Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6938: : Rebuilt

Seeing the Heavenly Regret beast looking down on me, I couldn’t help feeling a kind of arrogance. Who said it was a spirit beast with a spiritual realm, but even Bi Gao couldn’t survive in my hands. This Heavenly Regret was simply It's too rebellious.

"Oh! Ooh!" The Heavenly Beast of Regret raised its round head and made a sound similar to that of a snail, and the sound was loud and unusual. The space even seemed to tremble because of the huge sound, and the pressure on me was also It's not hard to imagine!

In just a moment of effort, I immediately became in a state of Zama stance. The roar of the Heavenly Regret's beast was like divine pressure, and it made me feel like I couldn't move forward. This may be related to the location of the sound right in front of my eyes!

No one will deliberately put their ears in the high-decibel area, let alone the sound can be avoided by not just covering the ears, otherwise the sound wave cannot break the cup, so even if the sound is isolated, I The whole body is still attacked by this sound. Not only is the whole body trembling, even the earthy ground in front of me has been turned over by layers of sound waves, like water being put into the refrigerator to form ice crystals, and this is the same as if there are actual sound waves. Regular flowers bloom!

I floated to the rear in an instant, and then the palm of the wind blasted out immediately!


But this time, the wind splitting palm hit the lazy wave, and it immediately disappeared. This scene also caught me by surprise!

But I didn't stop, Guan Hongzhang quickly accumulated strength, and after a while, a huge force made me rush forward!

Chi Chi Chi!

But when the Heavenly Beast was bombarded by Guan Hong's palm, it didn't cause too many injuries, because the injury disappeared in a blink of an eye, and its energy was much stronger than I thought.

And the recovery after being hit is not without any negative factors, at least it no longer howls up to the sky, I immediately changed the attack method, this time using the fire attribute move.

Of course, the Heavenly Regrets Beast is not idle either. As a super wood spirit beast, it immediately spun long green hairs all over its body. Under its control, they all lased at me in the next moment, thousands of them. Wan's hair was as strong as gold and iron, and under its bombardment, it seemed as if a sword rain rushed towards me. It was indeed a Tiantian beast. Any kind of attack was a range attack.

"Poison inflammation technique!" I gave a soft yell, **** moved a little forward, and the energy instantly burned in my fingers, and then rushed forward!

Chi Chi Chi!

The flame and the hair immediately touched, there was no suspense. Even though these hairs were strong, they couldn’t hold back their attributes. After all, during this period of time, I also forced a lot of exercises with various attributes, otherwise the six poisonous spiritual roots would grow on me. It's no use, and as the palm technique is fully understood, I also have a lot of my own understanding of the attack methods of other spiritual roots.

I manipulated this to form a light beam of poisonous flame technique that formed a green poisonous fire and swept towards the Heavenly regret beast. The hair needles in the area that flew towards me burned me a little, and the poisonous fire continued to burn towards the Heavenly regret beast. , Burn it to roar again and again!

However, the Heavenly Beast of Regret was not unreasonable to me. According to my offensive, it immediately adjusted its tactics and directly took over my poisonous inflammation technique with its head. I secretly said that it was a decision to die, but it was soon. Touhou Tian Beast used practical actions to tell me the strength of this head.


As soon as I saw it kicked with four hoofs, the whole body hit me like a cannonball. I could only change my position in mid-air, but because the opponent's body was huge, I felt the sky spin and hit me directly. Flew to a higher sky!

My aura has vented a lot, and this Heavenly Regret can not only attack on the ground, but it also seems to have an attack method when it reaches the sky!

The shocking Heavenly Beast immediately slobbed at me, and a tuft of thick green pulp came towards me. This speed was also ridiculously fast, otherwise I would not use the word spray to describe it!


I accidentally hit some saliva directly on my right arm, but after a short while, the arm fell off in severe pain. This decadent ability is really shocking!

Entering the Secret Realm of Containing Demons, if I can't defeat the spirit beast that protects the formation, it will be difficult for me to extract the complete context, so in a sense, this heavenly regret beast is also an illusion accompanying this great formation.

Unless I can read its spiritual vein state and block its spiritual veins from running, it is almost impossible for it to stop attacking me.

And this means that I need to overcome its weaknesses.

I believe that Xian Li also experienced such a fierce fight just now. Although it took a little longer, it eventually defeated it.

The inner alchemy soon showed power, and in an instant, my right hand was restored to its original state. The power consumption here is amazing. Of course, the good thing is that my poisonous aura has gradually occupied all areas here. This is also brought about by the small secret realm and my abundant energy. benefit.

As soon as I saw this, I didn’t bother to get entangled with this Heavenly Phantom beast. I immediately drew the poisonous aura to surround the surrounding area. From the beginning, the thin thick fog, now that the toxicity is gradually increasing, my breath is already Although it almost covers the surrounding area, only green toxins can be seen around it.

At this time, even the Heavenly Regret had to breathe. After all, even if it did not absorb the poisonous gas, the poisonous gas would invade the texture along with the aura. So it didn’t take long for the violent energy consumption and excessive intake of toxins to make this Heavenly Regret. The beast lay directly on the ground, unable to move.

I floated on it, and when I checked its body, the spiritual veins around it were also unobstructed. Even if there is something undetailed, relying on the released spiritual energy, I realized the pulsation of the entire array. , I also learned about the formation of the Tiantian Beast.

This is completely the benefit of the huge amount of energy brought by the Yangshen Pill. If it is my own strength, it would be very difficult to fill this corner of the secret realm, but with the help of the Yangshen Pill, I almost filled it all here. It was full, even the Shan Shan beast was infected by my mutant spirit veins at this moment.

While surprised in my heart, I also regretted that I did something wrong, because my veins were so strong that the entire array was completely transformed into a Foreign Spirit Root Poison Array, which could be regarded as a major destruction.

So after thinking about it, it’s no longer possible to restore this great formation to its original state, so I simply did nothing and re-repair the great formation spiritual veins. I want this secret realm to be part of my spiritual veins, okay. Let the immortal family who dared to come in and impact the spiritual realm to directly mutate their own spiritual roots when replicating the Kantian Beast's spiritual veins here.

Because I am familiar with the laws of creation, I began to reconstruct the spiritual veins of this Heavenly Regret's cultivation base in a region full of power!

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