Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4085: A double should look like a double 31

  Chapter 4085 A double should look like a double 31

As for Meng Zizhou, because he was the business negotiated by Jiujiu’s father before, it was later revealed that his relationship with Jiujiu was not good. Those who did not sign the contract repented on the spot, and those who signed the contract were also looking for work every other day. Mencius was tired of coping.

   Seeing Meng Chacha come back, the two of them barely smiled. Jiang Zhen couldn’t wait to ask, “Chacha, have you contacted your sister recently? How is your relationship repaired?”

  Meng Chacha likes to pretend the most. She obviously wants Meng Jiujiu to die on the spot, but she always likes to pretend that she has a good relationship with Jiujiu. At home, she also likes to pretend that she has a good relationship with Jiujiu. She is a good sister to a distressed sister.

  For this reason, Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen put all the repair and Jiujiu relationship on Meng Chacha.

  Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen both encountered problems because of Jiujiu, but their relationship with Jiujiu was very poor. They deserved to put all their hopes on Meng Chacha.

I just touched a nail in front of Jiujiu today. Thinking of Mo Sheng's attitude towards him, Meng Chacha bit her white teeth angrily, and said with a cold snort, "Mom, don't talk about it, my sister doesn't want to be nice to me." NS."

"I don't want to be with you anymore?" Hearing Meng Chacha's words, Jiang Zhen frowned and asked in confusion, "What's the matter, hasn't your relationship with your sister always been good? Didn't you tell us? Was it just a misunderstanding last time, and hasn't been solved yet?"

  Speaking of this, Jiang Zhen's face is already very ugly.

  Jiang Zhen is not interested in the relationship between Meng Chacha and Jiujiu, she only cares, if Meng Chacha and Jiujiu can’t repair the relationship, wouldn’t she not be able to go out to socialize in the future?

  For a person who is keen on communication, this is undoubtedly the biggest punishment.

Realizing that Jiang Zhen's eyes were obviously unkind, Meng Chacha quickly explained, "Mom, sister was not angry with me because of my last time, but because our family members were angry with her. You forgot that she was angry. What did you say about me this time?"

  Meng Chacha evoked what Jiujiu said last time, Jiang Zhen couldn't help being guilty, and naturally she couldn't utter a word of complaint.

  At night, when Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen were both alone, Meng Zizhou couldn’t help but said, "You said, was that dream fake?"

  Meng Jiujiu invented the lithography machine and became a national key protection object. It doesn’t look like a person who will destroy the family. The dream at the beginning, did you recognize the wrong person?

  As soon as Meng Zizhou was put forward, the husband and wife looked at each other, and their eyes showed horror.

Yes, Meng Jiujiu is so powerful, and being suppressed so badly by their husband and wife, they can develop such a powerful thing as a photolithography machine. If they treat Meng Jiujiu well, Meng Jiujiu's will definitely become a better one. People.

   And Meng Chacha is exactly the same as Meng Jiujiu, and her brain is not as good as Jiujiu, and her temperament is not as good as Jiujiu. If she is allowed to inherit the company, the scenes they dreamed of will happen.

  Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen, for the first time, they felt terrified and bored with their beloved daughter Meng Chacha.

  Meng Chacha didn’t know that her parents had added to her the disgust that Meng Jiujiu originally had, and she was still wondering how to deal with Jiujiu.

  Song Yan finally began to formally pursue Jiujiu.

  Song Yan goes to school to find Jiujiu every day when he can't be beaten. He wants to meet Jiujiu to eat together, and cultivate his feelings.

   But except for the first time that Jiujiu didn't know that he came back and let him get close to him, Song Yan was directly stopped by someone, and he couldn't even see Jiu Jiu's face.

  I don’t know if it was because he pursued Jiujiu so violently that the country that had been letting house prices start to control house prices, which made the land that Song Yan bought at a high price directly turned into a hot potato.

  Continue to develop according to the previous idea, the house price will definitely exceed the national regulation, but if it does not exceed the figure stipulated by the country, they will definitely lose money after development.

  This piece of land that their family is very optimistic about from the north has directly become a hot potato. Development is not, nor is it not to develop.

   And Chenyang did not have time to pursue Jiujiu, his father made a mistake.

  He was about to be promoted. Not only could he not be promoted, but he might even be demoted. This allowed Chenyang's father, who was able to be promoted to a higher level, to accept it for decades and was directly admitted to the hospital.

  As for Zhong Jin, he was directly investigated by the state before he had time to attack Jiujiu.

  Zhong Jin has a clever mind, and there is no problem at all when it is obvious.

  But the problem is that the people above do not only investigate this time, but only once in a while.

  It's okay if the bottom of his hands is always clean, but Zhong Jin is not always clean, and problems will be discovered sooner or later.

   Soon, Zhong Jin was found out of the problem and was directly imprisoned for investigation, or faced imprisonment.

  And the only surviving Sheng Sizhe has not launched an offensive, ushered in a wave of "sweeping black and evil".

  Sheng Sizhe’s father was originally not very clean, so he was sent in first.

  Sheng Sizhe’s father was originally not clean, but now the country is rigorously investigated, and there is no possibility of going out once he enters. All the industries under his hands are sealed off. Overnight, Sheng Sizhe has turned from a rich man who has everything to a pauper with nothing.

  From beginning to end, it only took one night.

Sheng Sizhe had poor academic performance. He relied on his father to stuff money to enter the school. Now his father is locked in. The school is instructed to know that Sheng Sizhe’s father will not release it anymore. Sheng Sizhe fired.

  Song Yan still did not think of a good development method for that piece of land. In the end, he could only let this piece of land go uncultivated. After all, there was still a chance to start again when the land was uncultivated. Once buildings were built, there would be no room for change.

  Furthermore, but because of this land, the Song family's vitality was badly injured, and it quickly became silent.

  At this time, Jiujiu announced its entry into holographic intelligence, which is expected to be put into use within three years.

  If it was a carnival of netizens and technology houses before, then the research of holographic intelligence is the gospel of game lovers.

  Although holographic intelligence was definitely used in other aspects at the beginning, but holographic intelligence is there, can holographic online games be far behind?

  Thinking of the description of holographic online games in the novel, game lovers instantly fell into madness.

  If Jiujiu’s relatives are the goddess of the technology house, then at this moment, Jiujiu has become the goddess of all game lovers, regardless of gender, age, and even nationality.

  (End of this chapter)

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