Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4091: I am your aunt 5

  Chapter 4091 I am your aunt 5

  It’s okay to eat barbecue once or twice. If you eat too much, it’s a bit greasy. Moreover, barbecue without condiments has no soul.

  Besides, in winter, they must drink hot water, otherwise they will get sick.

  Jiu Jiu nodded, indicating that he can.

  At night, Wu Mengze’s roasted pheasant.

  Although there are no condiments, the pheasant is already delicious, and the two have not eaten meat for a long time. The two children even ate the pheasant clean.

After eating the pheasant, Wu Mengze killed the remaining two rabbits with the sharp stones Jiujiu gave him. The meat was roasted on the fire and there was no moisture. After it was roasted, it was made of vines. Hang the rope to a high place and let the rabbit dry thoroughly.

  This can be used as dry food for Jiujiu when going out, or as a winter ration.

  The rabbit skin can also be made into winter clothes and bedding.

  It just started, but Wu Mengze is full of confidence that he and Jiujiu can jelly in the mountains.

  The next day, Jiujiu went outside to collect some herbs, changed the medicine to Wu Mengze’s legs, and smeared some medicine on his arms, and then went outside to carry some porcelain clay back for Wu Mengze to make bowls and pots.

  Wu Mengze was studying making bowls and chopsticks in the cave, while Jiujiu went back to catch several hares.

  When Jiujiu went back, Wu Mengze had already done it, one basin and two bowls,

  It is very difficult to burn it for the first time without burning out.

  Seeing that Jiujiu came back, Wu Mengze immediately urged Jiujiu to try the bowls and pots. Are they okay?

  There is a creek near the bear cave. Jiujiu quickly made a pot of water with a pot. The pot was full of water and there was no leakage. The pot was fine.

  I tried the bowl with water again, and it was fine, both of them showed happy expressions on their faces.

Build a simple stove with the stones in the cave, boil a pot of broth with the rabbit made today by Jiujiu, and drank two bowls with each of them, and then grilled the remaining rabbits into dried rabbits. Wu Mengze made a rabbit skin quilt out of rabbit skin, and insisted that Jiujiu cover it.

  Jiujiu rejected Wu Mengze’s kindness and asked Wu Mengze to cover the rabbit skin quilt, and then he covered it with thick clothes.

  Her body is much better than Wu Mengze, and she doesn’t need those things.

The pots and pans are ready. Jiujiu went outside to find a lot of vines and asked Wu Mengze to make baskets to store things. Wu Mengze used a stone as a baking tray without a teacher, and roasted the fruits that Jiujiu brought back. The dried fruits are all stored.

  Because of fear that the vines will return to the tide, Wu Mengze asked Jiujiu to bring a lot of soil outside, and made a relatively large urn, which was used to store dried fruits.

  Although it is more difficult in the mountains, the two of them can't keep up with the things they use and wear, and because they can eat fruit and meat every day, they are happier than living in the village.

  The cheeks of Wu Mengze and Jiu Jiu are plumped up to the naked eye.

  Looking at the dried fruits, rabbits and pheasants that Jiujiu brought back every day, and even Jiujiu brought a little wild boar back last time.

  Wu Mengze eats well every day, sleeps well, and feels good, and his legs recover quickly.

  After Jiujiu discovered coal, this happiness reached its peak.

  Wu Mengze, who was worried that the dry firewood would not be enough, saw the coal that Jiujiu moved back, and felt more and more that the two of them would be extremely happy this winter.

   Eat, drink, and rest, and because of the full expectation of the future, when the first snow comes, Wu Mengze can already walk two steps with a wooden stick.

Under Wu Mengze’s suggestion, the two of them worked together to make a door. The entrance was densely sealed with vines, branches and leaves. Although the cave is large, it is not dark because it has been burning with coal. , But warm.

Both    Jiu Jiu and Wu Mengze wore clothes and shoes made of rabbit fur. Although rough, they were very warm.

  The two stored enough food for tomorrow summer, either lying down to rest or eating. Occasionally, Wu Mengze would teach Jiujiu to read and read, and the two got along very happily.

  Both of them believe that they can survive this winter, and when Wu Mengze’s legs are good tomorrow, the two of them will be able to return to their home.

  When he thinks of this, Wu Mengze is full of motivation, and he is especially strong when he cooks and teaches Jiujiu every day.

  Compared with the monotonous but happy life of Yu Jiujiu and Wu Mengze on the mountain, the old Li’s family who lost their children and the old Wang’s family, who had lost their children, had a very unpleasant winter.

  When Lao Li was young, his family bought him a daughter-in-law with money, but after more than ten years, the daughter-in-law never gave him a child.

  Naturally, Lao Li doesn’t think he has a problem. If there is a problem, it must be that the woman is a hen who does not lay eggs.

  Old Li sold the daughter-in-law to the bachelor in the next village out of anger. As a result, the daughter-in-law became pregnant immediately after she went to someone else's house. It can be seen that the daughter-in-law is healthy.

  The people who have studied in the village told Lao Li to ask Lao Li to go to the hospital for an examination.

Although Lao Li was unwilling and said that he was not sick, he went to the hospital to check it secretly, and then the people in the hospital told him what is asthenospermia is his problem. If his wife can't have a child, he can try to go. Do IVF.

  Lao Li asked how much money he was, and the doctor answered him quite naturally, one hundred thousand at a time, but it may not be guaranteed to be successful once.

  A total of tens of thousands of dollars on Lao Li, which is still the money that he sold his wife before. Not to mention that he has no money to do IVF, even if he has, he can't find a wife to do it.

   And thinking of the daughter-in-law who had been beaten by himself for more than ten years, but did not forget to return, Lao Li completely lost the thought of buying a daughter-in-law, so he planned to buy a son to support him.

  It’s natural to buy a son as young as possible, but Lao Li had no money, so he could only buy a ten-year-old as his son.

Although this child is more than ten years old, he is better than cheap, and this son is prettier than any other child in the village. Lao Li liked it in his heart when he saw it, and he happily paid for this. son.

  It’s just that Lao Li didn’t expect that after spending 30,000 yuan, he didn’t feel distressed. The stinky boy said every day that he was not his son, and he kept yelling that he wanted to go home.

  Where to go back, this is his home.

  Lao Li really likes this handsome-looking son, but this son is not sensible, not only does he deny him, but also keeps going home. The angry old Li beats the son several times, which makes him more honest.

  (End of this chapter)

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