Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6936: : Shake

Ho Ho Ho!

The sound of the giant beast from a distance seemed like Hong Zhong, but at this moment Xianli had fallen into the Secret Realm of Sealing Demon. The body was outside and the devil had entered the heart, so it was impossible to hear the situation outside, so except for the Secret Realm of Sealing Demon. The barrier of its own large formation can prevent some small beasts from harassing, so you have to rely on others to protect the law.

I quickly took out the six-color umbrella, opened it and floated in the air, watching the direction that caused the commotion in the forest warily.

The big tree was squeezed to the ground, and the small tree fell to the ground. After a while, with a bang, a beast about the size of a small house rushed out!

The beast was green in color, and its hair was like steel needles, and its hair was dragged on the ground like a waterfall, and the blue eyes, which seemed to emit light, stared directly at the mysterious realm.

Ho Ho Ho!

The beast roared, and his hair burst into the ground with crackling. I secretly said that this ghost thing is probably not simple, but when this idea just came, the ground sprang out indiscriminately with strands of filaments hidden in them. In the land, they came out in different positions, but the targets were all in the big formation where Xian Li was!

Boom boom boom!

The attack immediately shook the entire array, and the ripple-like shield, because the hair strands had its own power-absorbing function, quickly dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

I secretly said that this monster is powerful enough. If I replace it with a general spirit realm fairy house, I am afraid it will not be its opponent. I immediately waved the six-color umbrella. The next moment, the thunderstorm smashed down like money without money. There are thunders everywhere, and the gust of wind blows these hair strands everywhere. Don’t look at the impact of these hair strands, but this is only the front end. Because there is no power to support in the middle, it is blown by the thunderstorm and it suddenly swings to the left and right. Shaking up everywhere!

And my attack did not end there, Guan Hong's palm blasted towards this long-haired blue beast!

Chi Chi Chi!

Guan Hong's palm has extremely strong penetrating power. The beast felt that my strength was inadequate and was unwilling to avoid it. As a result, a sharp sound penetrated my body in an instant!

Guan Hong's palm was like a cannonball, blasting into the earth, and the beast wailed, all the strands of hair fell down, and the whole body was only convulsed.

After the death of this beast, its body was like burning, turned into thousands of dust and disappeared. In the end, only the remaining elixir crystal fell to the ground. I ignored this elixir crystal, because when it raised its head, it was not only a dark cloud billowing, but also There are a few flying monsters like strange birds and green dragons lingering in the clouds.

It seems that impacting the first-grade pill item spirit realm is rare for the fierce beasts here, and all the monsters are attracted at this time.


Because the clouds are driven by layers of forces, the sudden drop in temperature also makes the surrounding weather more complicated and changeable. Thunder and lightning are falling everywhere, as if it is raining at any time.

At this time, a flying dragon flopped down and rushed directly to Xian Li. I didn't intend to let it down at all. The six-color umbrella was rolled, and the angry storm thunder shot it on the ground in an instant, and a spar shot directly. After coming out, the flood dragon also turned into ashes.

The sky soon dropped a heavy rain, crackling hit the ground, the sound looked turbid, and there were strange sounds of birds and beasts everywhere, and there were many groups that attacked the enchanted secret realm area, but they were all in my six colors. Under the umbrella attack, the corpses were beaten all over the field, and the crystal and inner alchemy fell to the ground.

In this ghostly weather, monsters who want to go against the sky are everywhere, and the sky is also caught in a turbulent rainstorm because of Xianli's ability to break through the spiritual realm, and the phantom of the Tiantian beast keeps appearing beside her. , Flickering and flickering as if ready to come out, this is a sign of her successful secondment.

Of course, the spirit beasts at this time were even more noisy, and as the spirit beasts attracted from a distance approached, more powerful existences appeared one after another.

However, my six-color umbrella is amazing. With Nan Yuan’s combination, it has a proper resonance with the Eight Desolation World, so killing the spirit beasts here is simply a breeze. It is much more convenient than my palm. If it were me For the combination, I am afraid that because of my own preconceived ideas, this umbrella may not be able to exert its full power, so Nan Yuan's hand is indirectly regarded as the achievement of this six-color umbrella.

Under my control, the umbrella was like a giant hidden weapon. I drove the umbrella to impact and float at will. The spirit beasts here rushed over and was immediately wiped out by me.

If the spirit beasts have been killed more, they will also know that they are afraid. It didn't take long for the heavy rain to wash away. Except for the crystals and inner alchemy on the ground, no other spirit beasts approached. The inside and outside of the large array seemed to be a forbidden zone, no matter how powerful. All of the spirit beasts just watched outside, not daring to cross the thunder pond for half a step.

However, the spirit beast was gone, and Xian Li had a problem here. As the phantom of the Heavenly Regret beast was continuously embodied and re-engraved into her body, the rejection and inconsistent vein patterns were gradually exposed.

This is not because Xian Li's spiritual veins are not enough to connect with the veins of the Heavenly Regret, but her practice is far more powerful than the Heavenly Regret. This has also caused several spiritual veins to be nowhere to be placed. At this moment Don't know where to extend.

Sealing the Secret Realm itself is a process of sealing the Sealed Spirit Beast into the Secret Realm. The vein mark will be permanently engraved in the formation. Once energy is injected into the big formation, the self-consciousness is trapped in it, and it will gradually imitate the growth of the Spirit Beast’s spiritual veins. And gradually complete the process of spiritualization.

Just like people who can’t paint, they can finish paintings that could not be done by rubbing exquisite patterns. The same is true for the fairy furniture spirit, but now it seems that this extra spiritual vein has become an extremely unstable factor. So while making Xian Li spiritual, she also fell into an unstable energy runaway state!

Seeing her power rush, causing the big formation to be shaken, I quickly fell down and broke into the big formation!

When I entered the big formation, I saw the world connected by the sky like a starry sky. I knew Xianli's spiritual veins well, and after just one glance, I immediately got the most optimal plan, so I didn’t He hesitated and touched her body with both hands.

Xianli floating in the energy field at this moment can easily feel my existence, and the comfortable resonance of the spiritual veins made her breathe, because she knows how her spiritual veins work and guides her excess spiritual veins. Inevitable.

And with the in-depth communication and guidance, we seem to merge into one. I don’t know what Xian Li’s feeling is at the moment. I only know that she was entangled like an octopus in the process of guidance, as if emotions were vented. , She also hugged me unscrupulously.

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