Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6937: :Elixir

I don’t know if it’s because I guided it smoothly, or she took the Yang Shen Dan, so the vein energy is not easily exhausted, and the derived veins are very smooth. Under my guidance, her veins quickly found a reasonable one. Releasing the position is also equivalent to expanding one's power.

Therefore, her current formula of spirit veins is going to surpass the Tiantian Beast. This is actually a normal situation. It is much easier for the blue to be better than the blue because of the blue first, and then extend it out.

The spiritual realm is a natural process of the elixir, and it is also the process of injecting the living pill into the spiritual birth. After the spirit is completely transferred to the inner alchemy, the inner alchemy has a soul, which is also the literal meaning of the spiritual realm.

Successful and spiritual Xianli opened her eyes, but what caught her eyes was obviously my slightly embarrassing and playful smiling face.

Xianli at this moment is like an old tree, with thin feet wrapped around my waist, hands wrapped around my neck, those eyes are facing my four eyes, and the nose is almost close to the nose. This active scene made her blush to the base of her neck, who had rejected me for a long time, but the primary and secondary relationship was already very obvious.

She took the initiative to hug me, her movements are extremely charming, and the skirts are all set aside, if I lower my head, I am afraid that it will be a sudden spring in my eyes, but I will be able to sit back and relax. What's more, now is not the time.

"You...I...you..." Xianli's eyes went from half-open to full-open, and finally half-squinted because of shyness. The chaos of the girl's sentiment was vividly expressed at this moment. I put one hand on her waist. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Xianli, congratulations on your spiritual success."

Xian Li's complexion was flushed, and when she saw the spirit beast crystals and inner alchemy all around her, she knew the hardships of protecting the law for her just now, and was moved, she couldn't help but think of the harshness that was imposed on me along the way , And shy, buried his head beside my side face: "Dong... Dong Ren, thank you... it's all my fault. I can't accept you and become someone else..."

"Do you still call me Dongren? The moment I wake up from the thunder, I am no longer Dongren. You can call me Xia Tianyi, or call me Tiange, I will be older than you after all. So you don't have to feel embarrassed." I smiled faintly.

Xian Li was still very embarrassed, but I didn’t seem to mean to reject her, she hugged me tighter, and muttered: "I know... but even if you know, you are like Dong Ren... he and me Being together is much longer than you. In my impression, you are always intertwined with his memory... I am also very contradictory, okay... So you can't blame me..."

"I didn't blame you. This way you fit your own character, don't you? But I'm very curious, is it me better or your Dongren better?" I asked with a smile.

"Dong Ren is not good at all. I think about the idea of ​​beating Master every day. I have always spoken badly with me. I often spy on Master, pester him, and hate it so much... So after Dong Ren became you, I actually I deeply feel the difference between you and him, and I cherish the time with you... and I actually suspected that you are not Dong Ren for a long time, but every time I want to say, I see your gentle eyes, and I take another look I dismissed this idea. I was afraid... I was afraid that you would return to the original Dong Ren who didn’t know anything... I was also afraid that you would change back to the ignorant and self-righteous temperament..." Xian Li couldn’t bear it. Live said.

"Dong Ren was beaten to death by Tianlei when your master crossed the Tribulation, so from then on, you have been accompanied by Xia Tiantian. Otherwise, would you be able to succeed here now?" I laughed and joked.

"Okay, but aren't you still my junior? At least, I am a little faster than you, who made you run outside all this time and get mixed up with Lingzhao... I've heard it all. You still want to marry their Star Soul Sect." Xian Li couldn't help but said.

I smiled, knowing that besides the momentary difficulty in accepting my deity on this journey, there is another reason, so I said: "I have a greater responsibility, and these things are also a last resort. One day you I’ll understand. Before that, I’m not going to explain it. When we go to the immortal, even if I don’t tell you, you will understand it after all."

"Humph, although you are better than Dong Ren in everything, there is one thing you can't compare to Dong Ren." Xian Li hummed lightly. Seeing me curiously, she said, "Dong Ren is a mess, so I will tell you everything. He still keeps saying in front of me that he wants to practice with Master. It is really annoying to me, but he always dares to speak and think, so he is much better than you at this point..."

"Hahaha, that's not wrong." I laughed, Xianli is a little girl after all, plus the immortal family of the Eight Desolation World has a good temperament, so I can just say anything.

Seeing that I was amused by her, Xian Li also chuckled and said, "Well, how long will you hold like this? Don't you want to engrave the spirit vein pattern? Can't just think about other things now …"

Seeing her words are full of meaning, of course I can't take advantage of the situation. It's not a good time now, so I said: "I know, now I will activate the Contained Demon Secret Realm, but it's a spiritual realm to help me protect the law. "

Xian Li responded with an ‘oh’, with a look that I didn’t understand Chunqiu, I ignored it, took out the prepared elixirs and poured them into the dried up formation.

Xian Li saw that I was starting to replicate the spirit veins in a serious manner, so she couldn't continue to pester me, so she went outside and happily picked up the surrounding crystals and inner alchemy. She is accustomed to it, even if she is eating now They were all Yangshen Pills, and they could still use Sky Patching Pills to replenish their spiritual roots, but she couldn't look at the crystalline inner pellets scattered everywhere.

After filling up the spirit liquid, I activated this magic sealing secret realm again.

Boom, boom boom.

At the moment when the spiritual veins were connected to the great formation, my heart quickly seemed to jump out of my body, and suddenly my whole body was out of the sky in a trance.

And as my power dispersed into the big formation, there appeared a huge monster that looked like a hill in front of me. Although this monster looked similar to the one seen outside, it became more real here. , Even I think if I touch its body, the hair and texture must be very real.

Obviously, this time because of my overpowering strength and diversified attributes, all the engravings of the complete spiritual veins of the Heavenly Regret beast were activated!

The advantage is that the spiritual vein will be closer to completeness, but the disadvantage is that it will become much stronger than I thought!

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