Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6959: : Luxuriant

Until Lingzhao and I were standing in front of the Conferred Demon Secret Realm, Lingzhao still had a confused face. I didn't know what happened and stood here, looking at the group of big elders and Lingfury couples in front, smiling and waiting. There, Lingzhao said to me: "Brother Tian, ​​this is so embarrassing. We just copied the veins of the spirit beasts in the sealed demon secret realm, so many people watched."

"Otherwise, don’t you worry? And now everyone is not very friendly?" I smiled happily at Moyu and his father, the father and son, and the owner of the Dao family and Dao Yu. Signaling us to fast forward to this magical secret realm.

"Can you be unfriendly? The spiritual essence is filled for us, let alone protect the law, now there is no bug in it." Lingzhao sneered, and then took the lead in copying the spiritual vein.

Lingzhao's aptitude is very good, and the copying of the spiritual veins is still very smooth. It is much more stable than Xianli's before. It may be that her spiritual veins are based on the practice of dealing with this mysterious thunder beast's spiritual veins, so When copying the spirit beast veins, it will naturally extend out, and it will be a matter of course if there is a reference.

This is already the secret realm of the back mountain, the sky is billowing dark clouds, the thunder is raging, and occasionally waves of scattered thunder hit the surrounding area.

Or because of your background, everyone is accustomed to the weird weather here. If you change to being disturbed by someone in the secret world, I am afraid that if you don't hit it, the inner demon will come to the door.

Lingzhao landed with a confident smile. It was obvious that she was very satisfied with the process of copying the spiritual veins this time. Sure enough, she ran towards the lady of the suzerain happily, and said many things in twitter, the wife of the suzerain couldn't bear it either. Live praised his children for a while.

And even though Lingnu's face was still embarrassing to expose Yu Ling, the clan veteran guild, he couldn't get out, but he also said a few words appropriately, but he gave the Sect Master's wife a stare and shot him back.

As a result, Lingang could only come to me and laughed and set up the topic: "Xiaotian, next time you have to copy this spiritual vein, don’t look at Lingzhao so easily and just take the Xuan The Thunder Beast’s spirit veins are copied. Actually, I told you that this mysterious thunder beast has the blood of ancient divine beasts. It is really powerful. In order to make the copy of the spirit photos successful, we have not given her less practice for so many years. Worry, you didn't come from our Star Soul Sect, I am afraid that this time copying the spirit veins will be a bit of a toss."

I thought for a while, knowing that this spiritual rage didn't mean to mention something, so I said: "My nephew knows, I will definitely work hard, but if I can know in advance..."

"That's right, I know you are also worried, relatively small life, this predecessor's advice can be much more useful, so let's go, my recent demon secret realm as a whole needs to be repaired, and I have to spend some money. What? If you can donate some, I will discuss with a few great elders and see if we can follow your context and discuss a set of reasonable and sensible plans first. There are not many, so many great elders, ten or eight. You still want the Yang Shen Dan?" Lingang smiled, this guy I suspected that he was hacked to death with his son-in-law in his previous life.

Of course I was not happy, so I said: "Sect Master, even if I want to do this, time doesn't allow it, right? Look at it, this right way has been frequently mobilized recently. I am away from home, and I can't control all kinds of things. So I have to hurry up to be spiritual, so that I can bring the spiritual photos back. If I go back too late, the righteous army will crush the realm, but the dangerous ones are the spiritual photos. The Sovereign’s wife will be very worried!"

I lifted the Sect Master’s wife out, Lingfur suddenly showed an irony expression, sighed, and said, “Oh, Xiaotian, I can’t keep you from it. Sometimes, I can’t deal with her. She On the surface, I was naturally obedient to my words, but you should know that it was all on the surface. In order to marry her, my father, my former suzerain, spent a lot of work on me, so that over the years, I actually obeyed her words. She is also the Sect Master, after all, she is the daughter of the city lord of Fengxian City, the largest market in the two realms of righteousness and evil..."

"What? There is such a thing?" I was taken aback.

Lingang hissed, and then cautiously said: "Otherwise, you thought I would have such a Shuling daughter? Although the city lord of Fengxian City has a few children, but not many daughters, he didn't intend to marry us. After all, Fengxian City is a neutral place. How can we be biased against one of us? Of course, in order to maintain the emotions between the two, if the children are willing, it is not without precedent, so my wife is also because of our Star Soul Sect. After doing enough work, and at the same time, Fengxian City Lord has a daughter who first married the Righteous Dao Qingxian Mansion, that's why we chose our Star Soul Sect."

"No wonder, that Lingzhao's grandparents are all in Fengxian City?" I asked quickly.

"That's not it? Otherwise, do you think Fengpucheng would dare to touch our Star Soul Sect? This time it is so bold, I am afraid that Fengxiancheng will never give them the relationship with the right way again. This is also my agreement with Nasaohuli Nan Because of Yuan’s conjecture, and you have also seen it, why is my Star Soul Sect not in a state of preparation? Everything is just like usual? Hey, the right way is going to attack, and we will never choose our Star Soul Sect. Who would be okay to offend him? Xiancheng?" Lingang said triumphantly.

"Then Luomugu, please also invite Sect Master..." I quickly planned to hug my thighs, but Lingfury's hand was stretched out long ago. This woman's meticulous and seductive hand held my hand, and I couldn't help it all over my body. There was a shudder, not to mention, this old man is really handsome and palpitating, of course, he is also very marketable.

"It should be right. The relationship between our Star Soul Sect and Luo Mu Gu can be traced back thousands or hundreds of years. Back then, your former Valley Master made a lot of contributions to the peaceful coexistence of our two families. Now it's your turn. You, Xiaotian, you are all rich in Luomugu, will you dislike our poor relatives of the Star Soul Sect? The relationship between our two families can't just be the same as other families..." Lingang winked at me and said The meaning inside is simple, you have to give more Yang Shen Dan than others...

I was speechless for a while. I knew I wouldn’t chat with him so much. This guy is so good at chatting, he can only take out ten Sun God Pills, and a few Tian Tian Pills said: "Sect Master, this long journey. You still need to pass through other sects. There are more monks and less porridge on this route. This time I will temporarily take out some Star Soul Sect with you..."

"Xiaotian, it's not right for you to be so generous to other sects." Lingnu suddenly looked at me with a pity.

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