Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6976: : Flyback

I have heard that the environment of the right path of Yunmozhou is almost the same as the evil path, but after crossing Fengxian City, the earth is no longer that earth. Flying high will indeed hit the devilish energy of Tongtian Mountain, but flying too short, except People and things cannot be mastered, and the beauty of the landscape is shocking.

Flying all the way to Tianlu Road, the environment flies by, and there are beautiful mountains and beautiful waters between horses and flowers. The karst-like landform makes my environment like a beautiful landscape painting. No matter where I add a frame, it is all It can constitute a perfect drawing; so it seems that Tianludao can cross the clouds and Mozhou, living in such an elegant scenery is what it should be, which is much more delicate than the endless mountains and old forests of Luomu Valley.

Tianludao is located in the mountains and rivers. If I have not reached the semi-spiritual state, I am afraid that I can see the world with the foundation of foundation cultivation. That is the best in the splash ink landscape painting, because it is backed by the mountains and the water, birds flying and swallows dancing, watching It seems to be a world with immortal spirit, and the cave mansion is scattered on the banks of famous mountains and rivers, not only does not make people feel abrupt, but even has a sense of ease into it.

From here, it is the dojo of Tianlu Dao, and the distribution of Tianlu Dao is not as concentrated as Fengpu City, but gradually scattered with countless large and small sects, and finally gathered into a huge school, but don’t look at the fragmented ones. Once Dao Zun gave an order, all Tianlu Dao disciples were ordered to act without him, just because they are the right way!

The evil way needs to be driven by interests, so it is also the essence of the difference between the evil way and the right way.

I have changed my clothes. Although the appearance is still the same, there are not many people who want to recognize me. And I swaggered into the Tianlu Road because they also swaggered into the area of ​​my Luomu Valley.

These days, I inevitably got news of Lumugu. Tianludao was very decisive and directly attacked me Lumugu, so I would enter Tianludao with the same grace.

After crossing the border area of ​​Tianlu Road, the immortal family became more obvious, and it was impossible to even avoid it, because I broke in and it is inevitable that I would not be found.

A few disciples of Lu Dao quickly gathered around and looked at my dress suspiciously.

"Where is the sect disciple, did he break into my heaven by mistake, or did he have a task, or a textbook in his hand? Please inform immediately, otherwise he will leave as soon as possible." One of the immortal family in the alchemy realm Seeing that I was in the realm of Alchemy Consummation, my tone was not so strong.

I stopped and said faintly: "The Taoist priest of Tianludao did not appear in Luomu Valley, nor did he go to Fengpu City. I don't know if it is in the main hall of Tianludao? Please inform me immediately, otherwise I I'm afraid I won't leave easily."

"What do you mean? You still want to see Dao Zun even if you are in the Alchemy Realm Consummation? If you don't let you see, you won't leave? Where are you supposed to be here? Where is your vegetable garden?" The headed fairy family couldn't help but sneer. Tao.

A group of immortal families suddenly laughed, and one of them grinned and said: "Senior, our Tianludao has the immortal family to worship the entrance every day, but there is no such apprenticeship as you to learn art, do you really think we Tianludao enter casually? Especially if you are a casual cultivator like this, it is actually even more unkind to enter into my Heavenly Lu Dao halfway, because if we accept you, we will not teach Sanxian."

I smiled coldly and said: "I'm looking for you Dao Zun, if you don't know, then quickly get out of the way, and stop making noise with me."

"Then you are planning to forcibly break into our Tianlu Dao?" The other party did not show weakness. After all, he was also a disciple in the middle of the alchemy, and there was also a companion of the same cultivation level, four juniors in the early stage of the alchemy. The strength is enough to deal with my immortal family who has perfect alchemy.

The most important point is that they are all sword repairers.

Although compared with spear repair and sword repair, it may not be outstanding, but it does not mean that sword repair is not strong, and their body skills are actually very fast, and the overall strength of the sword is not weak.

Sure enough, these few people started to line up very decisively with their eyes.

I didn't give them any chance at all. With a wave of my hand, the world was plunged into black thunder and lightning with a wave of my hand. Only a bang was heard. All six people from the two groups fell to the ground after screaming.

Watching them fall towards the ground, I continued to fly towards the sky with no expression. All aspects of the lightning attack came from the mutant profound thunder beast. For the strong or need to add other attributes to enter, but to deal with these The weak, even if they are stuck, are the result of poisoning. They are simply unable to resist my poisonous lightning attack, so they are not only seriously injured, but it is impossible for them to prepare for self-help because they are originally meant to consume their own energy. of.

My toxin solution is very complicated, but there is only one way to delay or postpone its onset, unlimited mana, otherwise no matter how powerful it exists, it will end in exhaustion in the end.

I continued to fly towards the main dojo of Tianlu Dao, and seemed to find that the disciples were in danger, and the immortal families I encountered in front of me gradually increased.

Even though there were only a dozen people sporadic at the beginning, there were already 20 or 30 people behind me, many of them with spiritual existence!

I took a look behind me, and then accelerated my speed and flew forward. At this moment, suddenly there were several flying swords in front of me, all of them shot at my door!

The rainbow umbrella in my hand swept away, and all of these flying swords were blown away from the original direction due to the strong wind. When the other party wanted to control the direction of the flying sword, I had already arrived in front of three spiritual realms.

"What a powerful baby, no wonder you can intercept our flying sword, but you must not be arrogant, now you have been in the plan, look behind you, today let you know the great formation of our Tianlu Dao Sword God!" One of them The fairy family in the spirit realm immediately pointed behind me and said loudly, "Summon the Sword God!"

"Which sword **** is not the sword god, let's give you a super large-scale flame sky thunder." I smiled, and immediately when they released the sword god's sword energy, they immediately summoned the fire and thunder spell. Released, this is currently the simplest compound spell for my semi-spiritualization.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and the sky, the earth, and the space were all trapped between the black thunder and fire attributes, not to mention the thousands of sword aura in the sword formation that were instantly shaken out of sight, even a group of them got close. The disciples were all blown up on the spot, and almost no one could resist the thunder and fire, including those three spiritual realms that didn't even groan, and all were blown up. Not only was he seriously injured, but even the wailing was exceptionally scary.

The remaining immortals flew back in a hurry, even if they were righteous people, they were not afraid of death.

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