Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4100: I am your aunt 14

  Chapter 4100 I am your aunt 14

No matter how good the relationship between Procter & Gamble and Lin Xiaoxiao is, there is a generation gap between them. On the contrary, it is He Qiuqiu, who is the same age as Lin Xiaoxiao and has the same experience. The two obviously resonate more. He Qiuqiu absolutely resigned to Lin Xiaoxiao’s new job. Know some things that others don't know.

Seeing Jiujiu and Zhou Sheng again, He Qiuqiu's body began to tense unconsciously. When Jiu Jiu walked in front of him, He Qiuqiu's face was instantly pale. Before Jiujiu could speak, he waved his hand, "I know everything. I've already told you, why are you still looking for me?"

  He Qiuqiu's eyes were sad, and his eyes flashed with bright prayers, which made her look exceptionally pitiful.

  It’s just that the investigative case is not the one who listens to who is more pitiful. Jiujiu and Zhou Sheng still took He Qiuqiu into a private room and asked them.

  Zhou Sheng’s long eyebrows and big eyes, in Jiujiu’s words, are full of justice at a glance. Such a person full of justice standing next to He Qiuqiu is like an iron tower that makes He Qiuqiu instantly feel Alexander.

  Jiujiu glanced at He Qiuqiu and kept glancing at Zhou Sheng's sight, and said, "Team Zhou, He Qiuqiu will leave it to me here. Go and see elsewhere."

  After all, with Zhou Sheng, He Qiuqiu obviously won't be able to explain it to the teacher, so I might as well go elsewhere to see if I can find a clue.

  Zhou Sheng nodded, and walked out of the hotel.

Until I couldn’t see Zhou Sheng’s back, Jiujiu looked at He Qiuqiu and said, "Miss He, I know you have a very good relationship with Lin Xiaoxiao. After Lin Xiaoxiao passed away, you are also very sad. We all want to find the one who killed Lin Xiaoxiao. Murderer, so I hope you can fully cooperate with my investigation."

  Jiujiu looked at the matter from He Qiuqiu's point of view from the beginning, and when he finally played a family card with He Qiuqiu, He Qiuqiu nodded slowly and made up his mind, "Okay."

  Seeing He Qiuqiu cooperating with her work, Jiujiu said, "Can you tell me about Lin Xiaoxiao's new job?"

  He Qiuqiu, who also promised to cooperate with her work just now, heard her inquiring about Lin Xiaoxiao’s new job. His expression appeared hesitated for a while, then shook his head, and said firmly, "I can't say."

  He Qiuqiu’s expression is full of resistance, which shows that talking about Lin Xiaoxiao’s new job is something she is very unwilling to do.

He Qiuqiu’s reaction was expected by Jiujiu. Jiujiu did not continue to persecute He Qiuqiu. Instead, he said softly, “Lin Xiaoxiao died on the day he started her new job. In other words, Lin Xiaoxiao’s new job was likely to cause her death. The direct cause, your refusal to mention it is likely to cause Lin Xiaoxiao to be incapable of being unjustified. Are you sure you are unwilling to tell me about this?"

   Jiujiu's words hit the softest part of He Qiuqiu's heart. He Qiuqiu's lips moved, and finally he opened his mouth.

"Like me, Xiaoxiao was born in a very patriarchal family environment. Xiaoxiao was only 16 when she dropped out of school. She had good grades at the time, but her parents said that the family’s money was only enough for one person to continue studying. My elder brother is the backbone of the family, and the family will depend on his elder brother in the future, so she will drop out of school."

  Speaking of this, He Qiuqiu paused, obviously choked up with empathy, and then continued, "Xiaoxiao's first year after dropping out of school, her mother took her to a blind date."

  Hearing this, Jiujiu stopped writing the record and asked, “Lin Xiaoxiao dropped out of school at the age of 16, her mother took her to a blind date?”

  Sixteen is an adult, and her mother even asked her to go on a blind date. It's incredible that she would do such a thing in any age.

  He Qiuqiu nodded, “Xiaoxiao came out to work because she didn’t want to marry someone on a blind date.”

He Qiuqiu's face showed sarcasm, "Police officer, you may not know that not all parents like their children. Xiaoxiao's mother agrees to Xiaoxiao to work not because of her conscience, but because Xiaoxiao promised her every She will transfer her salary every month."

The salary transfer was in line with the message Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother had sent her. Jiujiu nodded and continued to ask, “Lin Xiaoxiao’s mother said that since a month ago, Lin Xiaoxiao was unwilling to continue to make money to her because Lin Xiaoxiao was in love. Yet?"

He Qiuqiu shook his head, "Xiaoxiao is simple and shy. Although she was out of society early, she has never been in a relationship. The reason why she is reluctant to continue to transfer money to her mother is because her mother wanted to introduce her some time ago. The blind date, and she felt that she could not continue like this, and wanted to go back to school. Some time ago, she told me that she was going to apply for this year's adult self-examination and planned to go back to school. If she didn't pay, she was saving tuition."

   "Lin Xiaoxiao wants an adult self-examination, does her mother know?"

   "Her mother only sees her brother, she definitely doesn't know. Xiaoxiao told me this in secret, and she also persuaded me that I can't do anything without an academic qualification in the future, so I can also take an academic qualification."

   Jiujiu knocked on the table and continued to ask, "What does this matter have to do with Lin Xiaoxiao's new job?"

He Qiuqiu then brought the topic back, "Xiaoxiao’s previous salary is all given to her mother, and she won’t be able to continue working until she goes to school. Xiaoxiao wanted to save more money for future use, but she didn’t expect the boss to suddenly She began to harass her. Some time ago, the wife of the boss also talked to her, so Xiaoxiao found a job that came quickly and wanted to save enough money as soon as possible."

  Jiu Jiu caught the three words ‘Come to Money Fast’ and asked, "What’s the job?"

  As the so-called “high risk and high return”, the money comes quickly, which means that you need to pay for some other things.

  Sure enough, He Qiuqiu blushed and said, "Can you help me keep it secret?"

  He Qiuqiu looked at Jiujiu and said, "If you are willing to keep it secret, I will say, if you do not want to keep it, I will not say."

  She promised Lin Xiaoxiao not to tell other people about this matter.

   Jiujiu nodded, "I promise you, I will keep it secret, you can talk now."

Seeing that Jiujiu promised her to keep it secret, He Qiuqiu nodded this time and said, "Xiaoxiao's new job is to sell alcohol. It is said that the commission is very high, at least more than 10,000 a month."

  "Bar?" This was a completely unexpected answer to Jiujiu, Jiujiu continued to ask, "Do you know what bar it is?"

  He Qiuqiu shook his head, “Xiaoxiao only told me that it was a bar, but didn’t say what bar it was. Besides, Xiaoxiao actually had something to do with the boss.”

  He Qiuqiu was like a kid who knew what was wrong. He lowered his head and dared not look at Jiujiu and continued, “I lied about Xiaoxiao’s relationship with our boss. In fact, I don’t know if they are related.”

  Jiu Jiu ordered a table, "how do you say?"

  (End of this chapter)

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