Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6977: : Confluence

Of course, after I left, the rescue was of course indispensable, and it was considered more humane than the evil way, but I didn't have the desire to kill them all. I just want to tell this day that if Lu Dao invades Luomu Valley again, he will definitely kill without mercy.

While flying all the way, a group of immortals came to hear the news, but no one dared to approach me. Finally, when I arrived at a high-level dojo in Tianlu Road, when it seemed that there were mostly flat grounds in front of me, a great spiritual realm perfected. The fairy family stopped in front of me.

"Where is the sacred place, report the name." The fairy family is a middle-aged woman, besides her, there are several fairy families with mid-spiritual realm standing far behind her. As for the other disciples, they ran away. Far away, for fear of being hit by the pond fish.

With such a lineup, it is not wrong for Tianludao to claim that Yunmozhou is number one. After all, Tianludao is currently in a state of most elite expeditions, and the disciples of Shoushan are so powerful, one can imagine how the front line is.

"Lord Luomugu Valley, Dong Ren." I grinned at the corner of my mouth, looking at the other person's eyes widening in surprise.

"You are Dongren, the valley master of Luomugu? How could you be here? You shouldn't be here now..." The other party can be said to be taken aback. It stands to reason that I should be guarding Luomugu now instead of appearing here.

"You mean, I shouldn't be here now, then I'm going to ask you, why don't you disciples of Tianludao stay in Tianludao, and what do you do when you ran to me to make trouble in Luomugu?" I asked back.

"The righteous and evil forces are not at the same time, we are righteous to eliminate the evil, and the righteousness is right!" The other party said without hesitation.

"Haha, the evil way killed your parents? Killed your relatives and friends? Even if it was true, I just rebuilt in Luo Mugu, why did I provoke you?" I asked in return.

"Or not, but in the future it will definitely be a poisonous stamen in the evil way, and it will definitely harm the immortal family of Yunmozhou. It is better to cut and eradicate it while you are still in the buds!" The other party naturally has his own way of justification, otherwise neither Will be so stubborn.

"That seems to be nothing to say? You kill my innocent disciple of Luokugu, then can I also kill your disciple of Tianludao? Just like you kill my disciple of Luokugu, I will kill you all, until one side Until the end of the evil task?" The umbrella in my hand turned with the small movement of the hand. The opponent has a formation, and of course I also have my own means of coping.

"It seems that this world is so crazy and it is not unreasonable. If this is the case, then I will teach you a lesson. Today, none of the people in front of me will stay." My voice is like a deep secluded under the sea of ​​yellow springs. , Let all the disciples run farther.

"Sword formation!" The other party gave a soft cry, and then raised the big sword in his hand, and the magical sword blasted in the air!


The six-color umbrella in my hand immediately released the barrier, and instantly blasted against the big sword. The attacks of both sides disappeared in an instant. While the other party was surprised, it flew towards me at a swift speed, the blue long sword in my hand. With a touch of thunder, suddenly passed my eyes!

Lei Linggen's sword repair.

I muttered a silent sentence in my heart, and then I drew out the Thunder Sword Sword, and also drew it towards the opponent at a lightning speed!

"Junior arrogant!" The other party said coldly, and the sword immediately blasted with mine. Only a loud noise was heard. My other attributes burst out instantly, and six spiritual roots were coming, wind, fire, thunder and lightning. They all shot out with terrifying toxins!

The opponent was shocked and forced to retreat quickly by this tyrannical poison attribute. At this moment, all the disciples and the companions behind her also shot one after another, and countless sword auras and weapon tricks all shot at me!

I have no fear at all. I have faced such attacks thousands of times. My response is simple. I chase the most vicious dog and don't care about the remaining accomplices!

This trick really worked. If it's an evil way, they might want to stop beating themselves. After all, a dead daoist is not a poor dao, but the right way is different. They are afraid of hurting their own people, so I chase after the immortal family with the highest cultivation level. , The other immortals will inevitably throw the mouse bogey, even if they attack me, if they are about to hit their own people, they will decisively give up the attack!

Therefore, when chasing the opponent and slashing, all of them were too jealous, for fear that their leader would be killed by Chaos Sword by mistake.

But I attacked mercilessly, all kinds of swordsmanship are as fast as thunder, and the attack suppressed the ability of the spiritual realm in front of me to complete and have no resistance. I can only be passively suppressed. Even if I want to avoid it with speed, the result is just futile. , So this time my female opponent is already furious.

"What's the matter with you all!? Not only didn't stop him, but it was actually causing trouble!" The female fairy scolded angrily, for no reason. There were chaotic swords everywhere on her way to escape, and she blocked her retreat several times. , As a result, the attack hit her, all of which needed her to defend.

Although the cultivation base is high, no one can accept the chaotic cutting of swords indefinitely. I have Yang Shen Dan, a steady flow of mana, and poisonous gas erodes the opponent, the female fairy is simply affected by the enemy, and the mana consumption is huge.

After ten or so rounds, her mana had bottomed out, and she had to endure her life.

The female fairy did not dare to continue fighting with me, because in a short period of time, her mana was exhausted, and she was looking for death if she continued to fight, so the next moment, as a right way, she actually turned down and ran to the main dojo, and she couldn’t control the one behind her. Dismayed disciples and partners!

Although the disciples behind me pursued me without hesitation one by one, I was still very good at dealing with these shrimp soldiers and crabs. A thunder blasting technique blasted these people to the ground, and they were either burnt or blown off their hands, feet or body parts. It's horrible.

In the face of me, no one dared to approach easily. As a thunder-type sword repairer, the fairy ran very fast. She immediately used thunder escape and imperial swordsmanship at the same time, and rushed out all of a sudden. Of course, I was not far behind, and Ben Lei Dun and the Sword Master also used the same function, and the speed did not slow down, and it didn't take long to throw away a group of disciples far!

"Why? I'm done not eliminating evil? I'm an evil way, and I'm just an immortal family with perfect alchemy. You can't even kill me. What kind of big tail did you vowed to pretend just now?" I asked with a sneer.

"Master Dongrengu, I admit that I am not your opponent, but I can't tolerate your humiliation. I'm just evading my edge for the time being. If I recover, I will definitely challenge again!" the opponent said coldly.

"Leave a name, fortunately, we Luo Mugu announced that you would rather flee instead of fighting to death. How about the feat of the Dao?" I laughed and mocked, because I will let her escape again. Once I meet with their Dao Zun, I There will be one more powerful enemy.

The other party seemed to be extremely angry, and he really stopped, gritted his teeth and said: "To insult me ​​is to kill me, and fight forever!"

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