Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6963: : Yixiang

"No matter how good Brother Tian is, you are not allowed to be too kind to him!" Lingzhao and her mother are of the same temperament, and they are very good food, but Mrs. Wo Shuang does not think so, and said with confidence: "I It should be good to Xiaotian. What does it mean to not be too good to him? You kid speak nonsense."

"You only like nonsense!" Lingzhao snorted, and Wo Shuang glared at her, and said, "Are you not now? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to go back for your mother?"

I was speechless to the mother and daughter, and said, "Well, if we go to Fengxian City, we should leave early, because we have to go to the Nuling Palace first. Although it turns a little bit far, we can get News from the right side."

"Then go quickly, Lingzhao, you can't talk about your mother anymore." Mrs. Wo Shuang looked disgusted.

"I...huh! I just looked at my mother anyway!" Lingzhao looked like he was about to watch.

"You child, it's not good to guard against your mother. It's unreasonable. Don't worry, mother will teach you." And Mrs. Wo Shuang not only has a high level of cultivation, she took out a round piece of copper as soon as she shot it. The mirror, the mirror became bigger and bigger after it was shot, and soon it was as big as a two-meter dining table, and after floating, it became a flying baby.

I secretly thought that this aircraft was a bit weird, so I still asked: "This mirror should be an attacking baby, right?"

"Yes, it's attacking baby." Wo Shuang had already recovered her emotions at this time, as if she had cried a long time ago. Seeing me take out the six-color umbrella and prepare to fly with Lingzhao, she I immediately closed my umbrella and said, “We don’t need an umbrella anymore. My bronze mirror is not only an attacking baby, but also an aircraft. And because I have been practicing for many years, I can control it even faster than ordinary aircraft. , Don’t we want to shorten the time now, using it should save half of the time than usual. Although it consumes a bit more, but there is a small sky, I am very relieved."

"Huh? It can still be used as a flying machine?" I was unavoidably surprised. At this moment, Mrs. Wo Shuang had already lifted her long dress and stepped on the bronze mirror, watching her walk along, I secretly said that the mirror reflects light, if there is nothing under the skirt. Isn't it going to be happy together with the skirt?

And it just happened to fulfill a certain idea, when she should always be in such a whimsical way, just when she stepped onto the mirror, the bottom of the skirt broke into my eyes.

Although it was a momentary thing, I was wearing profanity, but it was not too particular about it. I hurriedly turned my head away, and Lingzhao immediately covered my eyes with his hands and hurriedly let myself Madam, but obviously it was too late.

"Mother! Did you do it on purpose!? Isn't this bronze mirror your baby named Chunxin Dance Mirror?" Lingzhao was so angry that he broke the origin of this thing.

"Ah, what's the matter? This is the Chunxin Dance Mirror, can't it be used?" Mrs. Wo Shuang, who looked confused, didn't agree.

Although I felt that the name was a bit subtle in my heart, as expected, Lingzhao asked angrily: "Although the Chunxin Dance Mirror is said to be the treasure of Fengxian City, it is also a bronze mirror with a certain meaning. It is said that there were beautiful women back then. Dancing on it, the world dances, the spring heart is in the mirror! So the spring heart dancers often don’t look at the beautiful woman, just look at this mirror! Is it right?"

"So what? Mother just used it as a flying machine, and didn't dance the spring heart dance!" Madam Wo Shuang looked innocent.

This immediately made Lingzhao's mouth dumbfounded, and for a while, I didn't know how to refute it, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Tian can see your privacy!"

"Ah? Yes? What, Xiaotian, did you see it?" Mrs. Wo Shuang looked at me flushed, touched her cheek with both hands, and said, "It's okay, you can see it when you see it, which young man It’s not all like this, I have never seen it before, so I miss it naturally, don’t you understand it, Xiaotian?

What I said was speechless for a while, Mrs. Wo Shuang was sitting on the Chunxin Dance Mirror at the moment, and the long skirt was laid out in it like a flower. It was indeed beautiful.

"Okay, Xiaotian will come up and sit with me." Mrs. Wo Shuang waved to me, but she was tempted by wind and rain. I thought that time would definitely be halved. Who wants to waste time on flying? , So I went up, and seeing Lingzhao looking unwilling to come up, Mrs. Wo Shuang said: "You kid, can't you go up at all? If you don't, just return to the Star Soul Sect!"

"Of course I want to go!" Lingzhao was actually afraid of passing out. I immediately closed my eyes, but Mrs. Wo Shuang was also the kind of person who was afraid of being okay, teasing and said: "You two little ancestors, you shouldn't look at it. How do you see it? After all, you will know everything, now that you cover it up, how can you talk about in-depth topics?"

"Mother!" Lingzhao gave her a furious look, and Mrs. Wo Shuang giggled, but the next moment, Chun Xin dance mirror swished and flew far away, the speed is so fast that I also feel that I have a wind turbine engine. It seems that the saying that it saves ordinary time is not a lie.

Lingzhao is so beautiful that it is not a joke to say that the first beauty of the evil way is not a joke. Of course, if you ask their mother and daughter to rank high and low, I really don’t know how to score, Mrs. Warshuang’s charm is unique. And the spiritual photos are green and magnificent, which is a bit intractable.

Mrs. Wo Shuang is very talkative, she is omniscient. It may be related to her origin in a large city like Fengxiancheng, and her words are extremely gentle and exquisite. Occasionally the little girl's fascination is revealed, and it is difficult to resist it by anyone. Such a woman.

As for Lingzhao in front of her mother, she couldn’t let go. All she knew was taught by her mother. She didn’t know, but her mother knew clearly, so the little girl was uncomfortable sitting there, and she often interrupted her words. Don't come in half a sentence.

I have a lot of knowledge, and I have a lot of knowledge, and I have a good conversation with Mrs. Woshuang, and I have a lot of lingering intentions, but after all, there are still some flaws. Sometimes Mrs. It's really hard to stand in the pit she set up.

But Lingzhao can dig me out of the pit every time, but the little girl is so witty.

"Xiaotian is good at chatting. He can see through complicated matters in a few words. When speaking, he is always in a hurry. It seems that if he is fully aware of it, if he doesn’t make any mistakes, what will happen to others? Can you take advantage of the vacancy? So Xiaotian, can't you just order it at will?" Mrs. Wo Shuang asked with a grieving face. The red lips and the scent of clothes, the color and the fragrance are all delicious, such a woman can really make people fall into it unknowingly. .

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