Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6981: :orphan

The giant sword, as one of the most stressed eyes at the front, collapsed within a short time after it was split. This also made the devilish energy of the great array more messy, and as the opening was opened, the devilish energy from The controllable rotation state has become a state where part of the pressure is decreasing, so that it will soon be poured into the gap opened by everyone!

It turned out that this main hall area existed as the final refuge, but now it has become a cage in the devil's energy, so that the Yaohuang girl was shocked and at a loss, or because she was young, she would not find a solution for a while. , She hurriedly asked a few elders who were protecting her.

Most of the old people were helpless and watched, and when the devil energy penetrated, a group of immortals were the first to be contacted, and the devil energy instantly turned into nothingness, but at this moment one of the old immortals woke up and watched. Seeing that the scene before him could not be reversed, he hurriedly shouted: "Yaohuang! Give up the big battle! Let the devilish lack of attraction to move up, or there is still a glimmer of life!"

"But! But if the enemy is attacking the city, if you give up the big formation, you will suffer more deaths and injuries. How can you?" Yaohuang was so anxious that his tears fell, and a group of old men looked at me who was still wandering outside and constantly attacking the big formation. It was another sigh of sigh, helpless helplessness.

"Can't let go of the big formation! We have to use the big formation to kill the pill demon!" A group of righteous immortal families clamored for a while.

Of course, most of them don't dare to say anything anymore. Seeing me keep attacking the formation, the sword formation is useless, and even restricted from launching attacks, each of these immortal families is suffering.

"Little girl, if the big formation here is destroyed, all the immortals in your entire big formation will inevitably be buried in the Mohai. How do you decide?" I asked, while smashing and attacking everywhere, the big formation's eyes gave I was battered and battered. Although it will heal soon, the price is high. After all, it is the formation stone here that prevents the devil energy from entering the battlefield.

Although Huang Long can still trouble me under the control of the girl, it depends on whether the demon qi matches or not when he wanders. I deliberately walk around the place where there is not much demon qi and attack. Huang Long can't do anything with me at all, because it is Protecting the mountains, it's okay to deal with a lot of enemies, but if I'm just a person, it can't help me at all.

I was even led to the barrier of the big formation, and directly blasted the wall of the big formation, causing the devilish energy to drive straight in, and many disciples died. This dangerous scene of Medicine Emperor has to be more cautious again. Don't even dare to get close to the wall.

This also gave me a lot of space attacks, and my consumption here is huge, but Yang Shendan is not a problem for me. As long as the consumption is right, it is nothing.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that this place is not Tongtian Mountain. Even if it attracts demon energy, this concentration is not pure Tongtian Mountain demon energy. At most, it is one-tenth of the effect. It is of course dangerous for ordinary disciples, but it is The Spirit Realm can still be carried through the exhaustion, otherwise it won't be the choice of protecting the mountain.

Seeing that I became more familiar with the outside environment, the immortal family inside was also embarrassed. Even though the immortal family hidden in the main hall is roughly tens of thousands, most of the immortal families live in Tianludao. In the jurisdiction, if the devilish energy is poured into the elite immortal family of ten thousand guard mountains, Tianlu Dao is also very difficult to accept, so the immortal family's mind will soon become active.

"Let's... let's retreat, organize an offensive outside, or report a report..." one of the immortals couldn't help saying.

"How can this work? If we withdraw, what will the disciples here do? We can escape, can they escape?" One of the immortal family with a sense of justice immediately refuted.

But the other party also argued for reasons: "The immortal family here is not elite. Only us immortal families above the spiritual realm should be retained for future decisive battles, so we should give up first here..."

"Give up? Give up what? The main hall is destroyed, how can we raise our heads in the future?" another fairy cried out.

"Well, if you want to keep it, just keep it. This immortal will go first! It's not that I'm afraid of death, but that there is a clear dead end. If I don't go, is it possible that this alchemy demon will be killed?" The other party said immediately. He gave up the big formation that continued to guard the Medicine Emperor, and directly escaped by taking advantage of an exit leak.

Seeing that the other party ran away so easily, several disciples also hurriedly followed out, but after only a short time, the two disciples were burnt out of sight.

But this couldn't stop everyone's desire to survive, because the escaped spirit realm really succeeded, so soon, the remaining immortal family's various reasons came out.

"I still have an orphan and a widow in my family. You must not save your life here! Goodbye!"

"Yaohuang, I'm sorry, you also know the situation of our Tianludao, we elites can't die anymore."

"Yes, I'm leaving now, Yaohuang nephew, you have to work harder!"

"Ah, I almost forgot, the pill that I usually refine, but is there anything that the immortal needs to take out? Medicine Emperor? Medicine Emperor?"

"Yao Huang, don't you hope that the superb pill that our sect has so easily refined is so gone?"

The little girl Yaohuang had never seen this cruel scene. Seeing the big house, she turned away from the big battle at the moment, and was stunned. After all, there were dozens of battles, even if they were broken, they should be able to last a while, but the people around you All the fellow Taoists didn't say goodbye, or turned around and wanted her medicine pill, which was maddening her.

Regardless of Zhengdao's usual politeness, the key is to run without ambiguity. After a while, the fairy house with the spirit realm will leave no one left!

But when the spirit realm was gone, there were thousands of non-spiritual disciples who were directly left behind, all of which were in her hands. What should she do to protect so many people?

When I saw her being so honest, I couldn’t help but smile and said, "Little girl, do you feel the malice in the heart of the human being? The spiritual realm of Tianludao directly abandoned you and waited here. All of the eyes collapsed, and the Xian Family in the entire hall area is afraid that they will bury Tian Lu Dao with you. Is this okay? Why not surrender now?"

"Shut up! I won't surrender to your evil ways even if I die!" The girl didn't know what to do with my provocation.

"Really? That's too bad. Look at this big formation. It's now a dead formation. Even if I don't continue to attack it, it will eventually collapse because of the devilish energy. Finally..." I instantly blasted away. After reaching the big formation, I quickly moved into the formation while holding an umbrella. At this time, no one could stop me.

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