Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6939: : Pathfinder

Others extracted the spirit veins of the engraved magic secret realm for their own use, and finally used them to understand the direction of their own spiritual veins in the future. However, I turned it around directly. After finding out the status of the other’s spiritual veins, according to The flaws of its spiritual veins have been repaired and repaired again, and even let it have a new way of vein extension.

After doing all of this, the Heavenly Regret was revived, and this time it awoke, its appearance has undergone a new change. The most vulnerable part of sebum has been covered by broad-leaved hair, and the whole body looks very different. Sturdy, so this time it is considered to have evolved again.

This is still on the outside. The inner spirit veins are more complicated. The slightly toxic spirit veins are much stronger than before. This will also be the beginning of the mutant spirit veins. As for the level of cultivation, it depends on entering this confinement demon. The savvy of the Secret Realm Fairy Family has become.

I did not immediately become enlightened after obtaining the spirit vein equation of this magical secret realm, because reading acquisition and extending growth are two different things. After all, there are five other veins that need to be extended together, so I gave up the temptation of spirit, spirit Mai pulled away from this magical secret realm.

And at this moment, there was a big battle unconsciously happening outside of me. A fierce beast was destroying the surrounding environment on that side while fighting Xianli inextricably.

Because Xian Li has just been promoted to the spiritual realm, she can only control this fierce monster in the spiritual realm, but this wood-based mantis-shaped spirit beast that looks like a big tree appears extremely flexible. The old way, the left and right jumps are very arrogant, and they will also spray waves of poison gas to attack the enemy. Seeing Xian Li's clothes torn and tattered, and occasionally have to walk away or something, I suddenly understand the terrible poison gas.

It seems to be corrosive.

Fortunately, Xian Li had taken the Sun God Pill, and her spiritual root talent was very high. Even if this fierce monster had a mid-spirit existence, she still couldn't hold Xian Li, and could not even get close to this big formation.

But if you continue to fight like this, Xian Li will not be able to fight this fierce beast unless she escapes.

I immediately summoned the six-color umbrella. Don’t look at this umbrella, it’s as cute as a kid’s umbrella. Its ability is no worse than any artifact. After I hit it out, the umbrella swishes straight. The praying mantis flies away!

The mantis was shocked when he saw the formation, and quickly jumped to avoid the umbrella, but I didn't give it a chance. Five fingers and a six-color umbrella also unfolded instantly, and moved with my palm. Follow my hand to spin and swipe at high speed!

In an instant, the praying mantis made a sharp cry, because the high-speed rotating umbrella directly split its tentacles and minions into two halves. The six-color umbrella is a murder weapon, but it is not a beautiful weapon. of.

The praying mantis also planned to avoid and escape back to the mountains, but I did not give it a chance. After pinching a few tricks, the six-color umbrella blasted down through wind, rain and lightning, and the place where the thunder slashed was ablaze. , The bonus effect brought by the compound attribute completely trapped this praying mantis under the umbrella!

After a round of attacks, this praying mantis was dying, and Xianli was not a spectator either. Soon the wood-attribute attack blasted out of her back, and a series of energy bars similar to wooden vines bound the praying mantis, and quickly took it. Distorted flesh and blood!

"It's a pity." I sighed. I wanted to make this praying mantis a kind of secret spirit beast in the sealed secret realm, but I couldn't make it survive, because I was afraid that it was because of the anxious destruction of Xian Li.

When Xian Li heard what I said, she reacted this time and released the cane in her hand, but this praying mantis-like spirit beast has fallen to the ground.

Just when I was about to pick up the inner pill of this spirit beast, I found that it hadn't disappeared immediately, which made me curious again for a while.

As I flew past, I suddenly discovered that there were vines under this thing that hadn't disappeared, so I immediately grabbed the six-color umbrella and plunged it into the ground!

Next, the wood attribute spell arched the ground instantly, and a spirit inner pill, which seemed many times smaller than the praying mantis, rushed out of the clod directly.

I squeezed it in my hand as soon as I stretched out my hand. This guy was still planning to struggle, but after I used the mana confinement, it suddenly lost its power.

I immediately sealed it with the box. The skin and shell of the spirit beast, or even the flesh and blood, were not needed to make the magic seal secret realm, as long as its inner pill was alive.

After putting the box away, Xian Li reacted and hurriedly asked, "Dongren...Do you want to use it to make a secret realm of confinement?"

"Call me Dongren?" I looked at her with a wry smile, but found that her clothes were ripped everywhere at this time. This looming image was simply going to cause crime.

Xian Li saw that my eyes were always erratic, and she immediately understood the dilemma at the moment. She blushed and summoned a thin blanket to wrap herself up: "I...what are you doing!"

"Ahem, I didn't do anything. I just want to make this thing into a new secret sealed realm, so that the latecomers can not be limited to a monster of regret, right?" I said to him.

Xian Li breathed a sigh of relief, her face flushed while holding the thin blanket: "Well, I thought... I thought what you wanted to do."

"I'm planning to do something." I laughed, Xianli's eyes widened suddenly, thinking that I was going to be against her, and the thin blanket on her body would inevitably be wrapped tightly. I smiled and said, "I didn't plan to do anything to you, I just wanted to Let you go back first, I might go to Tongtian Mountain to explore the way."

"Ah? Are you going to Tongtian Mountain?!" When Xianli was shocked, the blanket fell off without holding it firmly. The strong wind happened to blow by, and the rags suddenly fluttered violently, which made her instantly. Expose yourself at a glance.

I swallowed, looked awkwardly at the blanket on the ground, and said, "Go and explore the way. After all, I have to see it sooner or later. I'm here now. Why don't you stop by the way?"

"Ah!" Xian Li suddenly exclaimed and sat down with her chest in her arms and pulled the blanket back. This barely covered her exposure. I turned around and asked, "You should be fine if you go back alone. Right? I want to come this time and basically wiped out the surrounding spirit beasts. If you step across this, it is the place where our Houshan disciple elder is patrolling. It is safe to come."

"No! I'll go with you! Tongtian Mountain is too dangerous. I heard that just by approaching, there will be no burial place. Some fairy houses will never be seen again when they encounter the devilish energy!" Li said anxiously.

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