Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6958: :atmosphere

"Why can't it? You didn't hear that Linger's spirit is coming to the moon, and the immortal family is commonplace, how can you refuse with your strength? You need to understand more about Linger." Lingnu quickly persuaded.

"Sect Master, even if this is the case, then there is no need to change my old bones, or...or let Xing Yuan go up. Although he only entered the realm of Consummation last year, he is young and he is naturally worthy of the challenge. , And let the young people do more for the sect.” The old man Li dare not listen to the anger, but it doesn't mean that he can't grab a top bag.

"Why don't you go to Xingyuan?" Lingnu started to mess around with the Xianjia again, but at this time the Sect Master's wife looked at him with a gloomy face, so scared that he quickly asked: "What...what's going on? It's so necessary. look at me?"

"Huh! I'm still partial, there is still some ulterior motives in the end, I know, your spiritual anger is not a good thing!" Although the lady of the lord did not name her, she has an angry expression, who knows that it is already. The obscure things that were said only after extreme restraint, this matter probably has something to do with the **** of men and women.

The old sect member named Ling'er showed embarrassment and quickly explained: "Sister, you have misunderstood, it is the lord who cares about Ling'er..."

"Shut up! You don't talk in front of me! Don't think I don't know who he is!" Although the lady of the lord did not tear her face, she was already very angry, including Lingzhao covering her mouth and widening her eyes. Looking at a loss, this strange relationship became so messed up, it really made me shudder.

But it’s not surprising that Lingfur’s temperament is inherently aggressive. The Star Soul Sect has not been expanded in recent years, and the methods of stabilizing the sect have been mainly humanized, so that there are all kinds of people that are in line with people’s hearts. In fact, it is difficult for many people to avoid such a situation with the means of acting. What's more, the world of the Eight Desolation World is more unrestrained in nature?

In the face of the old clan war, no one is willing to fight alone with me. I secretly knew that you were so afraid of me, so you should report your identity as soon as possible. Isn't it that everyone can't get off the stage now?

The situation is difficult to deal with at the moment, and I can’t say anything to expose this incident. After all, I have acted strong, and others have no face. If they show weakness, this Luo Mugu disciple will not be allowed to poke my spine to talk about me. war?

I thought about it in my heart, and immediately looked at Moyu, wondering if this guy has a grudge against me? If you have your own family together, it is an offense, so let's offend them first.

As a result, when I looked at Moyu, the kid turned his head in shock. It seems that my name is too big, and now he has not dared to get me right. As for his father, he smiled at me at the moment. , With a polite look, just now when I hadn't declared myself, I almost thought I was wrong!

It seems that I am afraid that I have no chance to fight today.

Because the disciple also kept bragging about how good I was. After all, I killed the city lord of Wind and Soul, and returned to Luomu Valley safely and appeared here. No amount of bragging can be overstated. The fabricated stuff is simply simple. Argument.

Actually, it’s no wonder these people bully the good and fear the evil. Before Spirit Fury didn’t give enough bargaining chips, these elder sect members would inevitably play a little bit of prestige to earn some popularity, but now they recognize who I am. Who can bear the price of death or injury? It's like stealing chickens and you won't lose your rice, so I'm afraid that the reasons are not good enough to resist the battle!

I was too lazy to fight this bullying battle, so after thinking about it, I finally turned my eyes to Lingnu, and made her look at Ling'an in a gesture of nature. Lingnu was very smart, so she ran away immediately after she woke up. Ling An said a few words in a low voice.

Seeing time dragged on, the Star Soul Sect's prestige and prestige had to be used to sweep the floor, and the eldest brother really stood up to turn the tide.

"Sect Master! I don't think this sect elder battle needs to be held anymore, because the child feels that it is very wrong!" Ling'an said loudly.

If I said this before, I am afraid that the Young Sect Master’s position would have been kicked, but now Ling'an is out, this is tantamount to the sound of heaven, but of course the Spirit Wrath cannot fall into the prestige of the Star Soul Sect, so he asked quickly: " Ling'an, what are you talking about? Now that you have agreed to start the sect elder battle, how can you give it up halfway? How can you, a young sect master, treat what you have said as a trifling matter?"

"Sect Master, this is not a child's play, or maybe it was just now, but at least it should be considered in the overall situation now!" Ling'an said quickly and decisively.

"Yes! The Young Master said it right! You must look at the overall situation!"

"As expected to be the Young Master, Lao Li was awakened by a single word!"

"If it weren't for the words of the Young Sect Master, I would definitely not be able to empower! Young Sect Master quickly elaborate, what is the overall situation?"

There is no need for Ling'an to say anything. A group of immortal families from the Clan Association immediately stood up to **** him, for fear that Lingrage would not let his son speak, but who knows that Ling'an almost didn't ask his son to move the ladder to let him get off. Where's the building.

"Huh? It seems that there is some truth to say. This Sect Master will listen to you for the first time, but if you don't say it, I will face the wall for three months starting today!" Linganger showed the side of grace and power, but if it wasn't for the spirit. An An stood in front of him and almost didn't let his wife pick up and beat him up.

Ling'an thought for a while, and hurriedly said, "We started the battle of the old sect before, and that was not knowing the true identity of the valley master! With the so many patching pill and sun **** pill that the valley master had previously supported our Star Soul Sect, we In fact, he should be allowed to borrow this magical secret realm. Of course, the valley owner was imaginary and didn't use his identity to borrow our magical secret realm. This is the gift of both of us! So we all started the sect war, In fact, there is nothing wrong. The sect master is responsible for the sect, and the valley master does not take shortcuts for profit. This is what the noble people say! But now that you know each other’s identity, if you don’t stop the sect battle, then Our Star Soul Sect is not only rude to friends, but also a blasphemy of etiquette! What's more, if the Lord Gu is forced to fight, wouldn’t he also have to face a dilemma? How heartache would he be? So since we are allies, we are in a dilemma. If you are so close and respect each other, then you should use this opportunity to give the same return to the Valley Master, and use the Sealed Demon Secret Realm to show that everyone benefits equally, isn't it?"

After Ling'an said, the scene suddenly fell silent, but soon, the old man Li suddenly yelled out the word ‘OK’, which instantly ignited the friendly atmosphere.

Everyone immediately followed Ling'an's thoughts, and all kinds of strong words arguably described this ‘easy’ meeting as clever workmanship and a mess, and it was not destined to do this.

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