Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4090: I am your aunt 4

  Chapter 4090 I am your aunt 4

Hearing what Jiujiu said, Wu Mengze felt sweet in his heart, then he grabbed it, and quickly said to Jiujiu, "I broke my legs and injured my arm. It won’t be better in a few months, although you are now You can find the fruit, but when the snow covers the mountain, there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, and you will find nothing. If you don't leave now, you will be starved to death here with me in the future."

  Speaking of ‘starved to death here’, Wu Mengze’s eyes were filled with dazzling worry and pain.

  Without the appearance of Jiujiu, he would have been a dead person long ago, but Jiujiu couldn't afford to lose his life for him.

  Wu Mengze is really grateful to Jiujiu, so when he said this, he didn't hide himself at all.

"I know, but what do you do if I'm gone?" Jiujiu tilted his head, and his eyes, which looked huge because of being too thin, shook under the firelight, shining brightly, and Jiujiu used a very dull look. The tone was very true and cruel, "You would die without me."

  Naturally, Wu Mengze knew that once he left Jiujiu, he would definitely die, but he could not be so selfish. In order to survive, he would trap Jiujiu in this mountain that might starve her to death.

Jiujiu didn’t know how to tell Wu Mengze that although she was just a five-year-old girl, but she had the ability to survive, she opened her mouth and flickered, “I know, you think I’m young and only pick up fruits, but in fact , I can hunt and repair houses."

Jiujiu lied and didn’t blink Wu Mengze, “I’ve been very smart since I was a child. I just have to look at everything once, otherwise, why do you think I would look for herbs for you? "

  Otherwise, it is impossible to help Wu Mengze set his bones and drag Wu Mengze from the place just now.

  Seeing Wu Mengze’s suspicious expression, Jiujiu thought for a while, and felt that hearing was fictitious and seeing was believing, so he lifted up a large stone weighing tens of kilograms.

  At this scene of a petite little girl lifting a stone larger than her, Wu Mengze was dumbfounded.

Seeing that Wu Mengze finally believed in himself, Jiujiu patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I can take care of the two of us even in winter." Jiujiu glanced at Wu Mengze's legs and said, " The most important thing for you now is to raise your legs. When spring comes, we will find a way to leave together."

  Wu Mengze, who was full of worries, nodded obediently under Jiujiu’s persuasion. It looked like a little milk dog raised by Jiujiu, well-behaved and cute.

   Jiujiu smiled, and gave Wu Mengze some fruit.

  Although the night is cold in the mountains, the temperature in the cave has been maintained at a very warm temperature, and the two have a good night's sleep.

  When he woke up the next day, Wu Mengze subconsciously turned his head to look at the bed where Jiujiu was sleeping.

  Jiu Jiu has gotten up, and brought back the firewood he had picked up from outside.

Seeing Wu Mengze wake up, Jiujiu made a pile of firewood with dry wood. Under the fire, Jiujiu said, "From today, I will give the two of us food for the winter. This is a deep mountain, wild fruits and dried fruits. There are many. I mainly pick these things. Dried fruits can be eaten for the winter, and the fruits can be dried and eaten for the winter. I learned how to make traps with hunters. I will make traps nearby. When we hit the prey, we eat meat and eat. What do you think of making jerky meat for the winter?"

  When Jiujiu spoke yesterday, Wu Mengze was very grateful. At this moment, he heard Jiujiu arranged all the food types to eat for the winter, so he nodded.

  It’s just that I feel awkward when I think of someone as big as I need to take care of this little girl, Jiujiu.

  Obviously, he is the bigger one, but he put the burden of life on a little girl, so ashamed.

Looking at Wu Mengze's appearance, Jiujiu rolled her eyes and said, "The family who bought me said that they made all the pots and pans they used for eating. When you get your hands ready, they will do something for us. Sample?"

Wu Mengze, who was depressed, immediately nodded when he heard Jiujiu’s words. Later, when he saw Jiujiu’s vine basket back yesterday, he said, "I will also make a basket. You can find some branches or vines. I just made up a basket in the cave and used the basket to store food, what do you think?"

  Jiujiu looked at Wu Mengze with approval and praised, "Very well, I'm going out first."

   Jiu Jiu and Wu Mengze ate a few fruits alone, and Jiu Jiu went out with a basket on his back.

  Jiujiu first made a few small traps not far away, mainly catching prey such as rabbits and pheasants, and then went with Bai Ze to pick wild and dried fruits.

  After the two picked a large back basket, Jiujiu went back.

   Pour the fruit in the back basket into the cave, Jiu Jiu talked to Wu Mengze to see the prey, and then went out again with the back basket on his back.

  Jiujiu didn’t trap for a long time. He thought he couldn’t catch the prey, but unexpectedly, he caught two rabbits and one pheasant on the first day.

  Jiu Jiu tied the rabbit and the pheasant with vines, threw it into the back basket, and walked towards the cave.

  Seeing that Jiujiu caught a pheasant and a rabbit, Wu Mengze was surprised, and then gave a thumbs up, "Jiujiu, you are amazing."

Regarding Wu Mengze’s praise, Jiujiu nodded naturally and said, “I’ve been smart since I was a kid. When I was in my house, I watched adventure shows with my family. Just remember, I didn't expect it to be so useful, we will have meat to eat in the future."

   Hearing Jiu Jiu said that he had eaten meat, Wu Mengze, who had not eaten meat for a long time, subconsciously swallowed his saliva. He swallowed his saliva and cooed his stomach in an instant from the empty cave.

   Wu Mengze's face instantly burst into red.

   Jiujiu pretended not to see Wu Mengze’s embarrassment, and just asked, "Do you know how to barbecue?"

   Jiujiu tilted his head and looked at Wu Mengze, "I can't cook, can you cook?"

Wu Mengze used to know how to cook, but when he was bought by Lao Li, he learned how to cook. Although one of his arms was injured now, he took a rest yesterday and used the herbal medicine given by Jiujiu, plus he was in a good mood. , Now there is no big problem.

  Now I hear Jiujiu ask if I can cook? Wu Mengze, who consciously did not contribute, said immediately, "I will."

  "My arms are much better now. In the future, if you go outside to find food, I will cook for us. What do you think?"

After saying these few words, Wu Mengze's cheeks blushed, and he realized that his face was really thick, but Jiujiu nodded naturally, "Okay, by the way, these rabbits can't finish eating, what do you plan to do? ?"

  Wu Mengze thought for a while, "You go outside tomorrow to find some soil and come back. I will try to make it possible for us to cook bowls and pots."

  (End of this chapter)

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