Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6964: : After chaos

"Mother is okay, but Brother Tian can't do it casually!" Lingzhao couldn't help interrupting Wo Shuang's words, I couldn't help but smile, and said, "Madam is a lot happier. If she likes this, just let it go. She is it, better than complaining all the way, isn't it?"

Of course Lingzhao didn't want her mother to cry all the way, so she didn't say anything, but Mrs. Wo Shuang smiled: "Isn't it? And Xiaotian is chatting with me, she is also very happy? You see, just use the title. The proof, the lady from the suzerain has now become a lady. If she arrives at the Nuling Palace, she should be called Woshuang."

"Ah?! No way!" Lingzhao looked at me immediately, with an aura that you have to deny immediately in this eyeball.

I smiled and said, "Maybe it won't."

"What? Xiaotian, you told me all about your proving Daotian, so I don’t want to Mu Xianzhou now. I just want to go to proving Daotian. You don’t even want to call my name. And you are obviously older than me, even if you call me sister Woshuang, isn't it?" Madam Woshuang asked delicately, holding my hand.

Lingzhao hurriedly pulled our hands apart and said, "That won't work! Mother, are you really going to prove Daotian? Isn't it bad in Yunmozhou!? If you leave, what will father do! ?"

"Hmph, if you still recognize my mother, don't mention him again, he might have forgotten her mother now, look at it, he won't come to Fengxian City to find your mother for me!" Wo Shuang Said vowedly.

The mother and daughter were arguing again at this moment, and I immediately said, "Don't you know when you arrive in Fengxian City? Of course, you still have to go to Nuling Palace first, right?"

"Yes, Xiao Lingzhao, you are disrespecting your mother more and more now, and you have to treat your mother like a sister." Madam Wo Shuang said.

"As long as you have other ideas about Brother Tian, ​​I won't let you go!" Lingzhao hummed.

"No, Xiao Ling is good." Madam Wo Shuang giggled, trying to touch her head, but she reached out and dropped her hand.

My heart is funny, but the relationship between mother and daughter should usually be good, and I don't need to worry about it.

This state has continued to the Nuling Palace, and in order to avoid suspicion, you must not enter the Nuling Palace with the face of the Sect Master’s wife, otherwise you really can’t make it clear in the future, so when you are ready to go to the Nuling Palace, Wo Shuang changed his outfit, and even covered up his appearance, pretending to be our accompanying bodyguard.

Since Lingzhao and I were invited, of course they were able to come and go as they pleased. When we first entered the Nuling Palace, we found that the atmosphere here was obviously different. The preparation for the battle was strong, and even the disciples who passed by did not say hello. Now, in a hurry, I'm afraid it's either a scout or a defense, which also shows that the right way or war has started.

Sure enough, Fox Xia, who greeted us, looked worried, and didn't notice Madam Wo Shuang's appearance at all, and said directly to me: "God... Brother Wind, Fengpu City found the trap set by Longfeng Tower, the original intention was to turn around immediately. The one who attacked Lumugu, Bi Qi, son of Bi Gao, is now the lord of Fengpucheng. Holding the banner of revenge for his father, he is looking for you to fight to the death in Lumugu, but he just sent troops to Lumugu, half way to the right way to attack. In the past, Fengpucheng was in chaos, and now the righteous way has the absolute upper hand. If we eat Fengpucheng, it will be our turn to the Fury Palace. Right now, the disciples have reported the news of Luomugu and the Star Soul Sect."

"No matter how violent the fire is, I have to be able to speak again. Here, it will be up to a few leaders to stand up. I have my own ideas and plans." I said calmly.

"Ah? Brother Tian, ​​how can you do this? We are the first to bear the brunt. Luo Mugu may not be the first position of the full-scale attack on the right path, so you just ignore it?" Hu Xia exclaimed.

"Over there, Chang Jie will hold it for me. At least now, Fengpu City has attracted a large part of the firepower of the right way, and I will not participate in your battles now, because I copied the spirit veins of the Enchanted Demon Realm in the Wrath Spirit Palace here. , Will turn to Fengxian City." I said.

"But without you, how could you be able to beat Tianludao's Taoist priest?" Fox Xia asked in surprise.

"Isn't there Yingyi? Even if she can't win, she won't lose easily. Once Wind and Soul City falls, you can bring the firepower to our side." I said lightly.

"Then talk to my dad yourself! I can't do this!" Hu Xia said hurriedly. After I nodded, I followed her all the way into the main hall of the Red Sun, because he knew that I was coming, and Hu Xiao had been emptied. All the disciples and elders, and those who were straight to the point, described a bunch of things about the defense of the right way one by one, and deduced them on the sand table.

The Yunmozhou on the sand table is not square, but forms a triangle shape along the Tongtian Mountains. The triangle is centered on Fengxian City and is divided into two halves, half of which is the right way and the other half. Xie Dao, and Luomu Valley is actually a little bit higher at this position, so it is relatively close to the Tongtian Mountain area above Fengxian City. As for Nuling Palace, it is opposite to Fengxian City. This may also be the same year. The reason why Luo Mugu was the first to attack.

But now it’s different. The sphere of influence has been re-divided, and the Luomu Valley area has returned from the Three Regrets, blocking the gap in the entire evil Dao. Of course, Tianlu Dao and Fengpucheng are also two relatively large sects. Once between them When fighting each other, Luo Mugu had to clear the door, and the probability of being attacked was not high.

Of course, this does not mean that it will not be attacked.

After taking a look at the sand table, I said everything I said to Fox Xia just now. This made Fox Owl jump up anxiously, but I had already thought of an excuse, and said: "Wind and Soul City and Tianlu Dao fight. , Aren’t all the sects also preparing for the battle and watching? My stay here will not cause much change, but if I go to the enemy’s rear, what does the palace lord think will happen?"

"Huh? What do you mean..." Fox Owl widened his eyes, and quickly exclaimed: "Oh, I know! What you mean is that there will be another case of the Wind City losing the lord behind them! ?"

"Hehe, I can't guarantee, but I will inevitably have to copy the spiritual veins of other spiritual roots to become spiritual. If I can't go to the right way now, I will naturally not give up." I laughed.

Fox Owl gave me a thumbs up immediately, and said, "If you go to the realm of the right path, the Lord Valley, and specify that they behave in a mess, hahahaha...this Palace Master absolutely believes it!"

Both Huxia and Lingzhao looked at me in astonishment. They didn't know what to say. This was an extremely dangerous thing.

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