Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6982: : Myrrh

I entered the large formation unscrupulously, and when I walked towards the Medicine Emperor holding an umbrella, I continued: "The last thousands of disciples below the spiritual realm were all destroyed by the corrosion of devil energy, including you. The immortal family of the spirit realm who has left will most likely tell you Dao Zun that you sacrificed for the sect. As for them, you have done your best. Finally, you have been commended, and they are the same, but you are dead and they are alive. "

"You shut up! I don't believe this! They went out to crusade you, the pill demon, you are all bad guys in Luomugu! All evil ways!" Yao Huang was very angry, but he also doubted whether what I said could be fulfilled. .

Facing me into the big formation, a group of immortals dare not attack me, because even the spiritual realm can’t do anything about me. They will definitely not be able to go down in the alchemy realm, let alone some aristocratic children. They all hid far behind and shivered, watching the demonic energy rush to the top, and the big array began to become unstable.

"Is it a bad guy? Then these ten thousand people are dead, what is it to me? I just watched them without helping me. I'm a bystander at best, but you should actually be the most evil person, right? ?" I asked rhetorically.

"Ah? Why am I an evil person? You obviously attacked us that made us fall into such a dangerous situation!" Yao Huang couldn't help refuting.

"Hehe, it looks like this at first glance, but if it weren’t for your Tianludao attacking us, Lumugu first, why would I appear here? And I’m here, just for you Dao Sovereign, he just needs to put his neck Pass it out and give me a knife, and the matter will be solved. I will not kill you one more, but you have overreacted and even called the Demon Qi Array and Huanglong. Now the result is uncontrollable and you are going to die. Is it possible to blame me Huh?" I asked back.

"You!" Yao Huang walked in for me, and for a while, he didn't know what to say to refute me, so he could only gritted his teeth and said, "You devil!"

"The devil also depends on who is concerned. You can't save people by yourself, and kill them all. I have hatred with you and watch them. At most it is a mischief, but you are really unable to get revenge, and you are wrong. To die with myself and a group of immortals, I feel ashamed for you to say it. If you say it, don't others laugh like you?" I smiled and came to the little girl, holding an umbrella and looking at her with a lot of fun.

The girl was speechless, and at this time, because the big formation could not bear the heavy pressure, crackling one by one, seeing the devilish energy may be suppressed at any time, the girl was anxiously scorched, and hurriedly controlled Huanglong up to the sky, it seemed Want to take away the devil here.

However, the emergency plan seems to be useless anymore. Those spiritual realms are still controlled by someone, but since they are gone, it is tantamount to leaving the little girl in a desperate situation. Therefore, to change this situation now, I am afraid that other methods must be used.

As the battle eyes gradually collapsed, the entire battle wall was compressed into a shape that was wide on both sides and short in the middle. This was precisely because of the pressure brought by Huanglong's upward movement.

"Look, who dares to get close to your eye area here? Once it collapses, you are likely to bear the brunt. Since they don't want to save you, you really want to save these righteous hypocrites? Do you think they should all be rescued? Is it?" I asked.

The girl had nothing to do. She watched the sky and kept her tears from streaming down. She gritted her teeth and said: "What do you know, since I am the right way, I must save them here! This is all because I want to start this big battle, so I want to Save them in any way you can!"

"Even if you make them think you are not sorry for your death?"

"Yes! I don't care what they think of me or how they betray me, I made this mistake, and I can take it all by myself!"

"I have a way to save them."

"What? Do you have?" The girl hurriedly looked at me.

I glanced around, and then said: "There should be, but if you say you are willing to die, then I will save them, and you will go with me, are you willing?"

"What do you want me to do?" The girl felt vigilant in her heart.

"Since you are willing to die, what do you want to do so much? Wouldn't it be okay for you to treat yourself as dead and disappear completely?" I asked back.

She thought for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and said: "Yes! But you save them first, and since they are dead, even if you can be humiliated and humiliated, I only do this when I am dead! And if you want me to do anything I will also not do things that go against my conscience and morals and against my will, because I am also dead!"

I am amused by this girl’s determined words, which can be regarded as a manifestation of her desire to survive, but I still asked: "What if you survive one day?"


With a loud noise, the big formation broke again, and several low-level immortals who wanted to find their way directly burned the devilish energy that rushed in.

"You save me first!" The girl became anxious again.

"They are looking for death by themselves, what can I do? Anyway, even if you are a dead person, you have to tell me your name, right?" I laughed.

Seeing that I was not in a hurry, the girl almost did not cry, and said loudly, "My name is Mei Yao!"

"Myrrh? There is no medicine? The medicine emperor is myrrh?" I was surprised and almost couldn't help laughing, but the girl was already trembling and cold, and gritted her teeth and said: "The rose is a beautiful stone! Take the beauty of jade." The meaning of medicine! If you don't save people, I'll be dead, oooooooo!"

"Go, save now, I will save people, what are you doing so loudly?" I think she is really anxious, so I don't embarrass her. I originally planned to punish some righteous disciples who are afraid of running away for fear of death. But now it’s important to keep the little girl first. It’s already a bit overwhelmed here. Of course, in order to save people, I have to ask one thing clearly, so I said: "Where is the main battle?"

"Just...right under your feet!" Mei Yao cried and said.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" I chuckled, and then the umbrella in my hand plunged into the eyes in an instant, and then a steady stream of power poured into it.

Not to mention, the energy consumed by this big array is really huge, and it drew a lot of the Yang Shen Dan power from my body in an instant. I had to swallow a few more goat **** eggs with various attributes, and forcibly poured the energy into it. To enter it, at least hold the big array first.

"Your power... how can this big formation be used... how is it possible? Are you the body of six spiritual roots?" Mei Yao asked hurriedly.

"Why didn't you say it so much energy?!" I didn't answer directly, but felt that this huge array was so expensive, and instantly drew out the amount of a Yangshen Pill.

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