caller ID, is there anything?"

  Compared with the gentleness and kindness of Meng Zizhou’s voice, Jiujiu’s voice is frosty, even worse than that of a stranger.

But Meng Zizhou thought at this moment that Jiujiu actually admired him when she was a child. She always looked at herself with admiration. Every time she saw herself, she looked forward to herself. Call Dad.

  But what did you do to her at the time?

  Because of that dream, he and Jiang Zhen both hated her very much. If it wasn't for her already known to everyone, they would like to throw her out of the house and let her fend for herself.

  Even if they were raised, in addition to providing the necessary education, the two of them were the worst one.

   Just like she asked herself before, she said that the maid in the family makes two clothes every quarter, but as his daughter, she doesn’t even have one set of clothes in a quarter.

  She gave Meng Chacha the best material conditions and gave Meng Chacha everything she wanted, but it was a small house for Jiujiu.

  After so many years at home, the first time I went in was to vent my anger.

  And that house, not even the size of a toilet, but she has always lived in that small house.

  At the thought of this, Mencius could not wait to slap himself a few times.

It's not that Jiujiu is cold to them now, but because they have long broken Jiujiu's heart, she has long had no hope for their parents, otherwise, she would not choose to leave home after the college entrance examination. Run away.

  Thinking of her questioning Jiujiu's words, Meng Zizhou was extremely ashamed.

My daughter ran away from home for so long, and it took me more than two months to remember to make the first phone call. After knowing that she had money to support herself, her first reaction was not whether the money was earned by herself, but Did she steal money from the family?

  For Meng Chacha, he is a conscientious father, but for Meng Jiujiu, he is a terrible father.

  Even, he is not worthy of the word father.

  Meng Zizhou was ashamed, and his tone became softer, as if he was frightened to Jiujiu, and said, "I saw the news, congratulations."

   "Thank you, is there anything else? I'll be busy when it's okay."

  If Jiujiu said she was busy before, Meng Zizhou would definitely think that Jiujiu was not doing business, but since knowing that Jiujiu had developed the lithography machine, Meng Zizhou felt that Jiujiu was busy and must be doing something big.

However, at this moment, I finally found out that Meng Zizhou, who wanted to be a good father, heard Jiujiu say that she was going to be busy, and was unavoidably hurt. He couldn't help but say, "Can you talk to me?" "

  Meng Zizhou will soften his tone with himself, as expected by Jiujiu.

  She developed the lithography machine, even the country must hold her, let alone Mencius.

  However, Mo Sheng had already told himself that the Mengzizhou family had signed a treaty. After the troubles were over, Jiujiu did not pay attention to the Mengzizhou family.

  At this moment, I heard Meng Zizhou asked if he could have a conversation with him, but Jiujiu did not directly refuse, and asked instead, “What do you think we two can say?”

   Jiujiu’s rhetorical question made Meng Zizhou's speech instantaneous.

  The full-bodied speech was stuck in the throat like this, and I couldn't utter a word.

   Yeah, what can they say now.

  The girl who was willing to talk to him had been thrown away by him without hesitation. Now Jiu Jiu's heart is cold. She has no hope for her father. What can they say?

  Meng Zizhou smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry, then you are busy."

  Jiu Jiu hum, ready to make a decisive call.

  Meng Zizhou suddenly said, "When do you have winter vacation, I will pick you up."

  "I am going to the Chinese Academy of Sciences after the holiday, so I won’t be back. Besides, haven’t you already signed an agreement?"

  Nearly ruthless words made Meng Zizhou understand instantly, Meng Zizhou realized that the signing of the agreement, the press release to develop the lithography machine, this matter may not be led by the state, but led by Jiujiu.

  She is determined to separate her from them.

  Meng Zizhou only felt that the sky was spinning before his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he had fallen to the ground.

  Finally, I forced the most prosperous daughter out of my family.

  Meng Zizhou regrets it!

  But it's too late.

   Jiujiu said that she was busy, but she was not perfunctory Meng Zizhou, she was really busy.

  She is studying fighter jets recently.

  (End of this chapter)

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