Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6961: : See the mother

Not only was Lingnu and the members of the old ancestors shocked, even Lingzhao couldn't help but said, "Although I knew this a long time ago, I still fumbled for a while, and I didn't expect that Brother Tian got the answer so quickly. , That means..."

I nodded and said, "Xuan Lei Beast is extremely fierce, but it is a terrifying thunder beast. Of course, it is also because of this that it will be included in the Secret Realm of Sealed Demon."

"Isn't it? The cost of wanting to seal it back then was not cheap." Lingu said solemnly. He also explained the history of this mysterious thunder beast before.

"I don’t know what the spiritual veins of the Heavenly Valley Master understood? Can you show it to our sect elders and the outstanding disciples of the sect? So that we can know how the spiritual veins of other sect extensions will look like, good to teach Our disciples will have another possibility to extend the context in the future, and we generously let the Valley Master borrow the secret realm. If you want to come to the Valley Master, you won’t refuse the relationship between people? I don’t know if that’s the case?” Yuling smiled. Said.

I took a look at this woman and felt that this woman is very good at being a human being. Everyone definitely wants to see it. It’s just because of her face that she doesn’t say anything, but with such a proposal, it is inevitable that she will become a strong support leader for everyone, and it is no wonder she So popular, even Lingu couldn't escape her pomegranate skirt, and in terms of greed, it was almost intimacy with Lingu.

"Alright, of course this favor can be used." I smiled, then floated to the clearing, and then instantly released the thunder attribute technique!

In an instant, Thunder erupted from the shield of my body, one by one, as if it had substance. This spiritual vein became concrete and gave Thunder a look, which in itself was very terrifying.

Moreover, the thunder became more and more violent, and then it broke out again, extending as long as tens of meters away, and I controlled these tens of thousands of thunder whips to madly attack the uninhabited area in front, and the land plowed by thunder and lightning was like a piece of nets. The shape went deep into the ground, and even directly formed a vein pattern. At this time, Lingfur was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

The members of the sect elders' association are sinking, and they are all horrified because of my spiritual vein network. Some have begun to write down the map silently, for fear that a slight change will destroy this spiritual vein network. After all, This is my Lei Ling root context map, if anyone learns it, I'm afraid that they might become the trend-makers of this Star Soul Sect in the next few decades.

"It's so terrifying, and the Thunder that can control the already uncontrollable blueprint depicts the blueprint of the spiritual vein, the Lord of Heaven is simply a god!" Yu Ling said in horror.

Moyu’s father, Mo Ling, was also very excited. He hurriedly asked his son to copy this spiritual blueprint, saying that he wanted to practice for his future grandsons. As for the other members of the ancestors’ association, they also rushed to copy homework, for fear that he might have missed this. The great opportunity of this time.

I don’t think it’s wrong to copy it for them. Although it’s my map, but even if I learn it, I don’t know how many levels I can learn, and the extension is actually to the stage of spiritual realm. The entire structure of Yunmozhou will not have much impact, and Luomugu has already passed down various powerful techniques, and it will not be easily surpassed by such a spiritual map.

"It's supernatural, this kind of spiritual veins has never been seen before. The veins of Xuan Lei beasts usually show a hundred kinds of mentality, and such a complex and terrifying combination has never been seen before. Looking at the terrible blow just now, Xiao My God, you are surprising me everywhere. What is even more rare is such a good spiritual vein map. You can share it selflessly. In the next 100 years or even longer, maybe our Star Soul Sect will be under your influence. Now." Ling'an said excitedly.

"Young Sect Master praised it. I just took it from the Star Soul Sect to give back to the Star Soul Sect. This kind of influence is nothing. In fact, the future of the Star Soul Sect depends on the Star Soul Sect." I laughed. laugh.

"Yes, the seeds have been sown, and the growth still needs the day after tomorrow. The immortals need to work hard. Xiaotian has already given us one more choice. It depends on the choices of the immortals." Lingnu pointed the country seriously, and then a group of The clan elders made their own speeches and encouraged their outstanding disciples. In fact, they copied the map of the map one by one. This is no different from an open source program of martial arts secrets. They have this, they only need to slow down later. Software can be formed if it is slow to understand and extend, so why don't everyone flock to it?

After this spiritual vein appreciation meeting, we did not wait until the next day to leave. After all, I was still worried about the suzerain’s wife making some weird actions, such as giving me some embarrassing knowledge points. It's a bit heavy.

Besides, there are frequent changes in the right way. I also want to go to the Nuling Palace earlier to gather news. After all, they are closer to the Wind and Spirit City, and Fox Xia should have returned there, and we should also meet in the Nuling Palace sooner.

However, with so many reasons to leave, I thought that after explaining the necessity of leaving, I would be held back by Spirit Fury. After all, the old man must still intend to corrupt me more. However, I also sometimes make mistakes.

Lingnu was sitting in the temple, and at this time, Yuling, the fox, was actually there. This was beyond my expectation. She was standing on the right hand side. The two people were alone in the temple, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. The photo is also suspicious, but it is not convenient to say more.

"It’s evening and you have to leave? Well, okay, after all, you also have something to be busy with, so I won’t keep you and Lingzhao for a few more days this time, but Fengpucheng replicates the magical secret realm of Lingpu. The pulse is also Lingzhao's top priority, you have to protect him." Lingang's tone is flat, although when looking at Lingzhao, there are quite complicated colors that can't be figured out, but I can conclude that something is wrong with this guy.

So I said, "As long as I'm by Lingzhao's side, I won't let her do anything. Please don't worry about the Sect Master."

"Well, you must take her to Muxianzhou, I am very optimistic about you, or if you are goodbye this time, I don't know what year it is." Lingnu sighed for some reason, but Lingzhao heard this. Then, tears fell down: "Father... Shall I go now?"

"Stupid boy, Dad is willing to give up on you, but you still don’t give up? Do you usually dislike your dad? Isn’t it also clamoring to run away from home? Now it is when you are flying high, but you hesitate? Hey, who doesn’t want to. Mu Xianzhou, the long sky is full of colors, boy, go." Lingang sighed.

Lingzhao leaned on my shoulder and cried: "Tian brother, I want to see my mother!"

"Don't see me, maybe she doesn't know where she is sad, okay, hurry up and go on her own." Lingang said lightly.

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