Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4076: A double should look like a double 22

  Chapter 4076 A double should look like a double 22

   Song Yan, who had been the fiercest offensive against her before, even directly stated that he had no time for the New Year.

   is obviously avoiding her.

  In order to be able to eat with him, Song Yan stepped over the wall of the school regardless of his identity. Now, he took the initiative to ask him, but he directly refused, and said that he would not eat with her before the Chinese New Year.

  Meng Chacha is not a fool, so she naturally understands that Song Yan is trying to distinguish the relationship between the two of them.

  Although Zhong Jin and Chenyang are not as absolute as Song Yan said, they are still vague, not saying when they plan to meet.

  Finally, Meng Chacha still knew from Song Jun that several other people were planning to pursue Meng Jiujiu, so they had to avoid suspicion against her sister.

  Meng Cha Cha was treated like this for the first time, almost mad.

  But she has always been a gentle and kind image, and they have always been in an ambiguous relationship. They want to pursue other people, and she has no choice.

  I used to think that I was a sea king and could handle the relationship between these people. At this moment, all the fish in the fish pond ran away, and she could only stare at her.

  Mengchacha had a dumb loss, and the dumb loss was due to Jiujiu, and Mengchacha hated Jiujiu even more.

  Meng Chacha stayed at home for a day, and then went to see Jiujiu.

  Resume the old.

  Hearing that Meng Chacha was looking for Jiujiu, Jiang Zhen immediately prepared a large gift for Meng Chacha to hand it to Jiujiu.

  Meng Chacha casually glanced at it, and the contents she wanted her mother did not buy for her before, but now, all the brows are not frowned to Meng Jiujiu, where does that **** deserve to have so many good things?

  Meng Chacha hated him terribly, but with a smile on her face, she nodded her head obediently, "Mother, rest assured, I will give these things to my sister so that she will stop hating you and dad."

  Hearing what Meng Chacha said, Jiang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

  Looking at Jiang Zhenru's relief, Meng Chacha hated Jiujiu more and more.

  A slut, a slut, even if you leave, your family will never forget you, really a slut.

  Jiujiu happened to be an exam week, and Jiujiu had only finished the exam. Just when she went downstairs, she saw Meng Chacha standing at the flower bed.

  Because Meng Chacha looks exactly the same as Jiujiu, a group of onlookers soon attracted a group of people. Many people even took out their notebooks and tried to ask Meng Chacha if they could sign them.

  Don’t think about it, these people all recognize themselves as Meng Jiujiu.

  In the past, only others regarded Meng Jiujiu as their own. Now that Feng Shui turns around, he is actually recognized as Meng Jiujiu.

  Meng Chacha was about to explode in anger, but she could only wave her hand and said, "Excuse me, I am not Meng Jiujiu, I am her twin sister."

Hearing Meng Chacha said that she was not Meng Jiujiu, and she could tell the difference between her and Jiujiu as soon as she opened her mouth. Jiujiu's voice was cold and cold, like snow water with strands of chill, while Meng Chacha's voice tended to be sticky. , As sweet and greasy as honey.

   After discovering that Meng Cha Cha is not Jiujiu, the people who had surrounded Meng Cha Cha instantly dispersed.

  Jiujiu walked to Meng Chacha under the crowd's onlookers, and looked at Meng Chacha's face which was very similar to him, but seemed to have a different face, and said, "What's the matter?"

I haven’t seen it for half a year, but Jiujiu’s appearance has become even more beautiful, especially those eyes, as if a pool of coldness is bottomless, and there are strands of chill, which makes people can’t help feeling a little bit cold. .

  Where did Meng Chacha see Meng Jiujiu in such a way, he was instantly captured, and it took him a long time to relax. He looked at Jiujiu and said, "Sister, you have changed."

  Not only has become more beautiful, but also has an even more amazing aura. If it were not for a similar appearance, she could not believe that the person standing in front of her was the timid and timid Meng Jiujiu.

  Jiu Jiu said, looking at Meng Chacha, she continued to ask, "Anything?"

  Jiujiu asked "something is wrong" twice, but Meng Chacha couldn't continue to pretend to be stupid, so she could only smile and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss my sister, so come to school to see my sister."

After Meng Chacha finished speaking, she took out the things Jiang Zhen had given herself, opened it, and said with a smile, "Mum bought these for my sister specially. I begged my mother for this necklace for a long time, but she was not willing to buy it for me. I thought of buying it for my sister."

  Meng Chacha pouted her mouth, like a little girl who is jealous of her mother and prefers her sister. Her mischievous appearance caused many people to look at her involuntarily.

   Jiujiu glanced at Meng Chacha’s face and said, “I don’t want it, you can take it back, is there anything else? If it’s okay, I’ll go back.”

It’s an exam week recently, but she still has to do the work she should do. She is very busy every day. Now she is wasting time talking to Meng Chacha and she has to lose a few minutes of sleep at night. Jiujiu would rather waste time playing games instead of playing games. Time wasted talking to Meng Chacha.

Meng Chacha did not expect that Jiujiu would be so cold, his eyes dimmed instantly, like eggplants that had been beaten by frost, slapped, raised his head, his eyes moved up, revealing the pitiful eyes of a little milk dog, seeming to be puzzled. , Why does my sister treat me this way.

  The look of Mengchachagougou's eyes is very flattering. If you change someone, I am afraid that I can't wait to take Mengchacha in my arms and take a good look.

  But Jiujiu was indifferent to this and even wanted to eat matcha cake.

  At least, the matcha cake is sweet but not greasy, unlike Meng Cha Cha.

"Sister, I know you don't care about you until you blame your parents, but didn't you also ran away from home without saying hello? It's normal for parents to be angry." Meng Chacha used very innocent words to say heartbreaking words. , Affixed a label of willfulness and running away on Jiujiu directly.

  "My parents have always missed you. When I came back, they urged me to come and see you. My mom bought you so many jewelry as gifts to apologize. Sister, please forgive your parents this time."

  Since ancient times, Chinese people have had a saying, “There are no parents who are not in the world”.

   means that there are no wrong parents in the world. If there are, please read this sentence again.

Originally Jiujiu was the focus. Today, everyone saw a Mengchacha that was exactly the same as Jiujiu. He heard that Jiujiu had a bad relationship with the family. Originally, Jiujiu was still on the side of Jiujiu because of his genius aura. But I heard Meng Chacha said that Jiujiu was ran away from home and was angry with his parents. No matter how she looked, he looked like a bear child.

  Thinking that many geniuses have some quirks, it seems that some can understand.

  Jiu Jiu knows what Meng Chacha's idea is, but she just wants to leave a brand of willful and ignorant on her body.

  After all, even if Jiujiu changed, the pride in her bones made her disdain to refute her words.

  But what Meng Chacha didn't expect was that Jiujiu spoke up, and directly refuted her words.

  (End of this chapter)

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