Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6966: :determination

"Palace Lord Xiao, then I will be waiting for you in Fengxian City." Mrs. Wo Shuang has a very high level of communication, and has firmly grasped Fox Owl's careful thoughts. She is so beautiful that she can make people drunk even when she speaks. When seeing Fox Owl’s expression like Brother Pig, Mrs. Wo Shuang also took advantage of the heat to take the train: "Palace Master Xiao, my child has three spirit roots, and Lei Ling root has been derived from Star Soul Sect, because it is a mutant spirit. Roots, the fire roots that are needed need top-level roots to become spiritually successful, so I am afraid that you have to borrow your fire-bath dragon roots. I wonder if my children can borrow the magical secret realm to use it?"

The fox owl didn't even hesitate, and said, "You have nothing to do with the evil lone star that day. Since your child is going to Fengxian City with you, I am naturally willing to borrow the Secret Realm of Demon Sealing for you."

"That's really great, I really want to thank the Lord of the Palace." Mrs. Wo Shuang looked surprised, this won the beautiful lady's smile, and it made Fox Owl Nianxu laugh, and quickly urged her to be polite.

However, Lingzhao looked upset, staring at her mother, looking very dissatisfied, but she didn't know how to refute the other party, after all, she did come to borrow the Root of the Dragon's Spiritual Root to extend.

The enchantment secret realm of this Nuling Palace is a little different from other sects. It is actually in the underground lava pool cave. The temperature of these lava is still very terrifying for our current cultivation base. To burn hands and feet, so the power of the fire attribute is very terrifying, the burning sensation is always tormenting us.

Of course, this molten pool is not without life, there are still some fire spirits and energy bodies, so it is also quite dangerous here.

This fire-bath dragon is exactly a terrifying monster in this flowing underground magma. It is said that it guarded the Nuling Palace Grand Canyon and sealed it for the first generation of the palace ring before it became the current Nuling Palace. The Fire Dragon has become the best demon-sealing secret realm in the Nuling Palace. Generally, those who have not cultivated to the second-level spiritual root qualification can not borrow this magic secret realm, because this kind of secret realm usually also has the effect and power of backlash.

As the Young Palace Master of the Nuling Palace, Fox Xia was also the first to use the Secret Realm of Conferring Demons, and the reason why I waited until I came, actually wanted me to protect the law, after all, Xian Li had already become spiritually successful, she I know it's because of my protector.

Huxia's eldest lady tempered a lot this time. When she looked at me, she always consciously or unconsciously glanced at the spiritual photos that I was always following me for fear that I would eat them, so she had a lot of hostility towards them.

This time standing in front of the karst cave in the Sealed Demon Secret Realm, Hu Xia also won the opportunity: "I am afraid that others will make trouble. From here on, it will only be me and Brother Tian!"

"Little Fox Xia, we won't make trouble." Mrs. Wo Shuang took the Lingzhao and began to be cute, but Fox Xia insisted: "No, who knows if you will see it...or do something Strange things affect my spirit! So you can only wait outside!"

"Afraid of being disturbed, then you are the only one who went in, so what do you let Brother Tian go in for?" Lingzhao asked back.

"Brother Tian, ​​protect me! He and I met earlier than you, and escorted me all the way! If it weren't for this, I wouldn't stand here anymore. Only if he is here, I feel safe!" Hu Xiayi Pulled me to my side.

I smiled awkwardly, because Lingzhao also instinctively hugged my arms tightly at this time, feeling the girl's soft body, I couldn't help but shake my body, watching the two girls stand in a stalemate, and I was about to fight. Wo Shuang chuckled, and said, "Okay, Lingzhao will not fight for good this time? How can I say that this is also the Nuling Palace, let's let little Fox Xia, don’t you stick with Xiaotian every day? Don’t care about this moment, do you?"

In the end, she didn't know where Lingzhao was hit by her words. She glared at her mother and said anxiously: "It's the mother who has been pestering Brother Tian, ​​okay!"

"I think Xiaotian is reliable as a man." Mrs. Wo Shuang smiled slyly. Now Fox Xia is also looking at Mrs. Wo Shuang warily. Her personality decides that she feels right to herself when she looks at everything now. There is a threat.

I reluctantly said: "Three women in a play, continue to be so stalemate, when the right way comes back to Fengxian City but it is too late, come one by one, I will protect the Fox Xia first, when the spirit shines, I will naturally Will protect the law, okay?"

"Hmph, it should have been like this long ago! You quickly let go." Lingzhao glared at Lingzhao provocatively, and Lingzhao could only give me a grudge, and then let us in.

Outside was the voice of Mrs. Woshuang comforting her daughter, but it seemed that Lingzhao didn't appreciate her. This little girl is usually very gentle. Since her mother's ambiguous attitude, her alertness suddenly became full.

Or Mrs. Wo Shuang did not intend to do this, but just to hide her sadness and loneliness, so I should be more tolerant to her. If she is too far away from her, this poor woman is afraid that she will not be able to bear her heart. The bitterness of constant blessing, so now it is a good choice to gradually transfer the pain.

Just get to Fengxian City.

Thinking like this in my heart, I also walked into the huge underground cave and witnessed a dozen huge stone monuments in front of me.

It seems that I have been here several times. Hu Xia didn’t have much interest in this place. She glanced at no one around her, and then looked at the isolation hood at the exit, her expression suddenly became tense, and she looked at me. When he hesitated not knowing what to say.

"Huxia, what's the matter? Are you afraid when I come to Gu Ling? Don't worry, I will protect the law for you." I smiled.

Fox Xia nodded, but quickly said: "Brother Tian...I...I am not afraid of being spiritual, I am just afraid...I am afraid that they will far surpass me in the future...The gap between me and you will be farther and farther, and the relationship will be too. I'm getting more and more alienated, what can I do then..."

"What are you talking about, this little girl, I'm not of such a temperament, am I?" I smiled, reached out and touched Huxia's head, and said: "I treat you as a younger sister, and you should also know my deity. Situation."

"But...but I don't just want to be your sister." Fox Xia said anxiously.

"You kid, don't follow others blindly, and the top priority now is to hit the spiritual consummation, right? Otherwise, you won't be able to participate in the sacrifice of the immortal blood crossing." I laughed.

Hu Xia quickly grabbed my hand and said, "I am not blindly following them, they are them, I am me, I..."

"Well, when you have real determination, why care if you are different from others? Right?" I said.

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