Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4099: I am your aunt 13

  Chapter 4099 I am your aunt 13

  When Jiujiu left, I saw Lin Xiaoxiao’s late brother.

  What made Jiujiu never expected was that Lin Xiaoxiao’s elder brother turned out to be Lin Yaoguang, the derailed scum man Lin Yaoguang.

  Sure enough, this world is still too small, and he would encounter Lin Yaoguang, a scumbag man in this place.

  Moreover, he turned out to be the elder brother of the deceased Lin Xiaoxiao.

Thinking of Lin Yaoguang telling Zhong Baoer that his first college entrance examination result was not satisfactory, his parents took care of him when he chose World War II, and contacting Lin Xiaoxiao's miserable appearance of dropping out of school at the age of sixteen to work, and thinking of Zhong Baoer's memory, Lin Yaoguang has always Declaring that he is the only child, Lin Xiaoxiao was already dead when he wanted to come.

  Jiu Jiu took a glance and then retracted his gaze, and went to the police station with Zhou Sheng.

   Soon, the autopsy result came out.

The cause of Lin Xiaoxiao's death was drowning, and there was a lot of sleeping pills in his body. He should have been **** and thrown into the pool while he was asleep and drowned alive, and all the things that could prove his identity on Lin Xiaoxiao's body were cleaned up. , If it weren’t for Jiujiu to see the tattoo, I’m afraid he’s still looking for the identity of the deceased.

  However, several clues can be seen from the confession of the hotel staff.

First, when Lin Xiaoxiao had an accident, she had already resigned from the hotel. At that time, she had already left the hotel, because the hotel was off work at night after the hotel, and it can be inferred from the broken monitoring that the time of death should be a week ago. And the specific time is still waiting for the autopsy results.

  Second, Lin Xiaoxiao has some problems with the hotel owner Wang Zhi. But because the witnesses Chen Qiang, He Qiuqiu, and Wang Zhi have different statements, no conclusion can be drawn for the time being.

  Third, from Wang Zhi’s performance, it can be seen that Lin Xiaoxiao has a very bad relationship with her family.

  Zhou Sheng said, "Follow me to see Lin Xiaoxiao’s family later, and see if I can get clues from the family’s mouth."

  After get off work, Jiujiu followed Zhou Sheng directly to Lin Xiaoxiao's house.

  "Police, please cooperate with our investigation," Zhou Sheng revealed his identity the moment he saw Lin Xiaoxiao's mother.

  Seeing the police IDs in the hands of Jiujiu and Zhou Sheng, Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother was taken aback first, and then invited them into the house.

When Jiujiu went with Zhou Sheng, Lin Xiaoxiao’s family was eating, and Lin Guangyao was sitting at the table playing with his mobile phone. He didn’t seem to realize that the person who came was a policeman. He was tantrums with Lin Xiaoxiao’s father, "Dad, I asked you to buy it. What about fried chicken, I don’t want to eat without fried chicken."

  Lin Xiaoxiao’s father is a middle-aged man. He got up and walked out directly after hearing what Lin Guangyao said. It looked like he was going to buy the fried chicken in Lin Guangyao’s mouth.

  My own sister’s bones are not cold, but as an elder brother, she wants to eat fried chicken. It can be seen that the relationship between Lin Xiaoxiao and her brother is not very good, otherwise Lin Yaoguang will not be without any mood swings if her sister is dead.

  Thinking of Wang Zhi’s mockery too much, Jiujiu couldn’t help but curled the corners of his mouth and said, “Can I ask a few words?”

  Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother is the only person in this family who shows some sadness.

  Hearing Jiujiu asked if she could ask a few words, Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and nodded with red eyes.

"go ahead."

  "In your impression, what kind of person is Lin Xiaoxiao?"

   "Xiaoxiao is very good and has a good temper. She pays her monthly salary to her family on time. She doesn't have much enmity with others outside. The colleagues in the place where she works like her very much."

  Speaking of this, Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother couldn’t help but shed tears, raised her hand and wiped her eyes, and said in her throat, “Comrade police, you must help us find the murderer for Xiaoxiao!”

  Jiu Jiu nodded, "We will do our best to find the murderer, hello madam, when was the last time you contacted Lin Xiaoxiao?"

   "Contact!" Lin Xiaoxiao's mother looked up subconsciously, and began to recall the last time she contacted her daughter.

  But after a moment, she smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Comrade Police, I don't have a good memory when I was old, and I can't remember when I contacted Xiaoxiao last time."

  "Madam, how do you usually communicate with Lin Xiaoxiao?" Jiujiu prompted, "Telephone, WeChat or something else?"

  Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother, “WeChat, Xiaoxiao is not allowed to play with her mobile phone when she is at work. She asked me to send WeChat to her if something happens, and she will reply to me when she sees it.”

After Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother opened WeChat and found Lin Xiaoxiao’s WeChat account, but embarrassingly, the last time they contacted was fixed a month and a half ago, and the above message was, “If you don’t call your salary, you don’t go home. NS."

  Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother sent this sentence, but Lin Xiaoxiao never responded.

Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother’s smile instantly froze on her face, watching Jiujiu’s and Zhou Sheng’s expressions were very embarrassed, but she still forcibly argued, “Xiaoxiao is young, the hotel takes care of food, lives in the dormitory, and the child now has a little money. It’s easy to get bad, so I wanted to save her money. I didn’t expect this child to have such a bad temper."

  This set of rhetoric is obviously unreasonable, but Jiu Jiu and Zhou Sheng did not pursue it, and just continued to ask, "Did Lin Xiaoxiao talk to you about a colleague of the hotel?"

  Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother shook her head, “My Xiaoxiao is a saw-mouthed gourd. She doesn’t talk a lot. She never told me about hotel colleagues and police comrades. Is the murderer a person in the hotel?”

   Jiujiu, "Everything is still under investigation, we will notify you if we have news,"

  Seeing that Jiujiu said that she was still investigating, Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother instantly showed a disappointed expression.

  But this time, neither Jiu Jiu nor Zhou Sheng felt that Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother would be disappointed because he did not find the real murderer of Lin Xiaoxiao, but because the murderer was not a hotel staff, and she could not ask for money from the hotel.

  Lin Xiaoxiao did not receive the care of her parents when she was alive, and it is really pitiful that she was still used by her parents in this way after death.

  Jiu Jiu and Zhou Sheng left Lin Xiaoxiao’s house. When they went downstairs, Jiu Jiu couldn’t help but said, “Lin Xiaoxiao’s parents can’t get any more information here.”

   Zhou Sheng clicked.

To be able to afford a house here, Lin Xiaoxiao’s family is obviously not a person who lacks money, but she would rather let Lin Xiaoxiao drop out of school to work instead of letting her continue to school. Even the last message to Lin Xiaoxiao is asking for money, which shows her. The family did not take her to heart.

  It's not good to say that if it weren't for the police station to notify them that Lin Xiaoxiao was dead, I am afraid they would not even remember the daughter of Lin Xiaoxiao.

  Thinking of Lin Yaoguang who was well taken care of by Lin's parents, Zhou Sheng felt nauseous.

  Jiujiu nodded, “Let’s go to the hotel again tomorrow, I think that He Qiuqiu didn’t tell the truth.”

  (End of this chapter)

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