Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4094: I am your aunt 8

   Chapter 4094 I am your aunt 8

  Rao is the well-informed Master Zhong. After hearing about Jiujiu's experience, Master Zhong was still stunned by Lei.

  When he saw the photo, Mr. Zhong thought it was Wu Mengze's family who brought Jiujiu back, but he didn't expect that it was Jiujiu who saved Wu Mengze.

  Zhong Yu, who was driving, thought that he was still acting like a baby in the arms of his parents at the age of five. Compared with his sister's sturdy experience, he was a weak scum.

  Elder Zhong, because of the times, although he was very sturdy when he was five years old, he was not as sturdy as Jiujiu.

  Thinking of Jiu Jiu's spoiled appearance before he was three years old, and thinking of the sturdy look Jiu Jiu just described, Mr. Zhong almost cried.

  His daughter, what did his precious daughter go through to become this sturdy appearance.

  Master Zhong couldn't cry.

  Have no idea that Mr. Zhong’s brain made up a lot of things, Jiujiu is still saying to Mr. Zhong, “Dad, can you help me move the things from the cave home?”

  Although it was rough, she and Wu Mengze made so many things bit by bit.

  For example, the wild boar tooth, it took her a lot of effort to kill the little wild boar.

   Thinking of the taste of wild boar, Jiujiu took a sip of water, it was really delicious.

  For Mr. Zhong, all the things Jiujiu said were signs of Jiujiu's suffering, but Jiujiu wanted it. He, the father, had no reason to not get it back, so he nodded and agreed to Jiujiu.

After Jiujiu returned home, Mr. Zhong’s three sons, and Mrs. Zhong’s wife Cheng Muwan, all gathered at home except for the New Year. After seeing Mrs. Zhong, who was taken home by Mr. Zhong, everyone’s There were tears in his eyes, especially after he heard Mr. Zhong describe how Jiujiu lived during this period, he almost cried.

Cheng Muwan hugged Jiujiu and did not let go, but Zhong Xiu, who was in the army, had his eyes bright, wishing to immediately take her talented little sister to the barracks for training. Instead, it was Zhong Ling, because she was the eldest sister and got along with Zhong Baoer. It’s been the longest time, and I’m in constant pain. I just said that Jiujiu is too skinny.

  Jiujiu met the Zhong family, talked to Mr. Zhong and Cheng Muwan, and yawned. Jiujiu is young, and has been a little sleepy these days.

  Seeing that Jiujiu started yawning, Mr. Zhong immediately hugged Jiujiu to the room he had prepared for Jiujiu so that Jiujiu had a good rest.

   Jiujiu’s house is pink and tender, and there are beautiful and cute plush dolls everywhere, especially girly.

Jiu Jiu was cleverly put on the soft and comfortable bed by Mr. Zhong, covered with a matte quilt, Jiu Jiu opened his mouth and yawned, and after saying goodnight to Mr. Zhong, he closed his eyes and fell into love. Sleepy.

  Looking at Jiujiu's well-behaved sleeping face, Mr. Zhong's face was soft.

  But after a moment, thinking of the news that he had just asked to check, the softness on the face of Master Zhong condensed into ice bit by bit, and his eyes were gloomy.

After Mr. Zhong walked out of the house, he directly called Zhong Yu and Zhong Xiu to the study.

  As for Zhong Ling, the softest heart, let her stay in the living room to speak with Cheng Muwan.

  The hearts of the mother and daughter are soft, and what they are going to say next is bloody, they are not suitable for listening.

  The three people came to the study, and Mr.Zhong threw the printed materials from his subordinates on the table, raised his chin, and let Zhong Yu and Zhong Xiu look at it.

  Zhong Yu and Zhong Xiu picked up a copy of the information.

  Only read the beginning, the two almost fell the information in their hands.

  Zhong Yu looked at Master Zhong with a shocked look, "Dad, Bo'er was sold here?"

Even though Zhong Xiu was a woman, she had a harder heart than Zhong Yu. Even though she was furious, she still patiently read it. After reading it, Zhong Xiu's face was gloomy and asked Master Zhong, "Dad, sister. What are you going to do?"

  In fact, Zhong Xiu couldn’t wait to take her men to destroy all the people in that village.

  But now in a civilized society, she, as a leader, naturally cannot do such absurd things, she can only wait for Master Zhong’s instructions.

  Old man Zhong glanced with satisfaction at Zhong Xiu and squinted his eyes, his eyes burst with a cold light, and his voice said coldly, "Our country is still too kind to the abduction of women and children."

  Zhong Yu nodded and said, "It's time to increase the criminal law."

  Elder Zhong glanced at Zhong Yu with satisfaction. After the three people carefully discussed what should happen, the meeting ended.

  Elder Zhong was in an important position when he was young, and he retired from business valiantly. After ten years in business, he laid his foundation and passed it on directly to his son, and has a good life in raising a girl.

  Later, after the little girl was stolen, Mr. Zhong went crazy for a long time.

  As for Mr. Zhong’s proposal to eradicate the dens of trafficking in women and children, the above is full support.

  The next day, Mr. Zhong and Zhong Xiu directly took a couple of people to City Y. In the afternoon, they directly controlled all the police in the village where Jiujiu was abducted and went directly to the village on the third day.

  Because there was no notice from the people in the town, the people in the village did what they should do. Even Lao Li was still talking to others, but it was a pity that his son who had bought it for 30,000 yuan and ran away.

  At this moment, Zhong Xiu’s people came directly and arrested them all.

  The village is small, with a total of more than 300 people, but more than 50 are trafficked women and children. Among them, there are three girls waiting to bid in the village chief’s house.

  The girls have been frightened and stupefied these days. Seeing the people in military uniforms, they immediately opened their throats and cried, looking very pitiful.

  Zhong Xiu asked his subordinates to take the people to the town first, and after they were found out before sending them home, they brought all the people in the village back to the Public Security Bureau. After the investigation was clear, they were determined to be innocent and put back.

   Among these people, Lao Li and the family who bought Jiujiu were directly imprisoned for the crime of trafficking in children.

  But what surprised Zhong Xiu was that in the village, in addition to the women and children who were abducted, there were also children born from the villagers. All the villagers participated in the case of trafficking in women and children.

  Especially the village chief, his son is responsible for tricking the girls back out, and he is responsible for selling the girls.

  The head of the village, relying on selling women and children, became the first person in the village to build a large blue brick house. It is said that he bought a house in the city some time ago and said that he moved with the whole family when the renovation was completed at the end of the year.

  Now, he was caught directly in.

  The village chief and others have solid evidence and were immediately taken away, while the rest of the villagers are waiting to be sentenced according to their specific circumstances.

  (End of this chapter)

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