Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6967: : Figured out

"But, why are you so good to them? Why do you always treat me as a child?" Hu Xia said anxiously.

"To me, are you all kids?" I smiled speechlessly. To these little girls, we have a huge age gap, but it seems that I am Dongren now, but I will not be the deity in the future. Young man is out.

"No, I don't want you to treat me like a kid! I'm grown up, okay?" Fox Xia said, but this posture didn't help me at all, and I smiled: "I'll talk about it when I grow up. "

"Ah? Not young, okay!" Hu Xia hurriedly took my hand to touch her chest. I was so frightened that I hurriedly said with a hand: "Hey, what are you kid doing suddenly? I said age, not this !"

Fox Xia also remembered this in an instant, and her ears were red: "I...I know I didn't say this! I just, my heart is beating so badly, so...so..."

"Okay, go with the spirit, I promise you will wait for you? After you become the spirit, I will wait for you at the Jixianxuedu in Fengxian City." I resolved the embarrassment and said.

"Oh...that's what you said, I will definitely have the spiritual perfection, and then participate in the sacrifice of the blood crossing, then you can no longer think of me as a child, I should have the spiritual perfection by then !" Fox Xia said.

I nodded. This Tsundere princess' disease is not easy to treat. She is also facing me. She doesn't pay for other people, but no matter what, this little girl knows that it's good to be motivated.

The process of Hu Xia Guling is quite smooth. Although these palace master-level rich second generations are proud, they also have their proud capital, and the fire dragon seems to have been tailored for her. After all, he has been trained in this direction since childhood. There are various classics to verify the spirit, so in the end, the one who succeeded in copying the spirit veins succeeded, and gathered the veins derived from this, also relying on the Yangshen Pill to forcibly break through and successfully become spiritual.

I also opened the Secret Realm of Sealing the Demon and tried to activate the fire dragon. After all, after the success of Hu Xia Guling, I felt that my abilities had become stronger, and it was necessary to protect me. This girl’s mind can only be expressed in this way. , So I can't pour cold water on her either.

After telling me that the Fire Bathing Dragon is a spirit beast hidden in the molten lava, I was actually in contact with the Fire Bathing Dragon head-on when I dived into my consciousness.

This fire-bath dragon is a rare molten giant, but it is not a real living existence. When I found out that I touched its inverted scales, I immediately flopped and became concrete from the molten liquid, the huge triangular dragon head, and When the boiling magma stood up, it was many times higher than me!

The process of my being spiritual is not complicated. Although it is a mutated spiritual root, my poison attribute has been cultivated by me. What I lack is only the comprehension of the fire attribute spiritual root. There is no shortage of me who practice fire attribute cultivation techniques in Zen Daotian. I am also very good at the extension of the fire attribute here. Under the impact of the Yang Shen Dan, the spirit veins gradually began to be connected with the Fire Dragon. When I became a part of this molten area, I appeared in the fire god’s capital. When the fire dragon was in front of it, it was destined to suppress one end of it, because my flames were completely dark, and there was a big gap between the white flames of Huxia.

Because my firework possesses the poison attribute, the process of suppressing the fire dragon is very easy. This may be the reason why the fire bathing dragon itself is a little bit worse than the mysterious thunder beast, but the difference between the two beasts is not big, but there are similarities in the same way, even Both are much stronger than the spirit beast of Luomugu, but fortunately I have enhanced the magical secret realm spirit root equation of Luomugu.

In order to raise the level of the Conferred Demon Secret Realm in the Nu Ling Palace to the same level as the other two, I inevitably and took a lot of effort to extend the fire spirit root attributes that I had understood infinitely, and this black fire dragon In the end, he mutated and became the Black Bathing Fire Dragon, and his abilities were greatly enhanced.

Seeing the energy field of my changed enchantment secret realm changed, Fox Xia was of course surprised and immediately let me show the horror of this poisonous inflammation technique. Of course, I didn’t hesitate to use it. After all, this is a molten area, so it won’t be right. Cause damage anywhere.


The poisonous flame art blasted into the molten pool, and immediately turned up a huge wave, a handful of poisonous fire meteorites fell, each time it could cause a huge explosion, and it was so scared that Fox Xia quickly stopped me, of course. , Lingzhao saw this scene throughout, after all, she couldn't be left out.

But I never expected that this blackened fire-bath dragon, which was changed casually, would cause great trouble to Ling Zhao Ling.

When I was protecting the Dharma, it was smooth at first, but after a while, Lingzhao seemed to be in trouble. The molten slurry in the surrounding area began to boil, and pillars of fire rose into the sky. These flames are extremely high. In a short while, the cave turned into a dangerous situation where molten lava exploded below, and countless molten lava rain fell on the top of the cave.

I immediately thought that the spiritual photo is the physique of the foreign spiritual root, so this mutated spiritual root ran into the black fire dragon that I mutated actively. This day, the thunder hooked the ground, and immediately caused a huge wave. The entire cave was melted at this moment. The fire broke out and fell into extreme danger, and the fire spirit monsters in the lava began to rush out frantically, all of them attacked the magic seal secret realm, and there was a great momentum to unblock the fire dragon in the magic seal secret realm.

I hurriedly attacked these weird fire spirits, even the outside Fox Xia and a few spiritual elders also ran in, and everyone attacked the dense fire spirits together, because if you are not careful, the spirits will definitely be swallowed by the fire. .

Lingzhao looked uncomfortable, but under my protection, she was not touched by the fire spirit, plus she had experience, and she had already put on fire-resistant underwear, otherwise even if she didn’t break the clothes on the fire spirit now, she The clothes will be burnt due to the high temperature, and the guardians will be embarrassed.

With the powerful supply ability of the Yang Shen Dan, and the help of other attributes, Lingzhao's Ling Zhao had constant twists and turns, but it was considered to have consumed more than half of the Yang Shen Dan, and he succeeded in forcibly copying the spirit veins, and watched her fragrantly. Sweating and sitting in the Secret Realm with a tired face, I was relieved, and the surrounding fire spirits were also settled down. After all, there is still Mrs. Woshuang who is showing great power here.

She hugged her daughter and started to cry with anxiety: "Lingzhao, my good one, my mother is so worried about you. If you fail in spirit, my mother will not live, mother has nothing. No, I can’t live without you... ooh, what can I do without you..."

Lingzhao glanced at his mother wearily, sighed and said, "Mother... I thought about it, but after all I figured it out..."

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