Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4086: A double should look like a double 32

  Chapter 4086 A double should look like a double 32

  Many foreign gamers have expressed that it is still too late to apply for a work visa to go to work in China?

  Domestic players said that if we walk around, our own food is not enough, how can there be a game warehouse for you to play?

  The Internet was caught in a boil, and at the same time, Jiujiu created [Jiu Mo Network Technology Co., Ltd.] dedicated to the research and application of holographic intelligence, and the work location is the city west, which has been the hottest recently.

If the piece of land that Song Yan bought was the Lou Wang, then the piece of land in the west of the city is the Lou Wang among the Lou Wangs. However, the government has always held the land in its hands, and I didn’t expect it to be given away silently. Jiujiu.

  However, Jiujiu’s dedication should be given to her. Moreover, Jiujiu’s military industry has investment. Although it is not a state-owned enterprise, it is better than a state-owned enterprise.

Except for Mo Sheng, all the employees of   Jiujiu's company are researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who volunteered with Jiujiu.

  And the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is happy to see the result.

After all, Jiujiu has a red heart toward the country. These people are studying everywhere. It is better to use light and heat under Jiujiu's hands, so that Jiujiu can study holographic intelligence earlier, so that his old antique can also enjoy the development of science and technology. Charm.

  Alas, getting old and getting old, I didn’t expect to encounter such a good thing. Sure enough, as long as you live long enough, you can encounter everything.

  After the dean finished feeling emotional, he smiled and called up to apply for funding.

  Jiujiu's popularity once again made the Meng family the center of ridicule again.

  Everyone is laughing at the fact that Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen have no eyes.

  It’s a daughter like Meng Jiujiu who doesn’t like it, but she feels that she doesn’t know much about Meng Chacha.

The video of Meng Chacha questioning Jiujiu in Q Dahuatan. With Jiujiu’s success again, it was spread everywhere again. People who didn’t know Meng Zizhou felt that the couple’s brains were flooded, and those who knew this The couple is confused.

  A person who doesn’t even recognize his children, what kind of profit can you expect from him in the future?

  This kind of doubt is fatal to an enterprise.

  Meng Zizhou’s company was able to receive fewer and fewer orders. Finally, the company was finally sold.

  Mengchacha has also become the object of ridicule.

  Because of her, people who used Meng Jiujiu as a substitute and used Meng Jiujiu to vent their emotions, knowing that they have no hope of pursuing Meng Jiujiu, instead began to use Meng Chacha, which looks similar to Jiujiu, as a substitute for Jiujiu.

   And when Jiujiu successfully developed holographic intelligence, Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen had a dream again.

  This time, they finally discovered that the [Meng Jiujiu] in the original dream was not Meng Jiujiu, but Meng Chacha.

  After Meng Jiujiu committed suicide, Meng Chacha replaced the identity of the Meng family with her face exactly like Meng Jiujiu. After graduating from university, she took over the company as Meng Jiujiu.

  Mengchacha has a sweet mouth, but it is not enough to do business with a sweet mouth, and you are a beautiful girl with a sweet mouth, which will make people feel weak and bully.

  Meng Chacha was not a person suitable for business, and soon the company went bankrupt due to her series of sorrows.

  Afterwards, Meng Chacha left with the five men who had always loved her, but their husband and wife had replaced all their debts, and life was better than death.

  Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen woke up at the same time.

  They both saw deep regret in each other's eyes.

  They had been indifferent and ignored Jiujiu because of a dream. They knew that they had completely separated from this daughter. Only then did they discover that the daughter they wanted to give birth to in the dream was not the Meng Jiujiu they thought, but Meng Chacha.

  The reason for all this is because they had such a dream.

  One, this daughter will kill their dreams.

  They don’t want to die, so they act first.

   But now, Meng tells them that, in fact, they have always hated the wrong person. They hated the person they should be kind to, and they should hate the person they should be kind to.

  Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen thought that they had treated Meng Chacha kindly, they even vomited bile in disgust.

   And this time, because of the loss of Jiujiu, the eldest daughter who can create trillions of value, Meng Zizhou and Jiang Zhen’s hatred for Meng Chacha is surging like a tide.

  Because of their hatred for this daughter, even though Meng Chacha has disappeared for more than a month, they never thought of looking for this daughter.

  This kind of evil spirit is best if you die.

  The disappeared Meng Chacha succeeded Meng Jiujiu’s original destiny and became the private property of these five people.

  But Meng Chacha didn’t have Meng Jiujiu’s smashing cauldrons, she would rather jade rather than complete her temper. She was reluctant to die, so she could only live in pain like this.

   However, looking at the people who have always liked me when I go back, I like Meng Jiujiu who disgusted me. Meng Chacha feels pain, but in order to survive, I can only grit my teeth and continue to persevere.

  But, because of her persistence, those people tortured her harder, and Meng Chacha finally died one night.

  The next day, she was pulled out for cremation. As the last handful of ashes disappeared with the wind, Meng Chacha died without leaving a trace.

  The few people who killed Meng Chacha naturally failed to escape legal sanctions.

  On the third day of Meng Chacha’s death, they were arrested.

  And this time, what they have to face is the punishment they should have faced.

   Jiujiu lived in this world to ninety-nine years old, and died in his sleep.

  Because of Jiujiu, the progress of science and technology has passed from being behind foreign countries by 20 years to now surpassing foreign countries by a hundred years.

  China, which was restricted everywhere, has become a superpower and an object that all countries need to please.

   Jiujiu opened his eyes and entered the system space again.

  Jiujiu view your own attribute value

  Name: 玖玖

  Gender: female (variable)

  Age: 18 (suspended)

  Appearance: 96 (beautiful)

  Intelligence: 99 (smart)

  Stamina: 99 (Hercules)

  Strength: 99 (Master)

  Spirit: 99 (strong)

  Charm: 77 (charming you)

  Faith: 40

   Merit: 4710

  Available attribute points: 1

   Talent: writing, system

  Specialty: elementary acting skills, tricks, bed skills, coquetry, divination

  Seal: the emperor’s love×3, the uncrowned king, the blessing of the dragon family, the son of luck

  As before, one more attribute point is available.

   Jiujiu thought for a while, added the available attribute points to her intelligence, and her attribute value instantly changed

  Name: 玖玖

  Gender: female (variable)

  Age: 18 (suspended)

  Appearance: 96 (beautiful)

   Intelligence: 100 (???)

  Stamina: 99 (Hercules)

  Strength: 99 (Master)

  Spirit: 99 (strong)

  Charm: 77 (charming you)

  Faith: 40

   Merit: 4710

  Available attribute points: 0

   Talent: writing, system

  Specialty: elementary acting skills, tricks, bed skills, coquetry, divination

  Seal: the emperor’s love×3, the uncrowned king, the blessing of the dragon family, the son of luck

  (End of this chapter)

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