Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4101: I am your aunt 15

  Chapter 4101 I am your aunt 15

"A few months ago, Xiaoxiao fainted in a hotel with acute gastroenteritis. We called 120 to take her to the hospital. As you know, Xiaoxiao's money is all with her mother. She called her mother to ask The money was paid for the hospitalization fee, but her mother not only refused to give it, she also said that she was just squeamish and just took some medicine when she was sick.

No matter what Xiaoxiao tells her mother, her mother won't give her money. In the end, our boss paid her the hospitalization fee. I don't know how much it is. However, Xiaoxiao stayed in the hospital for a week. Thousands of them. "

He Qiuqiu lowered his head and did not dare to look at Jiujiu, and said in a low voice, "During that time, Xiaoxiao had a lot of contact with her boss. She said that she was afraid that the boss thought she was someone who owed her money. , Xiaoxiao went to pay the boss back, but our boss didn’t accept it.

Xiaoxiao didn’t have parental care since she was a child. It’s the kind of people who treat her well, and she will return it very well. During that time, she contacted her boss more frequently than before, but whether they were specific, I’m embarrassed to ask. So it's not so clear. "

   "You don't know what you mean?"

He Qiuqiu lowered his head and said in a low voice, “For a while, the relationship between the boss and Xiaoxiao was very good, but for a while, Xiaoxiao was obviously indifferent to the boss. Once again, I accidentally saw the chat history between Xiaoxiao and the boss. The boss said that there is no need to pay back the money, but if Xiaoxiao sleeps with him, I don't know what happened later."

  Jiu Jiu didn’t expect that there would be such a phenomenon in it, and continued to ask, “Do you think that Lin Xiaoxiao’s resignation has something to do with your boss?”

  He Qiuqiu nodded and shook his head again, “I’m not sure, but after that incident, our boss’s wife contacted Xiaoxiao. After they had spoken once, Xiaoxiao decided to resign.

  I asked Xiaoxiao what was going on, Xiaoxiao kept shaking her head and said it was okay, and asked me not to ask, saying it was too embarrassing. "

  After He Qiuqiu finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Jiujiu, and whispered, “I really only know these, and I don’t know the others. Can I go out now?”

   Jiujiu nodded, "Yes, you can go out."

  He Qiuqiu got up and went out of the house this time.

  Looking at He Qiuqiu's back, Jiu Jiu felt that he had to find the boss, Wang Zhi’s wife, Li Meijuan.

  Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there.

  Jiu Jiu said that she was going to find Li Meijuan, and she saw Li Meijuan in the lobby of the hotel.

  Li Meijuan is four or five years younger than Wang Zhi. Because of better body management, she looks ten years younger than Wang Zhi.

  At this moment, Li Meijuan was talking to the staff, and when she saw Jiujiu coming over, she immediately said, “Hello, you are the police officer in charge of the Lin Xiaoxiao case.”

  Li Meijuan has a gentle smile on her face. It can be seen that her quality is very good.

   Jiujiu shook hands with Li Meijuan, and then said, "Hello, I am Zhong Baoer in charge of this case. Can I ask you a few words?"

  Li Meijuan nodded naturally, "Of course."

   Jiujiu took Li Meijuan to the private room beside him, closed the door and said to Li Meijuan, "What do you think of Lin Xiaoxiao?"

Li Meijuan smiled calmly, "I don't come to the hotel very often. My impression of Lin Xiaoxiao is a very good and capable girl. Some time ago I heard Lao Wang say that Lin Xiaoxiao had resigned, and I felt very sorry. I didn't expect this to happen. matter."

Li Meijuan sighed, "Although Lin Xiaoxiao had already resigned when the incident happened, I discussed with Lao Wang and I still plan to pay some compensation to his family. I hope you can find the murderer as soon as possible so that Xiaoxiao can look down. Bar."

  "How is your relationship with Wang Zhi?"

Jiujiu asked Wang Zhi, Li Meijuan’s expression instantly became richer, and after a light sigh, he said, “My relationship with Lao Wang is the same as that of all old couples and wives. I have been married for more than ten years. That way, but the two of us were in free love. At first, my parents did not agree with us being together. We eloped. Later, after returning with our children, my parents reluctantly agreed with us. Naturally, the relationship is better than that of ordinary couples. What's wrong?"

  From the mouths of others, Jiujiu's answer was that Wang Zhi and Li Meijuan were married on a blind date, but when they came to Li Meijuan, they became freely in love. I don’t know who is lying in this matter.

  Jiujiu drew a question mark in his heart and continued to ask, "You are in free love together? Why do other people in the hotel say that you met on a blind date?"

Regarding Jiujiu’s doubts, Li Meijuan smiled embarrassedly, “At first, we two eloped. If there were no children, my parents would not agree with us. Then we opened a hotel. Lao Wang thinks that elopement is a bit too irresponsible, so he just said that we know each other on a blind date. As for whether the relationship we see is good or not, this kind of thing, except the person involved, everyone else is sure. not sure."

  Jiu Jiu did not dispel the doubts because of Li Meijuan’s few words, but continued to ask, “However, everyone in the hotel said that you and Wang Zhi had a bad relationship during this period. What is going on?”

  Li Meijuan’s face was a little unnatural, but she answered Jiujiu’s question honestly, “Some time ago, because of my brother’s affairs, there were some conflicts, and the old Wang was holding fire in his heart, so she looked a little colder.”

   "I heard people say that you have looked for Lin Xiaoxiao some time ago, what's the matter?"

   "Some time ago, I heard people say that Lin Xiaoxiao has a relationship with Lao Wang, so I found her."

"Do you believe?"

"I don't believe it." Li Meijuan shook her head without hesitation, "I have been with Lao Wang for more than 20 years. I still know who Lao Wang is. At best, he just spoils his lips, and his behavior is still relatively good. It's normal, and I've also heard about Lin Xiaoxiao's family affairs. It should be because he cares about the little girl being seen by someone with a heart, and he spreads it indiscriminately."

  Jiujiu did not expect that Li Meijuan would believe in Wang Zhi so much. After recording the information, he said, "Okay, thank you for your cooperation. I will notify you as soon as I have news."

After   Jiu Jiu asked Li Meijuan, she went to Wang Zhi again.

  Wang Zhi was talking to Zhou Sheng, and when he saw Jiujiu coming in, Wang Zhi smiled and said hello, "Little police officer, you are here."

  Jiujiu glanced at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng shook his head slightly, indicating that Wang Zhi has no problem.

  Jiujiu nodded and looked at Wang Zhi and asked, "Mr. Wang, how is your relationship with your wife?"

  "Recently, it’s a little cold, so I think about finding other people, but we won’t get divorced."

  This is the same as Li Meijuan said, they will not divorce.

  (End of this chapter)

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