Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4093: I am your aunt 7

   Chapter 4093 I am your aunt 7

  The two of them came down from the mountain and had no other food except the dried fruits and meat they brought.

  Although they were in the police station, the police gave them food, but they have been digested by now.

  Wu Heng and Zhao Meiqi gave the two children the clothes they bought to change them, and immediately went downstairs to buy food for Jiujiu and Wu Mengze.

  Wu Heng and Zhao Meiqi bought a lot, but Jiujiu and Wu Mengze also ate a lot.

  After eating and drinking enough, the two lay down on the same bed and soon fell asleep.

  Looking at his son's peaceful sleeping face, Wu Heng and Zhao Meiqi cried silently.

  The next day, the four of them prepared to return to Beijing.

  It’s just that Jiujiu didn’t have an ID card, so the four of them had to take the bus back. It took two days to get to Beijing because of the bumps, and the family of Wu, who was waiting in Beijing, had already been waiting.

  I saw the son and daughter-in-law (daughter and son-in-law) really come back with Wu Mengze, and the old man in the family cried out instantly.

Wu Heng and Zhao Meiqi are both only children, and they are also a precious son like Wu Mengze. It can be said that Wu Mengze is really the big baby of six people. After Wu Mengze is lost, not only Wu Heng and Zhao Meiqi are uncomfortable, but they are also extremely elders. Sad, now Wu Mengze has found it back, and they can't wait to hold Wu Mengze in their palms and cherish it.

  It’s just, when they saw this little girl next to Wu Mengze, how did they feel so familiar?

  Zhong Baoer's appearance was more like Mr. Zhong, and Mr. Zhong was young and still a famous and beautiful man. At this moment, Jiujiu appeared and was immediately recognized.

Hearing Wu Mengze said that Jiujiu was also a kidnapped child. He was five years old this year. Wu Mengze’s grandmother thought that the child of Zhong’s family seemed to be Jiujiu’s age, so she tried to send a message to Master Zhong. I sent Jiujiu's picture to the past.

When he received the news, Mr. Zhong did not hold out hope, but his old friend was concerned, but he clicked on the news and glanced at it. However, after seeing the photo of him and his younger sister when he was a child, Mr. Zhong didn't hold it. Stopped, the phone in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter. Mr. Zhong hurriedly picked up the phone and looked at the child in the photo. His eyes were red, tears fell, and he kept repeating, "Boa, my Boa."

After   old man Zhong asked where his old friend was, he took his son Zhong Yu directly to pick him up.

Wu Mengze’s family was having a reunion dinner, and Mr. Zhong came out, and when he saw Jiujiu, he hugged Jiujiu without letting go, crying and saying, "Boer, my boy, father finally found you. NS."

  Zhong Yu stood aside, although he tried to control, his eyes were red, like a little rabbit all the time, looking at Jiujiu's eyes full of suppressed excitement.

Jiujiu, who was gnawing on his bones, blinked her eyes in confusion, and subconsciously looked at Wu Mengze, as if she didn't understand what was going on.

   Seeing Mr. Zhong’s excited expression, Wu Mengze’s grandmother immediately reacted, “Old Zhong, this is really your daughter.”

  Old man Zhong rubbed the tears in his eyes, ignoring his embarrassment in front of his old friends, choked up and nodded and said, "Boa, Boa."

  Old man Zhong is a tough guy. He didn't take any anaesthetic and took the bullet from his body and didn't shed tears. Now he is holding Jiu Jiu and crying constantly. What is that baby girl who is not his?

  After listening to the experiences described by Wu Mengze just now, I am still wondering who can give birth to such a sturdy and powerful girl. Mr. Zhong came out?

  Thinking about those previous experiences of Mr. Zhong, everyone knew instantly.

  Except for Mr. Zhong, who can give birth to such a sturdy girl.

  Hugged by Mr. Zhong for a long time, Jiujiu looked at Mr. Zhong blankly, and asked curiously, "Are you my grandfather?"

  Finally found the girl, the happy old man Zhong got stuck in his throat in one breath, neither was happy nor angry.

  Everyone in the house was shocked by the phrase ‘Grandpa’.

  As for Zhong Yu, he even kneeled for his little sister, "..."

   Jiujiu asked Mr. Zhong, and looked up at Zhong Yu, "Are you my father?"

  The heart that was hurt by her little girl just now turned into bullets and fired at the innocent Zhong Yu.

  Zhong Yu immediately stunned and waved his hand quickly, "I am not your father, I am your brother."

  Jiu Jiu looked at Mr. Zhong, then at Zhong Yu, tilted his head and thought for a long time before saying, "Is that your dad?"

  Finally, Mr. Zhong, who had finally yelled right, fell into tears of excitement again, and hugged Jiujiu and shouted, "Oh, I’m Dad, I’m Dad, Boa, my Boa~"

  He was a tough guy when he was young, but he was too old. In front of a little girl, it looked like a cotton dumpling, not soft.

  Jiu Jiu was held in his arms by Mr. Zhong, raised his hand and pushed him on Mr. Zhong’s face, and said, "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

  Just now, Mr. Zhong, who was just looking at confession, heard Jiujiu said that she was hungry, so he immediately did it. He picked up the chopsticks and kept picking up dishes for Jiujiu, with an earnest look that was almost ashamed.

  But the Wu family was relieved, and quickly asked the waiter to add two seats.

   However, Mr. Zhong and Zhong Yu are not inferior to this stuttering, and the two become two little slaves, taking care of Jiujiu's whole meal.

   After finishing the meal, he said hello to the Wu family, and then went back after holding it.

  The little girl whom Master Zhong had been looking for for two years finally found her.

  In the past, Mr. Zhong wanted to tell the world how good his little girl is, but after losing it once, Mr. Zhong wants to hide his little girl carefully. It is best that no one knows who his little girl is.

  Although Wu Mengze and Jiujiu are two people, Wu Mengze is the larger one, but Wu Mengze is indeed the one who is most dependent on Jiujiu.

  Seeing that Jiu Jiu was about to be taken away by Mr. Zhong, Wu Mengze immediately stood up and wanted to leave with Jiu Jiu.

On the way back, Wu Heng and Zhao Meiqi also witnessed how dependent their son was on Jiujiu. At this moment, seeing Wu Mengze wishing to go with Jiujiu, he quickly grabbed Wu Mengze and said softly in Wu Mengze's ear, "Go I'll take you to Zhong's house in a few days, thank you Jiujiu."

  Hearing Zhao Meiqi's words, Wu Mengze suppressed his anxiety and watched Jiujiu leave.

Jiujiu was held in his arms by Mr. Zhong. Next to him was Zhong Yu's careful care. She looked comfortable like a little princess. At this moment, when she heard the dialogue between Zhao Meiqi and Wu Mengze, she finally realized that Wu Mengze thought of Wu Mengze. Waved and said that he was okay.

  Seeing that Jiujiu still remembers herself, Wu Mengze's uneasy heart settled down and watched Jiujiu leave.

  Master Zhong put Jiujiu in the car and asked Zhong Yu to drive away before asking about Jiujiu's experience.

  (End of this chapter)

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