Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4075: A double should look like a double 21

  Chapter 4075 A double should look like a double 21

  Foreign fighter jets have been updated to version 30, and the latest feature is completely invisible.

  The general stealth fighter is designed with a special structure. The radar waves are diffusely reflected and the special coating absorbs the radar waves, so that the reflective surface is only a few tenths of a square meter under the detection of the radar antenna.

  Because of these coatings that absorb radar wavelengths, stealth fighters can escape under radar detection.

   Later, although an anti-stealth fighter radar was developed, it has been updated to 30 in foreign countries. Even the anti-radar cannot be detected, which is very tricky.

  However, as long as things have shortcomings.

  As long as you deal with this shortcoming, the original invisibility will become nowhere to hide.

  After working with Baozi for a week, Jiujiu submitted her report and continued her research on fighter jets.

  Since foreign countries like to engage in stealth fighters to conduct investigations in other countries, she will let the other party have a taste.

The fighter developed by   Jiujiu is also invisible.

  However, unlike foreign countries that rely on special structures, special coatings, and non-metallic materials to achieve stealth purposes, this fighter is a metal material obtained by Jiujiu and Baozi after tens of thousands of experiments.

Although this metal material is metal, its characteristics are very similar to those of non-metallic materials. Under radar monitoring, he can't be detected at all. It is coupled with the paint that Jiujiu applied that will respond quickly to changes in the surrounding environment. Achieved complete invisibility.

The   fighter issue is a military secret. No matter how great Jiujiu’s contribution is, no one will know about it.

  However, the development of equipment such as a lithography machine, Jiujiu is known to everyone in the world.

  And Meng Chacha saw the news on the Internet.

  When I first saw the three characters Meng Jiujiu, Meng Chacha thought it was a person with the same name and surname, but when she saw the photo, she completely believed that this is not the same name and the same surname, this is really Meng Jiujiu.

  Meng Jiujiu even developed a lithography machine.

  Even if Meng Chacha is not interested in these things, it can be seen from the praise of everyone that this thing is very powerful.

  Thinking of Meng Jiujiu's cowardly and shrinking sister in his memory, and seeing the confident and radiant woman in the news photos, Meng Chacha couldn't believe that they were the same person.

  Meng Chacha directly called home, ready to ask mom and dad whether this matter is true.

  Even though the news has been reported, Meng Chacha subconsciously believes that this incident must be false, and she does not want to believe that Meng Jiujiu can develop such a powerful thing.

  Jiang Zhen didn't dare to go outside to party with friends during this period, so she immediately connected when she saw Meng Chacha's call.

   "Mom, I just saw the news. The news says that my sister has developed a lithography machine. Is this true?"

  Now Meng Chacha only has this idea in her mind. I hope Jiang Zhen will tell her that this matter is fake.

  But things are counterproductive. Even if Jiang Zhen doesn’t like Meng Jiujiu’s daughter, she can only nod her head and say, “Really.”

  After all, people in the country are willing to make so many plans for her, obviously this thing is true.

After hearing the unexpected answer, Meng Chacha’s smile froze on her face instantly, and after a while she said pretentiously, "My sister is so amazing!"

  Hearing what Meng Chacha said, Jiang Zhen did not refute those harsh words for the first time, but said to Jiang Chacha for the first time, "Chacha, our family is only good for your relationship with your sister. You should always contact your sister in the future."

Jiujiu’s current position, even those big guys must hold, if Meng Chacha has a good relationship with Jiujiu, even if an agreement is signed, but the relationship between the two is so good, Jiujiu will definitely not be too bad for Mengchacha, as long as She is willing to give Meng Chacha any introduction, and she will have a good future.

Jiang Zhen's relationship with Jiujiu is not good, and she also signed an agreement. Her relationship with Jiujiu has been very bad since she was a child. It is impossible to get benefits from Jiujiu. I can only hope that Meng Chacha and Jiujiu The relationship is good enough for Meng Chacha to get some benefits. It is best to let Meng Chacha act as a middleman, and let Meng Jiujiu and her and Meng Zizhouhua go to war.

  Jiang Zhen dare not expect to continue to be a harmonious family, but at least, he will not be a strident stranger.

  Meng Cha Cha originally wanted to get some comfort from Jiang Zhen, but Jiang Zhen actually allowed herself to have a good relationship with Meng Jiujiu.

   Jiang Zhen’s words were like a short knife, which was directly inserted into Meng Chacha’s heart, and Meng Chacha almost didn't vomit bleeding.

  That **** not only really developed a lithography machine, but also made parents look different.

   Thinking of the high praise of Jiujiu in the report, Meng Cha broke a few nails abruptly.

  A blink of an eye, the winter vacation is here.

  When Meng Chacha returned home, he sent messages to all five of Song Yan that he was back.

  If it was before, these five people would definitely come to pick her up at the airport.

  However, after Meng Chacha arrived at the airport, she only saw Sheng Sizhe.

Sheng Sizhe grew taller, his face became more handsome, and his eyes became sharper. Seeing Meng Chacha coming out, Sheng Sizhe immediately stepped forward, took the suitcase in Meng Chacha's hand, and said as he walked, "Come back this time. How many days are you staying at home?"

I didn't see the other people, Meng Chacha felt a little drumming in her heart. Hearing Sheng Sizhe's tone at the moment seemed much colder than before, Meng Chacha's mood was even more anxious, and she smiled and said, "You are going to go back after the New Year, how about you? Will you go back to your hometown for the New Year?"

  Hearing Meng Chacha asked if she was going back to her hometown for the New Year, Sheng Sizhe's face appeared unnatural for a while, and after a while, he said, "I won't go this year."

  Even after receiving Meng Cha Cha today, I still want to go online with Meng Jiujiu through Meng Cha Cha.

  He had the same idea as his father, and he had to chase Meng Jiujiu.

  But the problem is that for Meng Chacha, he used to scold Meng Jiujiu, and even attacked Meng Jiujiu personally in front of the entire school.

  He hates Meng Jiujiu deeply, why not Meng Jiujiu to him?

  This kind of relationship, wanting to pursue Meng Jiujiu, is tantamount to a fantasy.

  Sheng Sizhe hopes to reach a reconciliation with Meng Jiujiu through the relationship between Meng Chacha, and if Meng Jiujiu can accept himself, it would be better.

  As for Mengchacha, Sheng Sizhe still likes it, but in the face of interests, Mengchacha is not that important.

   Perceiving Sheng Sizhe's distraction, Meng Chacha couldn't help clenching her fist.

  Sheng Sizhe sent Meng Chacha home and asked if the relationship between Meng Chacha and Meng Jiujiu was not as good as he thought, so he left quickly with the excuse that something happened at home.

  Meng Chacha was so angry that Sheng Sizhe’s liver hurt, and quickly contacted several other people on the cell phone in the dark, asking them when they would be free to come out for a meal, but was rejected by the group.

  (End of this chapter)

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