Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6960: : Xuan Beast

"Ah? Why am I being generous to other sects?" I was taken aback, and Lingnu patted the back of my hand, and said with a smile: "Ling'an told me, you brought so much Heaven Patching Pills, there are a lot of them, so you can't just send them along the way? Then, if you count it, isn’t our Star Soul Sect becoming the last sect..."

"I... I also want to distribute these medicines to the market. This is to divert the immortals from various places, and indirectly plunder the resources of the right way, balance the gap between our evil way and the right way, and even make our evil way stable and stable. Above them, and Luo Mu Gu also needs a lot of medicine to start, but not all of them are used for distribution, are they?" I smiled bitterly. Although Luo Mu Gu has already achieved self-sufficiency long ago, I can't finish all the words, no. How can you live with a little bit?

Although only half of them were put out in front of Ling'an with the idea of ​​not revealing their wealth before, but they did not expect to be caught by the well-informed old husband, and now they can only continue to pull.

"Xiaotian, I understand what you said. The shops that we infiltrate the major bazaars are all staring at them. Look at the amount calculated by the Sect Master. Do you think it would be better to distribute it like this? To manage the relationship in Fengxiancheng, you have to seize this opportunity." Lingang really came prepared, and took out a document that directly listed my list of the best spend on the road, and Everyone clearly marked the bribery, and listed the contact information, the specific gains and losses, etc., it is almost trivial. Just this document is estimated to be worth a lot of money.

"Then according to this document, these 30 Sun God Pills and 200 Thunder Attribute Patching Pills, the Sect Master laughed at it?" I looked at the above document, all of which were clearly priced, and I refused to estimate it. Lingfur, this caring villain will definitely not make me feel better.

"Smile, of course it's, yes, Lingzhao's betrothal..." Lingang looked at me happily.

"Didn't we give you another copy of the other family in Fengpucheng before?" I whispered for being greedy, even though it costs me the same.

Fortunately, the guy Lingnu knows that it’s not good to be greedy anymore. He let go of my hand and said, "Xiaotian, you misunderstood. I just said that you asked me to persuade those of the old sect to persuade them to act as a spiritual bridegroom. Is it okay?"

"Sect Master Lao also laughed?" The corner of my mouth smiled unnaturally.

"Smile, of course you have to smile! Xiaotian, it's a blessing for Lingzhao to meet you, hahaha..." Lingu was happy this time, everything went as he wished, of course, there will naturally be some unsatisfactory things. It seems that I have handed Lingnu a bunch of Yangshen Pills and Heaven Patching Pills. The Great Elder Yuling twisted his buttocks and came over. Although he looks outstanding, it is indeed not a little bit worse than the Sect Master’s wife, but The majesty of this fox-mei is simply incomparable to the madam, so sometimes things can't be done just by face.

"Sect Master...Look at our Shocking Thunder Palace, how expensive it usually costs..." Great Elder Yuling immediately launched an overwhelming wealth-seeking offensive against Lingfur. I dare not stay here for a long time, lest it eventually be affected. I also gave it to the old man, I can't control that much anymore.

Sure enough, fortunately, I ran fast. The wife of the sect master who had been staring at Yuling for a long time leaned forward with her chest. Her white face was so black that she could pinch out the dark clouds at this moment, but this Yuling seemed to have seen him a long time ago. With this extra scene, I didn't talk about the slightest things that could be grasped at all, and only talk about official affairs could not handle it at all, and the suzerain's wife was so angry that it added fuel to the fire, but there was no place for it to happen.

The relationship between the sects has always been maintained, not to mention the wise helpers of the sect master, so I know that these two women are indispensable for marathon-like lip-fighting, but I don't plan to mix them up.

Because the Heavenly Patching Pill and the Sun God Pill were handed over to Lingu face to face, the whole Star Soul Sect's attitude towards me was almost as if they were dealing with money. I was afraid that I would not be able to serve them. Before entering, a bunch of sect elders would come to explain. Points to note, even those who wanted to check the spirit veins for me, but they all rejected it directly.

I quickly walked into this secret realm of confinement demon, because I was already familiar with the road, after the spirit veins connected to the great formation, I immediately dived into this secret realm.

Under the dark sky, floating islands floating in the space, heavy rain pouring down, Heze everywhere on the ground, it looks strangely mysterious.

I looked around, there was no sign of the profound thunder beast at all, but I knew it was here, after all, the veins and aura of the spirit beast would not deceive people.



Thunders hit me one after another, as if it was a rush like a sky thunder forging a body, I was caught off guard, and the veins were still chaotic, but the experienced I immediately endured the undisturbed movements of the veins.

Thunder is just chasing me, constantly bombarding and forging my body, and the profound thunder beast is nowhere to be seen.

But I can basically judge that it is the Thunder itself, because if it were not, it would not explain the sudden appearance and emergence of Thunder.

Sure enough, when I tried to capture the connection with the thunder and lightning, the thunder suddenly became denser, and I immediately mobilized the Lei Ling root to connect with it, and actively extended the context to connect it as it converged. This one of the links.

In the process of extension, the pattern of the root cause of the connection was quickly obtained without expectation, and this must be the legendary mysterious thunder beast's spiritual vein!

Just like I thought, when I extended my veins, the mysterious thunder beast was actively guided by me. Thunder was used by me, and even under my control, it could resonate with me. This profound thunder beast Sure enough, it was amazing.

Xuan is not only mystery, but it is invisible, and thunder is its form, so the space here is the deity of Xuan Lei Beast.

After obtaining the extension of the profound thunder beast’s veins, I quickly left this secret consciousness. At this time, a group of great elders and sect masters were still chatting there. It was estimated that I hadn’t been in for long, so when I saw me coming out , The members of a group of patriarchs all looked at me in surprise.

Seeing that I came out so quickly with no expression on my face, Lingnu even thought that I had failed, and suddenly said with a pity: "Oh, it's a pity, I'll just say it, you must first ask for advice when you enter this time." I, take a look at you, the consumption of spiritual essence is a waste, if there is no guidance, it will not be able to pass the test of this mysterious beast! Because this mysterious beast is different from ordinary spiritual beasts..."

"Is it invisible, right?" I chuckled.

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