Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6962: : Shut Book

"Yes, the lord and wife will be much more lonely after you leave, but you can rest assured that I will accompany Wo Shuang well and definitely won't make her feel lonely." Yu Ling laughed.

Lingzhao looked down on this sorrowful fox. Why did she say that she seemed to have puns. As for Wo Shuang, of course she is the name of the master's wife, so this companionship is definitely not simple. After all, Lingang's eyebrows are obvious at this moment. One pick.

I know the implications of this, so I said, "Lingzhao, let's go first. After that, we may arrive at Fengxian City and see your mother, so I'm not in a hurry to say goodbye."

To give me such a comfort, Lingzhao nodded weepingly, but she felt much better in her heart, and said a few farewell words, we left the hall, and at this time, Ling'an, Daoyu, and Moyu all came one after another. Farewell, not to mention, although it is an evil way, but after digging into the bottom of each other's hearts, there is a bit of emotion between each other, and it is not just polite or something.

When I came, I encountered some unpleasantness, but when I left, I felt a bit of returning home, but this was only a brief moment of relaxation. Then we left the Star Soul Sect not long after, because of the appearance of the Sect Master’s wife, let us both The easy journey has become less easy.

"Mother! Why are you here!" Lingzhao looked at her aggrieved face in surprise, and was so surprised that she couldn't believe the facts when she saw his daughter's tears falling from the wife of the sovereign.

"Lingzhao, Xiaotian! Why did you appear on Wangxing Mountain in the Star Soul Sect so soon? Did Lingu do something to make you angry? Don't worry, when I return to Fengxian City, it will not be easy. Forgive him and the sorrowful lady! He bullied the three of us cruelly, and this time will not be at odds with them!" Sect Master's wife hugged me and Lingzhao, crying violently.

I felt the faint scent of the Sect Master’s body and the gentle embrace. Although there were some fluctuations in my heart, I also secretly said that the Sect Master’s wife is really a good woman, because Spirit Fury is not a thing, so she ran out jealous. The Star Soul Sect didn't come and chase it back, and even if he didn't chase it, he didn't even send some immortals to look for it.

This Wangxing Mountain is said to be a landmark, and it is the first mountain where Lumu Valley and Star Soul Sect are handed over. Because there are often disciples of Star Soul Sect patrolling the surrounding area, the probability of Xian Family passing here is still very high. In the territory of the Star Soul Sect, as long as it is in contact with the Star Soul Sect, who will leave this safe route?

This is why we will meet Wo Shuang.

"Mother, what the **** is going on? Don't cry, what the **** did my father and that woman do to you!?" Lingzhao said anxiously.

"They...they were struggling in the hall, and they were hit by me, ooh...I was going to hit the sorrowful lady, and as a result...your father slapped me in the slap, ooh...Since he chose to protect the saucy lady, I definitely can't be with her again, and... and when my mother threw down the letter of resignation, he simply signed it like that. When the mother left the Star Soul Sect in anger, he didn't come to stop him, and didn't let the disciple chase his mother! Look! When he came, he was determined to be with the sorrowful lady!" Mrs. Wo Shuang cried and cried out the result that made Lingzhao dumbfounded.

"Ah? Isn't it Dad who came to write the divorce book..." Lingzhao asked instinctively.

As a result, these words immediately made Wo Shuang stunned: "Lingzhao...oooo, how do you say such a thing? Is there anything wrong with your mother? Xiaotian, even Lingzhao said that to me, and only you Good to me...oooooo..."

Lingzhao was thrown aside, Mrs. Wo Shuang hugged me and cried, and buried her head on my chest. After all, she was well-proportioned and I was still taller than her.

"Mother! I didn't mean that, I mean, it should be the man who wrote the divorce letter. If you write the divorce letter to Dad, wouldn't Dad think you humiliated him?" Lingzhao explained hurriedly.

But Mrs. Wo Shuang didn't want to listen at all, and said angrily: "Why? The fault is that he is not a mother, and she is also the last daughter of Fengxian City, how can he be bullied by him? My Fengxian city is bigger than the wind. I don’t know how powerful the city is, don’t I still have the qualifications to write a letter of divorce? Ugh..."

Lingzhao was speechless, and I was so embarrassed that I just rubbed my mother-in-law like this, and it was unavoidable to feel embarrassed.

"Mother! When on earth are you going to hold Brother Tian! Why are you so self-willed! I have served you, no wonder Dad has signed this divorce letter. Usually you like to bully him when you have no one. It’s no wonder Yu Ling’s glamorous beauty came in!” Lingzhao pulled Wo Shuang aside. At this time, looking at the mother and daughter, I even had the illusion that their appearance was simply not like a mother. Female, and more like a sister, and at the moment the mother-in-law was crying with pear blossoms and rain, almost let Lingzhao call out'sister'.

"Lingzhao! Mother usually loves you for nothing! They are stubborn in the hall! They also swept Niang's face in front of the charming lady! Oh... No matter what the mother usually does, she won't face him like someone else. Fierce, he even took care of his face, if he really wanted to recruit new people, his mother would not be unacceptable...but look at him...uh..." Mrs. Wo Shuang cried again.

I coughed lightly and persuaded: "Ah, or the Sect Master was secretly forced, and he didn't switch over for a while, so that he took care of his face in front of the newcomer, hurting the lady's heart, or after a while..."

"Look, you see, it's better for Xiaotian to treat me..." Mrs. Wo Shuang was about to cry and hug me again, but this time she was more shrewd and stopped in front of me, so she couldn't do anything to me. .

In fact, Mrs. Wo Shuang is afraid that she has become accustomed to being pampered in Fengxiancheng, and some squeamishness is inevitable, but it is better for me to avoid this kind of relationship between husband and wife.

"Mother, you should go back. Dad appointed you to regret it. If you speak for a while, he will definitely change it. Is it possible that you have to leave the Star Soul Sect and make everyone aware of it?" The big picture.

My Daolingzhao is really a little girl, and it’s strange if I can’t persuade him so much. As a result, these words really angered Wo Shuang again. She angrily said, "Since he is so shameless, why should my mother be afraid to leave? If you were my daughter, then Don't persuade you anymore, you and Ling'an have grown up, this separation, I will never look back!"

"Mother!" Lingzhao got hairy, and was about to say something cruel to force him, I immediately stopped and said: "Okay, now everyone is calm and calm, so let's go, Madam will come out if she doesn't come out. Where is there any face in the future? It's better to take advantage of coming out to relax. If the lord cares about his old feelings, he will naturally look for it."

Mrs. Woshuang looked at me with tears in her eyes and moved: "Woo, I know that Xiaotian is the best, only he really thinks of my mother."

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